Do your twins still go potty about the same time?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by homewithmy3, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. homewithmy3

    homewithmy3 Well-Known Member

    My girls are almost 3 1/2yrs old. They have been potty trained since they were 2 1/2yrs old. I find it interesting that they still go potty either at the same time or within minutes of eachother. They even do the same thing(#1 or #2). If we are some place like the movies and Malena tells me she needs to go potty. I take the both of them cause I am positive that Sofia will go too. Sure enough they both go. Now if I would have waited and just took the one the other one would have within minutes decided she had to go as well. They did this when the were babies. They continue to do it at 3yrs old. Do your twins do this? Just curious...............

    malena & sofia
  2. homewithmy3

    homewithmy3 Well-Known Member

    My girls are almost 3 1/2yrs old. They have been potty trained since they were 2 1/2yrs old. I find it interesting that they still go potty either at the same time or within minutes of eachother. They even do the same thing(#1 or #2). If we are some place like the movies and Malena tells me she needs to go potty. I take the both of them cause I am positive that Sofia will go too. Sure enough they both go. Now if I would have waited and just took the one the other one would have within minutes decided she had to go as well. They did this when the were babies. They continue to do it at 3yrs old. Do your twins do this? Just curious...............

    malena & sofia
  3. thompsontwinners

    thompsontwinners Well-Known Member

    My girls are far from trained but when we have potty time, they both go. Their number 2's are not in sync but I am hoping one of these days they will be, that would make life so much easier. But number 1 is on track. Isn't it great!
  4. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Mine are still only 2, but yes they do! It is so silly... I was at my cousins this morning, and both boys had a stinkie when I got there, she thought it was funny and asked if they always do that, and I told her yes, they do.
  5. kellermommy

    kellermommy Well-Known Member

    Mine are five and they still do that.
  6. SeptemberTwins

    SeptemberTwins Well-Known Member

    My girls are a little over 4 and they don't "go" as closely as they used to. I've noticed it's usually to tinkle that they go the closest (about 15-20min) and to poo it could be an hour or two. When they were in diapers it was way closer, more like within minutes of each other!
  7. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    If its not at the same time its usually withing minutes from each other and usually the same #1 0r #2 and they are 3 1/2. My cousins twins are 5 and the do the same things too. isnt just weird.
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