Do you have a clingy twin?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by guestd, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. guestd

    guestd Well-Known Member

    My identical twins. Luke & Lee, will be 2 on August 15th. Luke is super clingy. We call him the 'tick'! It seems like he is always attached to my hip. I work full time, so I know that they are excited to see me when I get home, but even on the weekends, it seems like he is always wanting to be held by me. And I can never get anything done! It is so frustrating! We used to be able to lay them down in their cribs, turn on the baby mozart, and walk out and they would go to sleep. Well not anymore! Luke screams before you even lay him down. We tried the cry it out thing, but I can't stand hearing him cry so much he ends up throwing up. So now, I have to rock Luke while I have my hand in Lee's crib to hold his hand. I don't mind the rocking, but as soon as I think he is asleep and put him down, he wakes up! Rocking for 10 minutes is one thing, but 30-45 minutes is crazy! I'm just at my wits end and don't know what to do anymore. I think I might try putting them in their cribs and sitting in the rocking chair for a few nights, and slowly work my way out of the room.
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes, Trevor is definitely more clingy than Emilie. Especially at night. Emilie will play, Trevor just kind of wants to be held or will just climb on me. He just has to be near me. It's nice to be wanted, but I wish he would play too.
  3. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Hannah is very clingy although it has certainly improved over time. I wish I had advice to offer, but I don't. She too would vomit from crying so hard. We let her cry anyways, but would go in every couple minutes and soothe, and then leave again. That usually prevented the vomitting. And you just do your best to encourage them to play with others. There is only so much you can do. But like I said, Hannah is growing out of it, so maybe a little time is all you need.
  4. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    YESSSSSSSSSSSSS And it's driving me NUTS!!! Lorien is all over me. God knows I love her so much but it is utterly annoying. For some reason it especially occurs when I'm in the kitchen. Even though my living room and kitchen are partially open to each other it never fails. As soon as she sees I'm at the counter doing something (usually preparing food or a sippy of milk for her and her sister) she literally pushes my legs back as she tries to squeeze between me and the cabinets and then pulls on me and cries for me to pick her up. It is so frustrating and everything in the kitchen takes me like 15 minutes longer to do because of this. Now, I can't even sit down to eat without her trying to climb up on my lap. And if I don't take her, she has a melt down AAAARRRGGGHHH!!! I still love her though so freakin much :rolleyes:
  5. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(double-or-nothing @ Aug 10 2007, 05:53 PM) [snapback]364473[/snapback]
    For some reason it especially occurs when I'm in the kitchen. As soon as she sees I'm at the counter doing something (usually preparing food or a sippy of milk) she literally pushes my legs back as she tries to squeeze between me and the cabinets and then pulls on me and cries for me to pick her up. It is so frustrating and everything in the kitchen takes me like 15 minutes longer to do because of this. Now, I can't even sit down to eat without her trying to climb up on my lap.

    This is my Joe. He is very clingy and wants up up up all the time. The poor thing just runs around the house with his arms in the air whining for the better part of the morning.

    My solution has been to have everything ready for breakfast before going to bed. That way making breakfast is quick and easy...sippies are poured, fruit sliced, etc. I try to do the same thing (as much as can be prepared ahead of time) for their dinner during their nap. It's the worst in the kitchen b/c, well, they have the patience of a 16-month old! :lol:

    I try to give Joe lots of story/cuddle time and one on one playtime when i can, when I can't, I can't and he does have to learn to deal to some degree (whether it drives me nuts to hear him or not).
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We had a clingy phase around 2 and she's still a little more clingy than brother, but it comes and goes. I think they figure out which buttons to push around 2 to make you stay in the room and keep your attention longer. Good luck with the sleeping, I wish I could tell you what magic thing makes it better! :hug99:
  7. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Mine vary. Audrey was always a daddy's girl when she was an infant, but then she switched. SHe's been mommy's girl ever since, along with Clayton. I don't think they cling as much as you're talking about though.
  8. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Sam has been clingy lately after a long illness. They go thru phases.

    the thing you mentioned about phasing out w/ the rocking chair. try the good night sleep tight book by sleep lady kim west. She does that modified cio technique.
  9. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    For awhile Peyton was like that. Of course, Eli has tamed down his biting and now it's usually Peyton doing the biting.

    WENDERELLA Well-Known Member

    Yes...Stuart has always been a little more clingy with me and DH, but he had a small hernia hydrocele repaired 2 weeks ago, and he has been extremely more so 'anxious' than usual. I know this is completely understandable b/c of his surgery though. Another thing that goes along with this, is his eye rolling. He just started this and it is really funny. He gets his eyes straight up and then he grimaces and looks away when a stranger speaks to him or if he is upset by us putting him down. We can't help but chuckle and I know the laughing only encourages him, but it's really kinda cute. We have NO idea how he learned this either. The girls don't roll their eyes and neither do we. LOL
  11. Jennifer P

    Jennifer P Well-Known Member

    Ashley was clingy at bedtime...It was driving me crazy! She would fight getting into the crib...and once she was in there she would throw a fit. I actually had to fall asleep in the hallway for a few hours....

    Turns out she is getting her 2 year molars...Hylands Teething tablets or tylenol have been working great. Once I gave her medicine she stopped being clingy at she is just very skiddish...if I raise my voice...for whatever reason she comes running over and clings to me...its one of those cute but annoying things.
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