Do your twins bully each other?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by monie rose, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    My twins will pull toys away from one another, they will purposely walk into the other to knock them down and I have even seen them walk over by the other and hit them with a toy. Eli started it months ago and I think Peyton is giving it back to them. When these things happen the one that got pushed or hurt will cry and when I pick him up then the other will act like he got hurt too so I pick him up also. Are they doing it more because they know I will pick them up or is it that they do it because their just trying to show who's boss?
  2. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My Allison has been stealing toys from Sarah since they began crawling. She doesn't want to play with the toy, she just wants to take it from Sarah and then runs and throws it down. Sarah, however, is just now beginning to fight back--so the bullying has calmed down some. Now we have some dandy screaming matches over toys. It gets quite chaotic at times around here. I usually let them work it out on their own, unless there is hitting or slapping, then I will intervene.
  3. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    Everyone I know with multiples has dealt, and is still dealing with this one. The bully changes daily & sometimes hourly at my house.
  4. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    I can't say they are bullying each other; however, they certainly want the toy the other has. Matter of fact, I videotaped them this afternoon pulling a book back and forth. It was so funny! I'm sure it'll get worse when they get older.
  5. RRTwins

    RRTwins Well-Known Member

    At 8 months, mine are already "fighting" over toys, they get into tug-of-war matches all the time until somebody starts screaming. One of them seems to only want the toys the other one has. Once he gets it, he puts it down and goes for the next toy the other has picked up. The "bully" is the smaller of the two, so his behavior might change when they start walking - or the bigger one might plow him over!
  6. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    OH YES! Josh was always bigger than Zach so that is how J started as the bully. He is now 1-2 lbs LESS than Zach but STILL the bully and instigator of taking toys just to make Zach CRY.

    BUT>>> i have found that sometimes if i just let the fighting go and not rush in, they will end it themselves. As weird as it may be, I sometimes find it soo funny seeing them hitting eachother (its more like tapping eachothers heads not really hard at all) [​IMG]
  7. Brockgirl

    Brockgirl Well-Known Member

    My one daughter, Delanie, laughs at her sister, Charlie, all the time. Charlie can be struggling to try to crawl, and Delanie will lay there and laugh and laugh and laugh. Delanie also is grabbing Charlie's head and ear. It is crazy!!! However, with Charlie's personality, I think Charlie will be the alpha bossing Delanie around when they get bigger.
  8. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I think it's just a baby thing. They aren't really empathetic at that age and they probably like the reaction they get from everybody when they do bully. All you can really do is redirect them because they still have a few months to go before they can start learning what isn't allowed. Ainsley was mobile quite a bit before Sierra and would always go grab her stuff or push her out of the way of certain toys. This really made Sierra made and it got to the point where Sierra would scream at the top of her lungs whenever Ainsley came anywhere near her. Once Ainsley got old enough that we were able to teach her not to do that, they became friends. [​IMG]
  9. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Ali M:
    Ainsley was mobile quite a bit before Sierra and would always go grab her stuff or push her out of the way of certain toys. This really made Sierra made and it got to the point where Sierra would scream at the top of her lungs whenever Ainsley came anywhere near her. [​IMG]

    This is what we are dealing with now. Sam has been crawling since about Christmas, and Emily isn't yet. Sam tends to want to play with what ever Emily is playing with and just barges right in and takes over. She has taken to screaming when Sam get near her, thing is is that she screams and looks right at me, as if to say "get him away from me." I usually try to distract Sam with something other toy, I don't want to reinforce Emily's screaming by running in and rescuing her when she screams, but for now Sam just doesn't get that he can't plow over his sister when ever he wants something. Urgh!! Let the twin fun begin!!
  10. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    The girl's are horrible to eachother, I tried buying them the same toy thinking maybe they won't take it from eachother. Wrong, one will drop their toy and go after the other one. Riley will climb right over Skylar to get somewhere. I hope it stops soon.
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