Do you take prenatals every day?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kdanielleflowers, Sep 15, 2008.

  1. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    MY OB and my peri have different opinions on this. My peri said to stop taking them because he thought they were making me sick. My OB wants me to take them every day. Just curious as to how often every one else takes them if you take them at all?
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I took them everyday, but I never had any problems and they never made me sick.
  3. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    I took mine at night after supper right before bed so that they wouldn't make me sick!
    Good Luck!
  4. jademyst13

    jademyst13 Active Member

    I was taking them nightly, but honestly I have gotten horrible about it :blush:
  5. jasonsmommy

    jasonsmommy Well-Known Member

    I took them... when I remembered. I know.. :blush:
  6. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    i have them right next to my bed and choke one down every morning, mine are chewable and they are gross :(
  7. Kate1587

    Kate1587 Well-Known Member

    Absolutely, positively. I never missed a day. As a matter of fact, my prenatal, Prima Care, had one I took in the morning, which was an omega type thing, and then one at night, which was all the vitamins.

    I was a freak about this! I kept asking my doctor if I should take TWO prenatals, but he assured me one would be enough. So, I never missed mine because I thought they needed everything they could get. Although I tried to eat well (well being lots of iron, protein, cereal, and fruit), I felt the vitamin was at least a little back up.
  8. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    I took mine every day and heard that if you take them at night it is better and there are different brands. So if one is making you sick you can try another that may be less irritating to your tummy! I still take mine, I heard that you should take them up to 2 years after giving birth. I didn't take them anymore after I stopped breastfeeding and got serious mommy brain. Along with a better diet and a regular bedtime, I started taking them again and feel much better.
  9. jordyn25

    jordyn25 Well-Known Member

    I try, but forget every few days. I also forget my iron, my calcium and my extra folic acid. I do eat well though but I need to be better.
  10. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I took my vitamins everyday. I had to take them at night because they would make me sick. I found taking them at night made it alot easier on me.
  11. hardinfamily08

    hardinfamily08 Well-Known Member

    Shoot, I forget... Bad I know. Hubby helps me to remember a lot of the time. And I started putting them on the counter, seeing them helps too! I take them in the morning after breakfast. I havent had an issue with being sick. I take my Iron pill at night, as suggested by my doctor.
  12. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I took mine every day (almost!) but the first 2 brands I tried made me feel oh so sick :bad: and they were the expensive ones from a Health Food I ended up trying the Walgreens brand that was recommended to me by someone on Twinstuff & they worked GREAT & I never felt sick after taking them :good:
    Sooo I would recommend trying a different brand or 2 ~ good luck!
  13. jlh1994

    jlh1994 Member

    I forget some days too. I do try to take them everyday, even though they do make me sick. Great idea about taking them at it would help alot.
  14. msamoyedny

    msamoyedny Well-Known Member

    I take them everyday. I found that taking them at night was easier on my stomach. Also, maybe you need to try a different brand.
  15. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I found the walmart brand worked the best for me. I took mine every day!
  16. megan smith

    megan smith Well-Known Member

    I have taken them the last 3 pregnancies and I find them easiest to take first thing in the morning with a glass of milk.
  17. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes, I took them everyday. I also took extra folic acid since I was pregnant with twins.
  18. mommy2beoftwins09

    mommy2beoftwins09 New Member

    Hi my doctor told me to take them well I took them every morning but they made me sick to my stomach so he told me to try to take them at night. Well I was taking them at night and they were still making me feel sick so I went to him and told him so he told me to try in taking flintstone vitamins but to take 2 at a time and make sure they had iron in them... and he also has me taking folic acid as well.

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  19. Mommy2BofTwins

    Mommy2BofTwins Well-Known Member

    I take mine without a doubt every night, never missed a dose. I take it at night just because its right beside my bed and my doc said not to take it with milk or calcium coz it doesn't get absorbed well and in the morning i eat cereal or have some milk, so i never took them in the daytime. Night time is the way to go for me.
  20. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    I wish I was still so diligent in taking my prenatals, because I know they would help with breastfeeding too! I found one I could tolerate well called Sisu Multi-Expecting. It's a Canadian Brand. And yes I took it faithfully!
  21. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I took them everyday but they didn't make me sick. If your peri thinks it's fine not to take them, then I'd try a few days without them and see how you feel. If you feel better, try taking them again and see how you feel. This will give you a good indication of whether or not your illness is related to the vitamins.

    Like a pp said, you can also try taking them right before bedtime and see if that helps. :)
  22. muscaria10

    muscaria10 Well-Known Member

    The fish oil made me realli sick!! :mellow: I tend to forget to take on some days, and on some days, I'd forget that I've taken and take them twice!! Talk about forgetfulness during pregnancy!! :p
  23. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I took them everyday, and they never really bothered me. But my friend found they made her sick, so her dr just had her take folic acid, because he thought maybe the iron in the pill was making her sick.
  24. melissa1

    melissa1 Well-Known Member

    The first day I missed was the day I went into labor :p I was taking the prenatal and folic acid and iron everyday they never made me sick and I always took them first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
  25. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    OK, now I feel like a bad mom for not taking them for a few months. I'm back on the bandwagon and taking them every night now!
  26. madhouse

    madhouse Well-Known Member

    I take mine everyday! EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!! I am a stay at home mom who can eat whatever she wants and i do a pretty darn good job about eating healthy but there are days where i dont eat til 1pm or so. like today, its 11:33 am and i have yet to eat a bite of anything. so i make sure i take them vitamins to reassure myself that they are getting some nutrition!
  27. christencameron

    christencameron Well-Known Member

    Yep - I take mine everyday. Not to say that I've never forgotten. I did find that it helped to take them at night, so I take my pre-natal, calcuim, and iron all together right before I go to bed.

    ANGELA SHAW Well-Known Member

    ididnt take them with my singeltons because they made be sick,
    i am taking them nitely now, everything is good,
    if there making you sick dont take them just eat better food,
  29. SweetTooth

    SweetTooth Member

    yes... I have been taking them every day for a year and a half, its just routine for me. I had no issues with being sick though.
  30. newjersey_mom

    newjersey_mom Well-Known Member

    I take mine every morning with my breakfast. I also take my calcium supplement then too. So far have had no issues with them making me sick. I think as long as I take them with food I am fine.
  31. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    I would try switching if it's making you sick. When my OTC prenatals started making me sick, I took flintstones for a while, then tried tandemDH. Those sit well and are easy to take. I don't think I could keep up with 2 a day. I sometimes forget to take one, and I notice a big difference in my energy.
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