Do your kids do this?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Trishandthegirls, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Last week I took my girls to the doctor for their 18 month appointment. Piper went on Monday and Cricket on Wednesday. Both girls got the flu shot and two others. And they're still talking about the shots and the whole doctor's office experience. Everytime Cricket hears the word 'lady' she points to her leg and says 'lady. poke'. As in, the lady (nurse) poked my leg (gave me a shot). Piper will just out of the blue walk up to me and say 'lady. poke. ouch' while patting her thighs. They both do this several times a day. It's been more than five days for both of them.

    Is this a normal reaction to a somewhat traumatic event? Neither of them seem all that bothered by the experience. They just tell me about it A LOT. They also tell me about the man (doctor). He looked in their mouths. And ears. And bellies. So once we've established that the lady poked their legs, they want to talk about the man. The girls point to all of the body parts that the man looked at. Then we go back to the lady and the poke. Sometimes this can go on for ten minutes.

    I'm not worried, just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar?
  2. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    My boys never did that this young but my girls do!! it is so amazing to me to listen to them talking about things you would not think a baby so young would remember!
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I think it's pretty normal. They are just getting to the age where they can verbally process the things they are remembering. Trips to the doctor's office seem to make a huge impression on kids (mine still talk about it for weeks after a doctor visit).
  4. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    My girls do this too. They're still talking about the fact that Daddy found his tooth brush from a few days ago. We went upstairs to brush their teeth for the night and I noticed DH's toothbrush wasn't in it's normal spot. So I asked him where it was. It took a little looking and apparently he was having a rough morning and put it in the drawer with the toothpaste, lol!
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