Does anyone else have one late walker?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Fran27, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I just can't help feeling so sad for DD.... DS is really starting to walk now (wobbly but he can), and I've started playdates with another twin mommy with 15 month olds who walk all over, and DD is stuck in her stroller... and probably will be for several more months (she has physical therapy to get her feet flat and can't stand unassisted as she's always on her toes). So all the kids are walking around (DS too, although he's not going far), and she's stuck in the stroller... it makes me feel awful.

    It's even harder as it's starting to be really nice out and it really limits what we can do...

    Anyone else in the same situation?
  2. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    Yup. One of mine was over 3 months behind.
    Now my slow walker is talking circles around her sister and the fast walker is in speach therapy. Guess I should not have worried so much, but it's hard!
    Hope everything gets worked out!
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :hug: I'm sure the PT will help her get moving. Almost 14 months isn't really 'late' walking. :hug: When you go out though, just bring a blanket so she can get on the ground and play with the others!
  4. maurahursh

    maurahursh Well-Known Member

    I have one doing the Frankenstein walk and the other is still a crawler. I do feel bad, but when I watch them play they don't seem to notice. Jackson gets to his destination when he gets there. It does not phase him. They play w/ other walkers in the toddler rooms at school and what I noticed is that the other walkers will crawl around Jackson. It is kinda cute. :wub:
  5. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    My boys didn't walk until 14/15 months. They took their first steps at 14, but didn't walk for several more weeks. I like the idea of putting a blanket out for her to play on.
  6. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Yes! Karina walked at 15 months, and then we had Kevan in physical therapy, and he finally started walking at 19 months. It made it hard to be outside or go to parks, etc. -- but we got lucky because this was mostly over the winter.

    It felt like he would *never* walk -- but have faith! It will happen eventually!
  7. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    B walked at 12 months, and H is still not walking. I just talked to her pediatrican yesterday and she said she is still in the "normal" range. H will stand on her own, and cruise, but not take a step. Starting about 2 weeks ago the weather started getting real nice, and I couldn't stand being inside, so we all go out in the backyard and play. I just put some "not so favorite" clothes on H and let her crawl all over the backyard, and watch that she doesn't put anything in her mouth. It makes me cringe, crawling on the dirt like that, but she absolutely loves it. There is no way she would tolerate being buckled into something, or carried while her sister and big brother run around out there for hours. (We are on our way to 16 months old)
  8. babymOmmax2

    babymOmmax2 Well-Known Member

    Totally feel you! I want nothing more than to be able to take the kids to the park & let them freely walk around and play. The twins are in EI, so I'm hoping that with PT, the ball will get moving shortly. Hoping the same for you!
  9. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Chloe has been walking for over a month, but Syndey just started walking last week :shok:!
    So yes....we did have late walkers!!!
    I just had to remember that everyone learns at their own pace :)
  10. bennysusie

    bennysusie Active Member

    Natalie didn't start walking until she was 15.5 months and had taken her first steps a few months prior. Jessie took her first steps at 16 months and officially started walking on the day she turned 17 months. It was hard seeing kids so much younger than mine walking, now I am worried about speech. So as soon as you put one worry behind you another one pops up. I guess that is parenting for you...worry...worry!
  11. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    My girls still aren't walking. They will be 16 months next week, but they were 30 weekers. I keep thinking they are close, but no steps yet.
  12. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    Yep, my DS is in pt for torticollis (weak neck muscle) and high muscle tone and is cruising fine and has taken one or two steps (although my husband calls this falling with style) and meanwhile my DD is running circles around him and has been since 11/12 mo. But the ped and the pt both say it's not time to worry unless it's past I'm not, I am confident he will do it in his own time. It does limit your options but by the end of the summer you'll be chasing both of them and so will I! :) All in their own time, they are all different;) (I say all this but yes deep down I always worry about my DS, he was behind in everything so far while DD just sprints ahead....we'll see who talks first....)
  13. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    ds walked at 13 months and dd didn't walk until at least 18 months. They do just fine. I think it made ds a little protective of his sister and he would bring her things and do things for her. It never seemed to bother dd.
  14. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Jackson walked at about 13 months, Jacob started at 14 months. Honestly, once Jack started walking, Jacob was faster on his hands & knees than Jackson was on his feet. He didn't seem the least bit frustrated. I actually wished he had more interest. Today, Jacob is running all over the place, just as well as, if not better than his brother.

    I am sure she will be fine-- she will walk in time. And as long as you can figure a way to engage her, I am sure she will enjoy the many other aspects of her experiences interacting with others and her environment until she learns to walk. Nonetheless, I can relate with your anxiety and concern at the fact that she isn't walking just yet.
  15. belinda07

    belinda07 Well-Known Member

    My DD had the same problem, tippy toes all the way. DD was walking at 12 .5mths and dd walked at about 14 mths. Once she got down off her tip toes. She also has flat feet.
  16. caryanne07

    caryanne07 Well-Known Member

    We're in the same boat, except that we know Ben won't walk til he's 3 or 4 (if we're lucky). Ben has CP and is very delayed. He can army-crawl to get around but that's it. Daniel has been walking for about 6 weeks now.

    At this point, we're hopeful that Ben will crawl on hands and knees by summer and hopefully be better at sitting. We're also hoping that he'll be somewhat proficient at using a walker by then. But we're not sure how long that will take.

    So, no, you're not alone. And yes, it does make things very difficult.
  17. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Yep. I had an 8 month gap between when Bea started walking and Ainsley. Ainsley didn't walk till just before she turned 19 months. It was tough, and she got HEAVY!
  18. ejradcliffe

    ejradcliffe Well-Known Member

    I have two late walkers...Claire just started walking at 16.5 months (3 days after she was accepted into EI for PT!). Colin has Down syndrome, so we knew he'd be a late walker. My oldest DS walked at 11 months but my older DD walked at 18 months, so I wasn't too worried about Claire being late. She's been walking 2 weeks and is doing awesome! She's willing and able to go anywhere, all over inside and outside...I think she waited until she knew she could do it really well!

    Like other pp's have said, she is protective of Colin, but they still play well together with him sitting or crawling and her walking around. We were told with Colin that it's great that he's a twin because he'd have a constant model, and it's true. He really watches her getting around and is fascinated by it. I think it will motivate him to move more. But we've also completely accepted that they are different kids and they'll each do things in their own time... they'll all get there!
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