Does anyone who is down to one nap do a "noon time " nap and lunch after nap?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Momto1now3, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Momto1now3

    Momto1now3 Well-Known Member

    Our twins are 20 months old and have been down to one nap for some time now. They usually wake around 7 and I get them up at 7:30ish and then they have breakfast. They have a snack around 10 and then lunch around 12ish and then down for a nap. After nap they have a snack (usually around 3ish by the time they go to sleep and get up), then they have supper around 5-5:30 and a snack around 7:30 and then to be at 8. I am trying to figure out if I need to do a schedule adjustment. Let me expain why. It appears, by the way they act that they get tired aroun 11 - 11:30. They are really whiny and clingy. Of course most of the time I can get them distracted but they, especially dd, has meltdown easily. When they finish with lunch and are put down for a nap it takes forever for them to get to sleep. (like 45 minutes to an hour sometimes) Sometimes they are fussing sometimes just messing around. I often wonder if they have gotten past the "sleepy" time. When they do get to sleep they sleep for about an hour and a half. I might be thinking this through to much. We have wanted to push their supper back some because right now I feed the three kids and then my dh gets home around 6:30 and we tend to eat after they go to bed around 8:30ish. I have a friend that has a singleton who gets up around 7, has a morning snack, takes a nap around 11:30ish and then has lunch when she gets up. I am not sure if she has an afternoon snack or not, but has supper with the family and then doesn't require a snack (drink only) before bedtime. I believe she goes to bed around 7:30ish. I was thinking if I tried this schedule it would give them a chance to rest earlier, when the whiney time seems to be and then we could try eating supper together with dh and have storytime and a drink snack before bed(rather than a food and drink snack). Anyway, does anyone do this type schedule, does it work or am I crazy for considering it? THANKS FOR READING!!!
  2. Emerald

    Emerald Well-Known Member

    We did with M&T, and we do with Aisley now.
    A seems to get tired between 11 and 12:30, depending on how her day is going. Her schedule is as follows:
    7:30-8 AM wake up, change diaper and breakfest. Snack 10:30-11 am.
    Nap 11-12:30 start and ends between 2:30-3:30 depending on how tired she is, and if we have to pick up M&T from pre-K. Snack 3-3:45 for all three kids. Dinner is then at 5-5:30. Bath time at 6:30 and bed time is 7:15-7:45PM. The two snack bracketing her nap seem to work very well for her, and her growth has been great.
    M&T did a similar schedule when they went to one nap a day around 10 months until they gave up naps entirely almost three. It works (and worked) well for us.
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Instead of moving the nap, why don't you feed them lunch earlier. We did lunch anytime after 11:15 and then nap right after lunch. I then got a 3-4 hour nap out of them.
  4. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Our schedule is similar but we do lunch at 11:00ish, nap at 12:30. They get a light snack around 9:30. Mine also get really cranky right before lunch, but lunch seems to push them through till nap. When we first switched to one nap though, they went down at 10:30 and had lunch when they woke (1:30-2:00). You could try it either way and see what works for you.
  5. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    My girls are 20 months also, and we do lunch at @11:00, and nap at 12. We just switched to toddler beds, so our naps have been pushed back to @12:30. They generally sleep until 2:30 and then have a light snack with milk when they awake at 3pm.

    Good luck
  6. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    We do! Our girls really seem to start getting tired around 11-11:30am, so we usually go ahead and put them down for a nap and then end up doing lunch somewhere around 2-3pm. I know it's weird, but that's what works for us. At daycare they have lunch at 12 and nap at 1-1:30, but they also usually only sleep for an hour there! If they take a nap around 11am at home, they are usually in there for 2-3 hours, and it just works out the best for them.
  7. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    When we first switched to one nap, they were going down at 11:30. They ate breakfast about 8, lunch at 11 (I made sure it was ready and they were at the table at 11) then a meal type snack at 3/3:30 (made sure they had a protein, carb and fruit) then dinner with the family between 5:30 and 6 and bed at 7. They eventually needed a shorter nap and now they eat between 11:30 and 12 and go down between 12:30 and 1. Do whatever works for your kiddos!
  8. Momto1now3

    Momto1now3 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the responses. I might give it a try and see what happens. They have been on one nap for a long time. They switched close to their one year birthday, maybe a few months after. The current situation just started happening not to long ago. The friend that I mentioned in my original post mentioned her schedule and I got to thinking about it. They seem to get tired around 11/11:30, but definatley have a second wind by 1ish when they have had lunch and go down for a nap. I really wonder if that is what is taking them so long to go to sleep. I am not catching them at the right time. They are currently going to be at 8 (in bed at that time). I have a feeling that if I move nap up that they nap their bedtime might need to move up also. They are sleeping about 1.5 hours now. Way back when, when we first went to 1 nap they did like 3 hours, but it slowly changed. 1.5 hours isn't horrible by any means, I just want to make sure they are getting what they need, because they often wake up fussy too. I guess I won't know until I try it. Thanks!
  9. hellybelly

    hellybelly Well-Known Member

    We used to do that. It seems like ages ago, but I think we did about 2 hours from around 10.30 and then fed them when they woke up.

    Do whatever works best for you.
  10. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    I'm glad I'm not the only one whose kidos get an early lunch!
    We're up at 6/6:30 (what an improvement!!! woo hoo!)
    7am breakfast
    11am lunch
    12pm nap
    snack around 2:30/3pm
    5pm dinner
    7pm bed (with cup of milk beforehand).

    Hubby is not home until 6:30 and that's too late for us to eat (including me). So, right now, we don't eat as complete family. I eat with the boys.
  11. Stacy1976

    Stacy1976 Well-Known Member

    yup we do it. We feed after the nap because we eat dinner later. We do b-fast and snack then nap and then lunch and dinner.
  12. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    We do. We take nap and have lunch afterward so the girls can have lunch with Nana. (We get up at 8 eat at 9 snack at 11 then nap lunch at 2 snack at 4 supper at 7 bed at 9)
  13. Marian

    Marian Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Emerald:
    We did with M&T, and we do with Aisley now.
    A seems to get tired between 11 and 12:30, depending on how her day is going. Her schedule is as follows:
    7:30-8 AM wake up, change diaper and breakfest. Snack 10:30-11 am.
    Nap 11-12:30 start and ends between 2:30-3:30 depending on how tired she is, and if we have to pick up M&T from pre-K. Snack 3-3:45 for all three kids. Dinner is then at 5-5:30. Bath time at 6:30 and bed time is 7:15-7:45PM. The two snack bracketing her nap seem to work very well for her, and her growth has been great.
    M&T did a similar schedule when they went to one nap a day around 10 months until they gave up naps entirely almost three. It works (and worked) well for us.

    Much the same here already :) I just go with the flow. If they seem like they are tired, I give them a nap or time to rest in their cribs. Wake-up, eating and bedtime are all generally all around the same time...the rest just goes by what they do.
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