Do you think he's ready or not yet?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Becky02, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    My son has gone poopy twice now, once on the big potty (he started in his diaper and then I put him on the potty and he finished there, that was about a week ago) and once on the little potty while he was reading his book today. He has also gone pee on the potty a couple of times. He knows what he's supposed to do there and sometimes when sitting on it he will try to push something out so he goes. My problem is if you ask him if he wants to sit on the potty he will usually say no (sometimes he will surprise me with a yes or a sure) but if I just take him and not ask or take him even if he says no he will sit on the potty for a while until he pees or until he decides he wants to get off (sometimes it's a min and sometimes it's almost 3 or 4min). I have tried underwear on him and he has kept them dry for about an hr or so (today he had them dry for an hr but I think he peed on them when sitting on the little potty). Then I asked him while changing his underwear if he wanted me to put on another pair and he told me no a diaper.

    So I am wondering should I just keep doing what I am doing and if he wants to wear underwear let him (he does ask sometimes) or if he wants to wear a diaper let him do that too? Should I push a little more for the underwear? I know I can bribe him too to wear his underwear if I let him watch more tv or give him a Thomas the Train book but I don't want to push him to much either. I pushed to much with my girls and one was a battle with constipation (we still have some problems with that) and the other we just had a lot of accidents and a lot of frustration until one day when she turned three and just decided to wear panties and we never looked back since with that. What would you do? Right now I am not pushing and not doing anything regularly just every now and then I put him on the potty or put him in underwear if he wants to.
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    It sounds like he knows what to do, so I would put him in undies for a few days, and see how it goes.
  3. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the response.

    He's in his undies now and has been for over an hour and has been dry. He actually sat on the little potty in my living room for almost a half hour because he refused to get off until he went. I finally had to tell him just to get off and we will try again in a little bit. He still is telling me no about sitting on it but once he's on he doesn't want to get off. I am so scared I am going to push him to much and then he won't want to go at all anymore. But I really do think he is ready.
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    How did it go the rest of the day Becky?
  5. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    He wet his pants twice that morning and then I gave him lunch and had him go down a little earlier for nap. When he got up I had him in underwear from 1:50-6:45pm without an accident. So after nap it went great. He went two hrs without peeing and I had him sit on the potty often since I was worried he was going to do what he did in the morning. Then this morning he wet himself once (but I forgot to have him sit on the potty) then he pooped his pants while we were out. He also wet himself one more time while my dh was incharge but he did well with everytime I had him sit on the potty he went. I think he just needs to learn the feeling of having to go and then actually making the effort to sit on the potty on his own. But I am definitetly going to keep it up. I think he's ready just being a little stuborn. Thanks for asking.
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