Do you have nicknames for your kids?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by NicoleLea, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. NicoleLea

    NicoleLea Well-Known Member

    When I was pregnant, I had to be delivered prematurely. When the doctor came into my hospital room to tell me it was time to deliver he asked what I was going to name the girls. I told him Willow and Azalea. Then for our whole conversation he kept calling my daughter "Willis" I thought "What the heck? Willis is a boys name!" After they were born me and my husband would jokingly call her Willis and then just laugh about it. Somehow it stuck! To this day we still call her Willis half the time. Then we read the Amelia Badelia books and started calling her "Willis Badillis" and "Azalea Badalea". Then one day, when Willow was about a year old we got a picture of her standing with her arms behind her back like a little army general. We jokingly said "It's General Cornwillis!" Again, it stuck. Haha. To this day we still call her Willis, Willis Badillis or Cornwillis sometimes.

    Do you have any weird/funny nicknames for your kids?
  2. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Sometimes razzy jazzy and messy jessy. Jessy is mostly jessy sue which sue isn't any part of her name (my middle name is sue and some of the family calls me tabby sue). My little sister calls jazz, Jazzy moe.
  3. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I call them both my chickens ("hey, chickens, ready for bed?"). Alexis is often Lexi or Lex. Samantha is Sam, Sammie, or Sam I Am. :)

    I call my husband Paul Walnuts (a la Sopranos, but he's not even remotely gangster or Italian).
  4. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    Jason became Buggy somewhere in the first few months and its stuck. When at home, that's pretty much the only thing Rea calls him. Reagan is sometimes Sassy.
    And they are both shortened to Rea and J a lot.
  5. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    I call DS Bug. It started by calling him my baby bug-a-boo and I have shortened it to bug. No real nicknames for DD yet.
  6. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    When they were younger, Jacob could not say his brother's name, Joshua. He would call him Jawa. This went on for a good 6 months before he could pronounce it. Then Joshua began referring to himself as Jawa. I had many strange looks when people would ask him "what is your name?"

    I'm not a big Star Wars fan but this is a Jawa. I had to explain to people that, no, I did not name my son after a Star Wars character.

    For awhile I would call them Jaywa and Jawa but to this day, I will still call Josh Jawa.
  7. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    My 3 year old twins are named Sarah and Rachael. My 6 year old calls Sarah, "Sassy" and sometimes Sarah calls herself that. As for Rachael, we mostly call her "Rachael Anne!!!!!" because she's usually getting into trouble! Even her twins says with an exasperated voice, "Rachael Anne!"
  8. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Jack is jackhammer or hammer....and is he ever one! Ever see a bull in a china shop?!;).
    JT is stud monkey thanks to hubby lol! Usually just stud.
    Hannah is know, to my twinkies;) and Hanner Nanners and Hannah baby-the boys use this a lot-super cute!:)
  9. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Sullivan Bullivan and Finley Binley. :)

    Edited because I didn't include my oldest DS. We call him Squeakers - a nickname from when we first brought him home and he would make these adorable squeaking noises all night long.
  10. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Riley roo, Danika boo & Mister moo. ;)
  11. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Clayton has always been Mister (not lately)... funny story, one day when he was about 3 or 4, I called him "Honey." He looked at me and said: "I'm not honey, I'm Mister!" :rofl:
    Audrey is sweetie/honey.. anything like that.
    Evan is buddy or Junior, even though he is not a junior.
  12. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    My dad had several strokes and his speech was impaired. He always called the girls Avia and Adidi so even though my dad passed away we still call them by the names he gave them.

    My older boys.
    Tad = Tadpole which he HATES but we cant help it LOL!!! I have learned to not say it in public over the last couple of months LOL!!! He is almost 18 LOL!!

    Jared is my Bear and always will be no matter how much he wishes I would not call him Jer Bear LOL!! (he calls me Hedge Apple LOL!)

    Dawson is. My Dawsapottamus I started singing I want a. Dawsapottamus for Christamas the year I was pregnant with him and it has stuck - he has never said anything about it LOL!!

    Easton is usually Asher because that is not only his middle name but the name I wanted to be his first name LOL!!
  13. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I will call all my kids names like sweetie heart, baby, honey, dude or dude-ette.

    My oldest was Sean D. for awhile, courtesy of our preacher. Otherwise he's usually bud or buddy.

    Kaelyn is sometimes KaeKae, before the twins could say her name they'd call her KaeKae and it stuck.

    Along with Kaelyns nickname, before the twins could say their own or each other's names, they'd call each other LiLi, and RyRy. So that stuck also.

    Rylee is also called Rylee bug, or just bug.
  14. NicoleLea

    NicoleLea Well-Known Member

    Some of those are pretty funny!
  15. Kludelhoven

    Kludelhoven Well-Known Member

    As an infant we started calling Colin Buddy Boo and at some point it got shortened to Booders and we still call him Booders half the time. He answers to either name. We call Lauren Sissy and Colin very rarely refers to her as Lauren, she is always just Sissy. DH calls her stinker sometimes and the other day in the car I told her she was silly and she said "no i'm not Mommy, i'm a stinker"
  16. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I forgot to say jazzy calls jessy "Missy " but no one else does. I don't know if she misheard sissy or thinks they both can't be sissy
  17. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Yes - my DD is peanut, she was so little when she was born compared to DS (DD was 6 lbs and DS was 7 lbs) that she just looked like a little peanut, so became her nickname.

    We call DS buddy quite a bit, I don't know how it started but it was when he was quite young as well.
  18. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sophia's nicknames are Phia and Tickle Girl (she loves to tickle and be tickled)
    Luke is Pooh Boy (a carry over from his infant days) and Little Man
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