does instant oatmeal work?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by tracilynn, Jul 16, 2010.

  1. tracilynn

    tracilynn Well-Known Member

    The main ingredient is rolled oats ? I thought I read somewhere that the instant ones would not increase supply and to use "old fashioned rolled oats" not the same? anyone know?
  2. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I ate instant oats all the time when I pumped. I was getting two 8 oz medela sized bottles out of each breast everytime I pumped by week three,so about 32 ounces total. Maybe there's a difference, but it didn't affect me.
  3. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    The real rolled oats work, not the instant stuff because of the sodium content in it.
  4. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I ate oatmeal as well. It didnt work on me. I have a question. This is the first time I heard somebody could get 16oz from each breast. I only can get 5-13oz every pumping section. Could you tell me what you did?? Now, I only have like 35-40oz/day. My kids eat way too much
  5. foxynursejo

    foxynursejo Member

    I think the sodium in the instant oats and also because they dehydrate it to make it "instant". The fluids in oatmeal really help.

    I don't pump too often, I only work about 32 hours a month, and I pump every three hours there. I only get 3 oz per side (rarely 4 at the most). My twins are 7 months old. I guess I'm just a lousy pumper.
  6. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I'm going to say it's genes. I did nothing to promote milk production besides drinking plenty of fluids and trying to eat as healthy as I could and not skipping meals. I pumped every three hours, even during the night, for the first 6 weeks. After I went back to work, I pumped four times during the day (before work, during work, as soon as I got home, before bed) then pumped whenever the girls would get up for an additional feeding. I just think I was blessed with good genes as far as milk production is concerned.
  7. Username

    Username Well-Known Member

    If you are eating instant oatmeal because you need something quick maybe this will help.

    Rather than cook your oatmeal soak it in milk or yogurt overnight. I use a combo of quick oats and steel cut oats (sometimes I add groats also). Just take the amount of oats you want to eat, add the milk or yogurt and then add some fruit (strawberries, blueberries, chopped up peaches, etc) and let it sit all night. In the morning it will be ready to eat.

    If you are eating instant because you like the sweetness then add some sweetened fruit instead.
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  8. stephsoss

    stephsoss Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the tip! I'm going to put some oats in yogurt right now!

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