Does anyone use portable high chairs for everyday?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rheamay, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    Me and DH are at our wits end with the brothers pushing back with their feet and tipping their chairs during meals. Right now we have the Fisher Price space savers (which I have loved). Currently we have a very small dining room and so there is something behind them when they push off (ie: the wall or the couch) so they haven't gotten hurt...yet. But we are moving soon and will have a big dining room with nothing to "catch" them when they tip. So we were thinking of those portable seats that attach to the table. Then they can't push off...kwim?

    Has anyone used them for everyday? How did it go? Any recommendations on a brand? So far, I kinda like this Regalo one, or this Zooper one. the price diff is big, but I can't really see the underside of the Regalo and I have about a 2 inch lip under my dining table. So not sure if it will fit.

    So anyways...any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks! :D
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    The only one I've ever seen IRL is the Chicco, but my friends totally loved it. But their son is just a bit over 2, and he is mostly sitting in a kid-sized regular chair now. I don't know if he outgrew the Chicco, or just got impatient with not being able to get up & down when he wanted to. At your kids' age I think that might be a problem. Amy & Sarah can climb up into their own booster seats, which is great, but we still have to get them down, and they get extremely impatient with us while they're waiting.
  3. kstar

    kstar Well-Known Member

    I have always used the ones that latch on the table, the chicco ones that PP mentioned. I never had highchairs because my kitchen is too small to fit two. I used them from the time they were 6 months old until recently I switched to booster that strap on the regular chairs and the girls now push themselves away from the table all the time. I should not have switched I loved the chairs that hook on the table and never had a problem with them, I don't know why I didn't just keep them. <_<
  4. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    I have the Regalo chair for traveling and LOVE it. It has come in handy so many times. My girls also like to push off with their feet and I feel more comfortable using these chairs over boosters. I also haven't found a table that it won't fit on. The underside is a lot like the other chair your looking at. Target carries the Regalo chair in stock so it would be easy to return if it didn't work for any reason. HTH
  5. TTTSMiracleMom

    TTTSMiracleMom Well-Known Member

    I used these for a long time. I liked them, but eventually my escape artists figured out how to get out. They were really sturdy and well secured to my table. I liked that I could take them outside and hose them down, too.

    Chicco High Chairs
  6. Tivanni

    Tivanni Well-Known Member

    I've heard the Chicco ones were great and considered getting them a while back, until I realized my two were too close to the max weight requirements to make it worthwhile.

  7. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    I bought the Regalo chairs for travel (thanks to Trish!) and they were fabulous. There were only a couple of times that we couldn't get them to fit on a table. The only downside we had was if it was a messy meal - you really have to hose them off. Mashed potatoes and pasta are guarantees for that process. I stopped using them when we went out and just use regular highchairs now, even though they are nasty germy things.

    We still use the Fisher Price seats/trays. If I take off the tray and push DS up to the table, he tries to push/tip himself back. I'm worried that he'll flip over, so he gets scooted back and his tray put back on.
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