Does anyone have a double stroller to recommend?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by brynclaire, Aug 23, 2009.

  1. brynclaire

    brynclaire Member

    Hi I am expecting twins boys in Jan and just begining to look for stuff for them. Does anyone have any strollers to recommended? My husband and I are torn between the side by side or back to back. Just want to make sure I get the right one that they boys can grow with. Thanks
  2. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    I would go with the double snap and go to start off with and then wait till your kids are moving out of their car seats until you buy another stroller. It is great because it is light and very easy to use.

    I went through a lot of strollers and wish I hadn't wasted money buying my duo glider. I found that I prefer my side-by-side umbrella stroller (Jeep) for every day errands and getting in and out of the car. It was pretty cheap and has held up great.

    If you are a jogger I love my BOB Revolution. It is pricey but I have used it pretty much every day for the last couple of years.
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I think starting out you will want a double snap n go or a graco duoglider-something that you can snap the carseats in and go with. We had the Duoglider and the boys got sick of sitting one behind the other. So, we ended up getting a Combi Twin Savvy (Twin Sport) to get around and about it. Its nice lightweight SBS. We did splurge and get a Valco Twin Trimode with a toddler attachment since I needed something to contain my then 2 YO. So that is the stroller we use the most now. GL with your search.
  4. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    I used and loved the double snap and go and love my Baby Jogger City series double. It folds very flat and is super easy to push and manuever.
    Good luck
  5. sfried93

    sfried93 Well-Known Member

    I LOVE my Double snap n go and then we have the Combi side by side stroller for when they are about 6 months or so. I will tell you if I like that one in about 3 months or so.
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  6. MelinaS79

    MelinaS79 Well-Known Member

    I also can't sing enough praises for the double snap-n-go. We have a Graco DuoGlider. We LOVE it! After they're out of their infant seats the stroller is still great for when you're at the mall, at the zoo, the fair, whatever, and you need the storage at the bottom and the tray up front. For SBS we were given the Jeep sport something or other (its Turquoise and black) umbrella stroller. I like it ok, its great for quick trips into the store and for everyday use, but if I were going to choose again I would pick a side-by-side jogging stroller. :) Heck, I still may. :D
  7. reichvt4l

    reichvt4l Active Member

    As PP, I'd also highly recommend Double Snap-N-Go. Not only is it light-weight, but folds down to a manageable size! I wish I had never bought my Graco Duo-Glide--even though it says it fits 2 infant seats, it was really a tight squeeze.

    Now that my LO's are out of their infant seats, we use a Chicco SBS stroller for around town and in/out of daycare. We also have a BOB Revolution for our off-roading adventures and jogs around the neighborhood.

    GL with your decision!
  8. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We used the DSNG also and loved it!! But I switched to the combi twin SBS at 3 months old, and I love it even more!! :D Seats recline individually, has individual sunshades, has 3 cup/snack holders on it....but best of all it's lightweight and folds fairly small, easy to get in and out of my Yukon! Love it!
  9. angs241

    angs241 Well-Known Member

    We also used the double snap and go for the first 6 months. Loved it and would recommend it. It's a little long, but your going to get that with that type of stroller. We graduated, just yesterday, to the Baby Trend Expedition Jogger. Going on our first trip to the zoo tomorrow, but so far, I'm in love with it.
  10. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I'm going to be honest. There is pretty much no way you are going to have just ONE stroller. I got the DuoGlider thinking it was the only stroller I needed. It was, for the first 6 months. Then I realized that for walks it was just too heavy. We then got a Schwinn jogger (which I LOVE for outdoor things) but it's too wide to ALWAYS fit through stores. We managed to make do with the DuoGlider until about 20 months when I needed something that folded smaller for a 12 hr drive alone to my parents. Becasquared was nice enough to give me her Jeep SBS and although I like how easy it is to get the boys in/out and how light it is, my boys now step on the middle wheel or lean forward to touch the wheels b/c it's only a 3 pt harness. My garage is now overrun with strollers and I put a new one in depending on what we are doing during the day. Most often though, I bring the DuoGlider.

    After all that, I will agree with everyone above. Get the double SNG and if you love the front/back get a Graco Quattro Tour (better construction than DuoGlider). If not, go with the Combi...the snack trays will come in very handy for years! If you are willing to spend the $$$, my dream stroller is the CityMini!
  11. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    double snap and go is great....when we go out out (not running errands) or need something all-terrain, we use our bumbleride indie twin. expensive but amazing.
  12. brynclaire

    brynclaire Member

    Thanks everyone. I did register for the snap and go knowing that would be the best. I also register for the a Combi side by side for when they are older and need a light weight stroller. Thanks again for all your help.
  13. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    Snap and Go is a must. I also have a side by side jogger for walks, beach, etc. I bought a used DuoGlider and found that I prefer my side by side Combi more. It's so lightweight. I think it's personal preference. Try them out in the store and see what you think.
  14. beachbum

    beachbum Active Member

    We love our baby jogger city mini double for the car, and our Mountain Buggy Urban double for walks occasional jogs and the beach.
  15. lromansky

    lromansky Well-Known Member

    Here is my 2 cents:

    1) Double Snap & Go - I have this and it's great for the infant seats but it's like an enormous bus to take out on a walk or go anywhere with. It's perfect though for when they are really little and you don't want to take them out of the carseat. But now my guys are about 5 months (3 months adjusted) and it's really heavy and awkward to maneuver around so I don't use it much...

    In fact, I was out & about with it about a month & a half ago (when my guys were 3.5 months old, but 1.5 adjusted age) and I saw another couple with the Maclaren Twin Triumph at BabysRus with twins that looked to be about the same size as mine. I questioned her and in fact, they were only a pound bigger than mine but she said she'd been using the Twin Triumph since birth and never had a Double Snap & I immediately put my Twin Triumph together, which is my 2nd recommendation...

    2) Twin Triumph - I'm using this now the majority of the time. I really like it, the babies seem to like it... it's pretty light weight, easy to close and maneuver around. It's good for the malls and in & out of places...but not really great for excercise or outdoorsy things b/c of the plastic wheels and the way the babies are

    3)I have The Bob Revolution Dualie... I JUST put this together and LOVE IT. This is great for outdoors, excercise...even indoors. But it's heavier than the MacLaren Twin Triumph.

    So bottom line - I say skip the Snap & Go and get the Twin Triumph (for indoors, quick ins & outs) and Bob Revolution Dualie for outdoor walks/runs/events.

    That's what I would do. The Snap & Go to me was a waste.
  16. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    I used the snap and go for the first 5 months but then your babes will get to long and it will be to tight of a fit. I now use the BOB Revolution and love it. I have to travelle alot for doctors appointments and find it easy to get in and out of the van and it fits good in the back hatch with the quick release wheels removed. I also love the fact that no matter where you are on the beach, in grass, dirt, hills, etc. the bob always has a nice smooth ride.
  17. divababy

    divababy Well-Known Member

    I skipped the snap n go and used my phil and teds vibe from birth. I love it and put 2-5+ miles a day on it
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