Do your 2 y.o's sit down to eat???

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Crystal74, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    We are having an issue with this lately. We try our best not to give them too many snacks, but they will NOT sit down at the table with us. They have been in booster seats for about a year now and have mastered the seatbelt, so that does not keep them in. They sit down and eat maybe one bite before they are screaming "all done!!!". I'm at my wits end with this. Then they get down from their chairs and insist on getting in our laps....or whoever's lap that happens to be sitting at the table and eating off their plates. What can I do????? HELP!!!!!!!

  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    They usually sit down to eat, but regardless of how much they eat they always want to go sit on DH's lap and pick food of his plate. They don't come to me as often because when I am home alone with them, I won't let them sit on my lap.
  3. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    I try not to let them on my lap. DH thinks I'm being stingy with my food, but I just don't want them to get in the habit. DH isn't real good with consistency yet [​IMG] I feel so bad doing it, but I know in the long run, it will be the right thing to keep doing.

  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, DH is bad with consistency as well. He complains about them sitting there, but he won't ever say no to them.
  5. fourznuff

    fourznuff Well-Known Member

    I have one that will sit for hours and one that can't even sit for five minutes! I have done nothing different with them I think it is just who they are.

    Good luck!

  6. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Mine start with the "ALL DONE" stuff and I've been really working at getting them to stay in their seats. So frustrating I know. Generally they have been good, and they are good eaters. But they started this thing where they like to run, "Naked 'round the house!" after dinner -- stripped down before their tubby. So they get all excited to finish and get down to the chase! I've started waiting to strip them until everyone is finished eating, which has helped.

    Also, a little dessert helps. [​IMG]

    Anyway, best wishes. I'm glad mine haven't figured out how to unstrap themselves yet.
  7. girlsxtwo

    girlsxtwo Well-Known Member

    I may be in the minority, but my girls are still in highchairs. They usually sit pretty good during meals. I was giving them too many snacks too, but when I cut back on them, they now eat better.
  8. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    I'm stunned they can undo their belts! Those things (well, on ours at least) are tough to squeeze! Ours sit and eat. They cannot get unbelted. We tried letting them sit at their little table one night and it was a disaster - up/down, walking around the house with their food.

    If mine were doing that, I'd be tempted to completely remove the food and NO snacks. They are old enough now to "get it".

    We started having a problem where our girls wanted to bring their toys to the table with them. That was fine until they started dipping them in ketchup and playing instead of eating. We've reached a compromise where they can bring the toy and give it to me. If they don't, they don't eat. I will set it within view so they know they haven't "lost" that toy. Then they will eat. Sometimes they ask for the toy but I just remind them that it's the toy or dinner.
  9. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    if mine say ALL DONE, then they don't get more food. Mine eat pretty well. I still have them in the 4-way feeding seats with the trays. they don't know how to undo the seat belts. in any case when they are done, if they are before us, then they have to sit there until we are finished eating. Rarely do they finish before we do.

    I made a rule no toys at the table. toys stay in the living room/play area.

    Try giving 2-3 bites of one or maybe 2 foods at the time, then they can ask for more. when i load their plate up with something of everything we are having (even if only 3 things) then, they get too overwhelmed play with all of it and don't eat anything really, until I remove the plate completely and give 2 bites of something on their tray. then they get their appetite back.
  10. jacob+twinsmom

    jacob+twinsmom Well-Known Member

    About the seat belts, I have one with very skinny hips who can squeeze out without unbuckling it everytime. No matter how tight it is.

    That said, mine must be seated with their bibs on in order to eat. If they take bibs off, no more food until they let me put it back on. If they get up, no more food (or dessert). I am pretty strict about this. I am this way with 5 y/o too and he would never dream of eating anywhere but sitting at the table (unless outside). It is very much a selfish thing with me, because then I only have one area to clean up (3 eating boys gets VERY messy). It is just the rule in our house. They go thru phases where they test it, but we remain consistent.
  11. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    We just got rid of their high chairs when the girls turned 3 and 1/2 (not with the trays, but with the chairs pulled up to the table so they couldn't really "escape"). By then we had a better handle on table manners and they knew they had to say "may I be excused" before they left the table (this behaviour did NOT happen over night...more like 7 months of constant reinforcement and repeating the rules again and again).

    It sounds like it has become a game for them. If you're serious about having them sit, have a major consequence for leaving the table like loss of play or video time and be consistent with it. My girls are pretty well-behaved, but I had a very difficult time with table manners. We had to go pretty hard-line with them, but it eventually sunk in. I'm glad we toughed it out.

  12. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    I'm stunned they can undo their belts! Those things (well, on ours at least) are tough to squeeze!

    Sorry Jennie, I stated that wrong. They both are just able to squeeze their way out of them no matter how tight I make the straps. It amazes me.

    Thanks for all the advice. Looks like I just need to be a little more consistent.

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