Doctors.... really?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JoellePotter, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    I get so easily irritated at the pediatricians we have to see here in California. In Hawaii, for the well baby appointments we ALWAYS saw the same doctor that had known the boys since the day they were born (she worked in the NICU, but had to do "rounds" in pediatrics). Anytime they were sick we would see whoever was available, sometimes her, sometimes not. Now we are in California (moved for the Navy) and I swear these doctors drive me crazy. They never read over the boys files and I feel like I'm having to repeat their whole history over and over.

    Today we had their 18 month well baby appointment. The doctor walks in (after nurse has weighed them and all) and tells us how the boys aren't even on the charts for their weight... Uhhhhh hello, they were nearly 3 months premature. Why does she not know this? Does she not read the files at ALL? Then she asks if they had to spend anytime in the ICU. "Yes, they spent nearly 3 months in the NICU." "Why did they spend time in the NICU?" "Because they were 3 months early!" I wanted to continue on and say "What 29 weekers go immediately home?" And she kept telling me that they should have lung issues, etc if they spent time in the NICU. Actually, no, THANKFULLY they do not have any lung problems or any problems for that matter. Yes, some times have been struggles (feeding) and they are slightly "delayed" in speech (we definitely have daddy, hi, doggy- not clear as day, but it's always directed at those exact things, just not clear clear). They spent time in the NICU because their little bodies weren't ready to be in this world, they needed to develop, they did need help breathing, apnea, eating, growing, etc etc. She SERIOUSLY did not understand why they had been in the NICU.

    Sometimes, I just feel some of these doctors shouldn't be doctors.

    On a good note... Wyatt weighed 21 lbs, 4 oz & was 30 1/2 inches tall. Riley weighed 21 lbs, 11 oz & 31 1/2 inches tall. That's basically 19 boys more than they were born with!!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am sorry you are frustrated with the pediatrician :hug: It can be a pain in the butt to have to try to explain something to someone who is clearly not getting it, especially when it has to do with the health history of your children.
    But on a happier note, :woo: for great weights for your boys!!!
  3. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Next time, just make things up. Sometimes I think doctors don't even listen to the real problems so making it up would be much more fun. I am sorry your doctors are frustrating. Those are fantastic weights for your little guys though. And the words they have are fabulous. My coworkers wife is a speech pathologist and I talked to her yesterday about my guys and she said as long as they have words at 18 months, be patient and just wait a little longer to see how they progress.
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  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    If they were military Drs then it will always be this way. It's actually part of what I used to get mine and the girls PCM changed to a civilian when we were in Cali.
  5. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    Joelle, I feel ya! We had so many doctors over the years that I got used to reciting my entire personal history at every appointment. Makes you wonder why they bother keeping charts, huh? I'm with Marchl, though. You should answer "why were they in the NICU?" with "for socialization!"
  6. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :hug: :gah: That has to be extremely irritating!!! I'm sorry they are like that!

    :Clap: YAY for great weights!!!
  7. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    "Because we hadn't finished decorating their nursery, so they just had to wait til we were done."

    But great weights though!
  8. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies! I may just go with the make up the stories thing when they start to irritate me from now on.

    Unfortunately they are military doctors, but I'm highly considering changing our insurance so we can choose a civilian doctor, even if it means paying some money out of pocket. We'll see how it goes.

    They did get me the referral to take them to an ophthalmologist here since it's been nearly a year and they need to be seen again. I've been horrible with making them wear their glasses, so I'm really scared to hear the results after they're seen :(
  9. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    Don't even get me started on the Navy clinics. :wacko: We've been on a Navy base for 2 years and I have never seen the same doctor more than once. NEVER. Not even for myself and I have to go in once a month to get my ambien refilled because they won't do it without me coming in. :angry: Half the time we get a nurse practitioner. Every time I go in, the new whoever says "why do you bring them in at the same time?" Because they are twins, numbnuts. When they start asking me questions like that I just say "it's in his chart" just because I get so frustrated never seeing the same person. I know everyone gets transferred out, but jeez it gets old. I hate the Navy clinic so much I've started just going back to my old doctor, 3 hours away, and paying out of pocket, they are that bad here.
  10. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    Those weights actually sound pretty decent to me. Spencer is 20 months and weighs about 27 lbs and is super solid. Sabrina is 5 years old and only weighs 28 lbs. She's an itty bitty thing. And wasn't even 20 lbs at 2, so couldn't be turned forward facing in her carseat. So over 21 lbs at 18 months isn't huge, but doesn't seem very little at all.
  11. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    I am sorry you had experiences like this. It makes me embarrassed as a pediatrician that she would ask some of those questions. I can see where you would be frustrated. When I was in office practice I ALWAYS made sure I read the history on any kid I didn't know before I went in the room.

    Congrats on a great visit otherwise. My full term 18 month olds were only 22 and 23 lbs, so I think their weights sound good.
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  12. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    There are ways to get transferred off base and still use tricare. It has to be approved but we didn't have any problem getting it done. I just wrote a letter about how the girls and I had health problems that were better attended by the same dr every time and that we couldn't wait days to get them in since they were preemies. We had to take them to the er several times due to the base Drs being so busy
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