Do your 15 month olds still eat baby food?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by BBCanadianTwins, Jul 22, 2007.

  1. BBCanadianTwins

    BBCanadianTwins Well-Known Member

    Hey gals!

    I have a question. I always offer my sons finger food. One eats heartily, everything I give him. The other chucks his food on the floor, sometimes nibbles but mostly waits until i give him the baby mush.

    I don't mind, it's just I thought they would be done with me feeding them by now. My friends kids stopped way earlier.

    Do any of your babes still eat baby food?

  2. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    they still get baby vegetables - they're not real big on the texture of canned/frozen veggies yet and I'm determined to get veggies in them for lunch and dinner so they get baby food veggies - and I'm ok with it...
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    We aren't 15 months yet, but I am sure we will still be on babyfood then too!! :rolleyes: My dd will eat just about anything I give her, and alot of it...ds will have only a few very small bites and be done with table food, so I pull out the baby food. <_< It doesn't bother me too much because it won't last forever...will it?? :huh:
  4. micmose

    micmose Well-Known Member

    they still get baby vegetables - they're not real big on the texture of canned/frozen veggies yet and I'm determined to get veggies in them for lunch and dinner so they get baby food veggies - and I'm ok with it...

    Same here.
  5. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine were off baby food by 10 months, but they were never huge baby food fans. They love, love, love table food.
  6. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    Mine were also off of baby food at 10 months. I would just keep offering the table food and eventually he will get used to it. Definitely don't offer too much because you don't want to clean up a big mess. :D
  7. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    We went off baby food around 12 months, but started buying it again in the last month or so because the boys decided they don't like pretty much everything I offer them. They do still like the jarred veggies and fruit so the Dr suggested that if they eat that, it's better than not getting any at all.
  8. BBCanadianTwins

    BBCanadianTwins Well-Known Member

    Thanks girls!

    Happy to see we're not the only family with mush eaters! Thanks!

  9. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine are 20 months and Sarah still loves baby food. (Amy will eat it occasionally, but is not as excited about it.) Sarah literally bounces up and down when she sees the little jars -- especially green veggies. She basically doesn't eat any green veggies otherwise (except frozen peas), so I give her the jars once or twice a week. She will plow through 2 jars and ask for more (but I usually cut her off at that point).
  10. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    Mine still love the pureed fruit and eat that mixed with oatmeal for breakfast most days. We also mix it with yogurt. Jessica had a hard time switching to table foods and was picky about what she would eat, so she got a meat/veg baby food meal once a day until 18 months just to make sure she got enough protein. I made a lazy chicken dish around that time and for some reason she just loved it and mommy's chicken, as they call, it replaced that daily jar of baby food. They will eat baby food in a pinch when we're out and about still.n
  11. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Babies4Susan @ Jul 22 2007, 07:12 PM) [snapback]340804[/snapback]
    Mine were off baby food by 10 months, but they were never huge baby food fans. They love, love, love table food.

    Mine were this way too.
  12. jultaria

    jultaria Well-Known Member

    Mine were on all table food until 16 months and then they became very picky and choosy and saying no to everything they used to gobble up. So we are using baby veggies to get them to eat vegtables. They also like to eat with the silverware rather than their plasticware, it seems to encourage them to eat things rather than saying no.
  13. LouCee

    LouCee Well-Known Member

    Mine are 23 months and STILL prefer the jarred food to our food. :rolleyes:

    They used to eat a variety of food but are not getting super picky so they get stuff like pasta mixed into a jar of food. Everyone else's kids at least eat chicken nuggets - not mine. :huh:
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