Do you put them in time-outs in public and at other peoples homes?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cjk2002, Apr 10, 2010.

  1. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I do 123 Magic for discipline. Today we were at the mall in the play area and my one son would not listen when I told him not to climb on the benches and run across them (we sit on benches, not climb on them). So I put him in a time out right there. He did his usual bloody murder scream for the entire two minutes while all the other parents gave me this look of disapproval. :aggressive:

    Later today we were at my sister's house. She has 5 grown kids of her own along with 3 grandkids. She lives with her fiance who was also there and he has 4 grown daughters and 3 grandkids. My brother and sil was there also along with their 10 year old daughter.

    A good part of our visit included numerous time-outs which resulted in lots of screaming and crying. I could tell my family did not approve of the time-out especially my sisters fiance. He's more the yelling type and feels if you just yell really loudly NO DON'T TOUCH THAT!!!! they should stop what they are doing.

    They are very good at staying put where ever we are and they know they are being punished.

    I just hate having to deal with the looks of disapproval on top of screaming and crying kids.
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I've never really needed to do a time out in public, but I would, especially at a play area where they could just sit on a bench or something. I do and have done time outs at other people's houses if necessary. :good:
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Yup, we've done them in public and at other people's houses. Honestly if people gave me a look I didn't notice. We were on vacation last summer with friends who also have a DD the same age as our girls. They have a very different parenting philosophy and went so far as to say to me "Those poor girls getting so many time outs." SERIOUSLY?! They let their ONE child do whatever she wants so they have no clue.
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I have done them in public and other people's houses and will continue to do so. Time-outs work for us and totally change the girls behavior, so I have no problem doing it because they know that I mean business when they have to sit.
  5. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Yes I totally do them in public, whenever they need a timeout, I do one! I honestly dont care what others think or how they look at me, I am raising respectful, polite and well-behaved children, if they dont understand that then I really dont care! Sorry but I feel strongly that discipline has to be 100% consistent to be effective, and if kids realize that they dont have to follow the rules when they leave the house, then they will mis-behave.
    I have done time-outs and I do get some people making comments, but honestly I just tell them that it works really well for us, and my kids are a joy to take out (most days!).
  6. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I absolutely do! My responsibility lies with my children, not the people watching. I do what needs doing and if they have a problem with it, too bad. That said, if we are somewhere (a restaurant, someone's house during a gathering other than a playdate, church, etc) I won't allow them to disrupt what is happening. I would take them outside or to another part of the house/building for the timeout.
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have not had to yet, but I totally would. Those other people are not living your life and you want your children to behave well and be consistent with that behavior whether they are out and at home.
  8. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I do and have. I had to do one for Liam at his cousins birthday party yesterday. My BIL didn't know he was in a timeout and was surpised that he was so good about staying.
  9. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I haven't had to them in public, but I would. :good: At one point everytime we went to the grocery store my ds would have a fit and we just left the store, I couldn't even handle time outs.

    I've also done them at others houses (it was at my IL's and my parents) and believe me, I got crap for that. :gah: But I did it and didn't listen to what they said.
  10. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah! Any time my kids act up, they get a time out. I've had people glare at me & people compliment me, but doesn't matter. I'd rather people glare at me now for disciplining than to glare at me for the hoodlum children I'd raise. I think the BEST place I've given a time out was on a rock beside a parking lot. We were driving down the highway & my DS Conner acted up, so I threatened to pull over & give him a time out. Darn little devil tested me, so I *had* to! I pulled over at the next exit, pulled into a restaurant parking lot, unbuckled him & put him in a time out. He was SO shocked...and he's never acted up in the car again (or has stopped once I threatened time out). I was ready for a cop to pull me over after someone reported me from the restaurant, but nope! Then once at a store, a woman asked me how I got my kid to sit so nicely on an empty bottom shelf while I shopped. I told her he was in time out & she was amazed! I think some people may think time outs in public are harsh, but there are PLENTY of people out there who are happy that people do it, too. In the end, they're YOUR kids...YOU raise them the way you feel fit!
  11. gyzmotwins

    gyzmotwins Well-Known Member

    Disciplining your children does not limit you to doing it at home, it is a 24 hour job... I see nothing wrong with putting your children on time out in public... ignore those nasty stares, you are doing a great job by disciplining your children :ibiggrin:
  12. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Being in public does not bother me as much as family. My late DH's family to be exact. My mil is 88 and she raised 7 boys. :crazy: When either of my sons are disrespectful to anyone (hitting/pushing when they don't get their way) they go to time out. His family reacts more in a playful sing song sort of way "Oh, why are you hitting me?"

    I'm sorry but for me, if they are hitting at 2 because they don't get what they want, what do you think will happen when they are 5 or 10 and still doing the same thing? Will everyone still think it's cute?? I don't think so.

    But it does feel good when family members tell me that they could never get their kids to sit in a time out and wonder why it works for me. :Clap:
  13. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Yep, I do it in the grocery store quite frequently. I have gotten all of the disapproving looks and I have also gotten lots of positive feedback. I take the good with the bad and know that I am doing right by my kids. Keep up the great work. :good:
  14. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    We do them both publicly and in other peoples homes.

    My girls are good about staying most of the time and it stops the behaviors- we then talk about why they were in time out as well. It is actually MORE effective outside of our house since they do not want to miss anything in a 'fun' place (mall, friends house, zoo, etc).

    Keep it up and dont worry what anyone else thinks- you are doing a good job! Consistancy is the key, they will know if they can get away with poor behavior...
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