Does anyone have an overly dramatic child?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mandylouwho, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    Connor is a VERY OVERLY dramatic boy. Everything "Hurts" everything is the end of the world. WHen he is playing and falls its no big deal...but he so much as hits his finger on the couch and its rolling around on the floor "OW OW OW OW MOMMY!!" At first I used to check him to make sure he was actually ok. Im sure hes doing this for attention but its getting out of hand.

    Today at the store he got so upset that I would not buy him something that he (as toddlers do) threw himself on the ground. After I picked him up, squeezed his arm and told him to MOVE, he did, and proceeded to throw himself into my legs and insist that"I carry you". I was pushing a cart with 9000 things plus a baby, there was no way I could carry him. He dragged himself the whole way to checkout...screaming...all the way to the car, and refused to sit in his seat etc.

    I knew he was getting tired, and I understand that you upset easier when you are tired, but he gets SO rediculous.

    He is IMPOSSIBLE at night. Sean never acts like this...and I wonder how common this is. I know all kids are different, but I wonder if there is an underlying issue.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hmmm, mine are not as old as your boys but I do have a dramatic child. Sophia will cry at the drop of hat, overreact to the slightest thing (you talk loud, she thinks your yelling and cries). I am not sure if she will stay this way as she gets older but I can't help but wonder if it's because she thinks she does not get enough attention due to being a twin...
  3. hezza12

    hezza12 Well-Known Member

    One of my sons is super dramatic, too.. he's not as old as your son, but I could see him growing into the same sort of kid. When he cries, it's like he's completely devastated- he looks and sounds so incredibly distraught, even if it's only because we have stopped reading a book or his brother has a toy he wants (for that second).
    On the upside, when he's happy, he's VERY happy, and his giggles are THE BEST.
  4. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    We prefer the word passionate or spirited, lol. Let's put it this way, at 7 (almost 8) the girls brawled (I mean BRAWLED) at the check out line a few days ago because they BOTH wanted to put the cantelope in the bag. EVERYONE was staring, I swear I wanted to crawl under a rock. Mine are very competitive and every thing is always a race. I know its not the same as what you are saying, but they have done that when they were younger as well.
  5. momofmandb

    momofmandb Well-Known Member

    I don't have a little one that's overly dramatic, but my 7 year old daughter is!!!! Anymore if she is carrying on or crying about something that doesn't necesitate the amount of drama she is displaying I will tell her she is more than welcome to behave like that in her room otherwise she must stop. I know it doesn't work that way at that age, but at home you could use a timeout for that type of behavior.
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Yes! I have a 'spirited' child. Always has been. It is just her personality!
  7. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :wavey: Another one with an overly dramatic boy. :rolleyes: If he's tired he will cry for hours! Okay, it seems like hours but for a long time. Even after his naps, if he hasn't had enough sleep, he'll be a drama king. Plus, like you mentioned, he'll cry if he hits his hand on couch, wall, just sitting there and he feels like it. I think it's normal... or at least I hope it is. :unsure:
  8. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think every family has a wimp, and Joey is mine. At a play place, Ellie got run over by someone 2x her size. She got up and kept going. Joey got bumped into and knocked down by someone 1/2 her size and it was the end of the world. A better word would be my sensitive soul. She's very stubborn, too.

    Right now Joey is in her room until she's done crying because she took the DVD out that Annie still wanted to watch...Joey insisted it was over. She got all bent out of shape. It's a carryover from 15 minutes ago when she brought me the box of graham crackers and I told her no. Before I could finish my thought--there is an open pack on the table she could have gotten--she was pitching a fit and crabbing on the floor. I kept telling her that when she was ready to listen I would tell her how to get a snack, but she's so very stubborn.

    Annie is the drama queen. She is just so expressive you have to laugh at her!
  9. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    BOTH of my kids are drama hounds...I knew Abby would be from the time she was in utero (I have an u/s pic of her with her hand across her forehead) and no matter what part of his body he bumps, Ian needs his toe kissed - he could slam his head into the wall and his toe hurts and he cries until you kiss it!
  10. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    My boys are only 18 months but I have a drama prince too. As soon as he's old enough I'm enrolling him in community theatre!!
  11. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    My DD is super dramatic too. It DRIVES me NUTS!!!!! I have a feeling that DS is going to be that way also. Hes only a year.. But when he is doing something wrong and i tell him No.. He cries!!! and then comes over gets a hug and goes back and does it again.. :rolleyes:

    Anyhow.. DD likes to throw herself on the ground, kick, scream, yell, hit... Always thinks she is sick.. blah blah blah.. The list goes on.. I thnk its fairly normal, but it feels like you are the only one..

  12. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    My kids are much younger that yours but this is my experience:

    Jackson is very dramatic and Jacob typically is not. I think that Jack does have some problems with sensory integration and acts out as a result of how too much "life" at once makes him feel. He doesn't cope very well at all. Jacob has tantrums but his never last more than 10 seconds.

    We were referred to an occupational therapist by EI and our ped, but insurance denied. I am struggling with the ins co now.

    Just wanted to offer some :hug99: and let you know you are certainly not alone.

    Good luck!!
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