Do you have an afternoon "Quiet Time"?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by E's 3, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    This question is for my 3.5 year old singleton (I hope that's ok). The last month and a half he has gone from napping for 3+ hours every afternoon to not napping more than an hour most days, if at all. This past weekend we finally took away his soothers and his naps have pretty much stopped. Just when I finally got the girls down to one nap a day and everyone on the same schedule he has to go and stop his naps...sigh.

    My question are:
    1. Do you have "quite time" in the afternoon?
    2. If you do how do you enforce it?
    3. Where does it take place (in their rooms, play room with lights low, etc.)?
    4. How long is it?

    I NEED to be left alone for a little while in the afternoon for my sanity so I appreciate any suggestions :).

  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I put mine in their bedroom after lunch, whether they nap or not, for at least 1.5 hour. They can open the blinds but not the door, so they're not going anywhere. I'm guessing when they stop napping I will just put more quiet toys in there.
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    A&R have quiet time on weekends. They are allowed books and quiet toys and if they ask, their leapsters.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I never managed it, but it would probably be easier with a singleton. Mine share a room and there was nowhere else for them to go during "quiet time," so they just kept getting each other wound up. I finally decided it was easier to just let it go.
  5. hezza12

    hezza12 Well-Known Member

    My guys go in their room for at least an hour most days from about 1:30-2:30. They're supposed to stay in their room and stay quiet, looking at books and playing quietly (I normally put a book on CD on for them too... I get them from the library). some days they lie down quietly for the whole time, some days they're loud and fight, and some days (like today), they "sneak" down the hall to the end and play quietly with their toys in there. Generally I don' care WHAT they do as long as they're pretty quiet and I can eat, check my e-mail and do a couple of chores. I like that they know they can rest if they need to every day, and they understand that "quiet time" is part of their routine, so it's something I can count on, too. I highly recommend it!
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