Do you have a dominate twin?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Utopia122, Apr 30, 2008.

  1. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    So, after reading another post I have been wondering about which twin is dominate. For us at this moment, it is Allison, which is baby b. Sarah, who is baby A, has always been a little behind Allison as far as finite motor skills are concerned, but is bigger and stronger than Allison and has always had better gross motor skills. However, Allison definitely has the dominate personality. My husband thinks its because Sarah had the best position and Allison had to constantly fight for a good position. Anyway, what do you think? Does position or first-born have anything to do with dominance?
  2. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    I have heard somewhere (here maybe? probably but I don't remember!) that twin A is more often the "leader". In our case, I think it's too soon to tell ...but Hannah (twin A) is much more independent. Natalie (twin B) is clingier and much more reserved in new situations. Natalie (B) is a little more advanced climbing - in & out of the pedal cars, top of the slide, etc is a little easier for her than Hannah.
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    It varies day to day in this house so far. But B is the hitter so maybe he is still trying to tell his brother to move out of the way :)
  4. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    i dont know if i have a dominant twin. see my other post, I don't want to hijack!
  5. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    My Baby B is the dominant one, but I personally don't think it has to do with positioning in the womb!
  6. Alli Baby

    Alli Baby Well-Known Member

    Ansley, Baby B, has the more dominant personality so far. When they were born, we were told by NICU nurses that Baby A is usually the leader...not so in our family.
  7. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Baby B follows Baby A. Baby A usually has done/achieved things about 3 weeks before B.
  8. Julia Hulsey

    Julia Hulsey Well-Known Member

    In our house it is baby A most the time.
  9. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    B = dominant personality at this point, VERY strong personality already
    A = dominant talker, more advanced in pretend, playing by herself
    B = first to crawl, walk, run, any moving thing, noticing things

    So ours depends a little by what you are talking about.
  10. 2boysforus

    2boysforus Well-Known Member

    Baby A typically reaches his milestones quicker, but Baby B "perfects" them sooner. They tend to switch on and off on who is the more aggressive one.
  11. jena4

    jena4 Well-Known Member

    Over here Baby B does everything first, about 3 weeks to 1 month before, but is also the neediest. Baby A will go to anyone, more outgoing but seems to trail in sisters light all the time. The funny thing is though, is that most "people" seem to gravitate towards baby A.
    It is so interesting. I think that my girls complete eachother. Together they would make one truly dynamic individual. What one doesn't do, the other does. Twins are so great!
  12. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I don't think either of mine is dominant. Amy consistently hits milestones first, and is definitely the louder/faster/earlier talker. But Sarah holds her own when they are playing, and I never feel that Amy is pushing her around.

    Sarah is twin A, FWIW. But I've never felt that had any significance.
  13. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    In my house Baby A has always been the dominant one. But I think Baby B will have her day!
  14. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Baby B is my dominant twin .. he is totally the leader. :)
  15. runnergirl

    runnergirl Well-Known Member

    My Baby B is the more dominant twin. For the first 6 months, Baby A reached milestones first and was bigger but at 9 months they switched. Baby B has done everything first since then (walking, saying a few words, etc. ). Baby A is my quiet observer, while B is loud vocal and more physical.
  16. hrichards

    hrichards Well-Known Member

    my A is the more dominate or bossier, but B is learning to hold her own.
  17. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(2boysforus @ May 1 2008, 04:41 PM) [snapback]750792[/snapback]
    Baby A typically reaches his milestones quicker, but Baby B "perfects" them sooner. They tend to switch on and off on who is the more aggressive one.

    This is EXACTLY our situation- except its Baby B does it first, Baby A does it better.
  18. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Personality wise baby B is the dominant one. They have taken turns as to milestones. A walked first, had more words. B slept through the night first, self fed first, potty trained first.
  19. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    The girls used to switch about every 6 months it was very strange. But for about a year before they started school Jorja was always the more talkative and outgoing, well turns out at school Jessica is the more talkative and outgoing, so who knows, they like to keep us on our toes. I find Jorja (baby A) tends to be more of a follower Jessica (baby B), more independent and she reached most milestones earlier, she walked at 10 months jorja at 13 months.
  20. baker_in _a _barn

    baker_in _a _barn Well-Known Member

    Ryan was born 2nd and he is without a doubt the more agressive one. Robert is calmer, more observant and independent.
  21. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Leighann @ May 2 2008, 01:16 PM) [snapback]751793[/snapback]
    This is EXACTLY our situation- except its Baby B does it first, Baby A does it better.

    This is kinda funny to me because this is what our boys do too. Baby A does things first, but baby B does them better. A crawled, got teeth, walked, talked, pretty much everything first so far, but baby B followed shortly after, and did it better. it's so funny to watch.

    as far as personality goes, I think there's not really a dominate one yet, we'll see what happens. They both push each other around at times, and follow each other around at other times. Whatever the case may be though they're almost always following each other (that makes it easy to find them both when they're "hiding" from me).

    this is an interresting thread! thanks for posting it.
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