do you get offended when..

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jayandkel, Mar 30, 2007.

  1. jayandkel

    jayandkel Well-Known Member

    Do you get offended when people say stuff about your kids sizes? Ian and Emily have always been small, but hey are growing on their curve, and are smart and active.
    Today we were leaving a place we go with the kids on friday mornings to play, and Ian got ahead of me going down the steps, a lady who was between us tries to grab him as if to keep him from falling down the steps (he wasnt fallng or anything just walking down the steps), I laughed a little, and she said "oh sorry he just looks so much younger than 3!"..
    I just left it alone, but I'm like, what does he look so young that he isnt steady on his feet? They talk as well as any 3 year old i know, better than others, and are very active and learn fast.. why does it bother me so much that people think they are small.. ugg, anyone else have this problem?

  2. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    mine is the opposite.. my kids are bigger than norm.. youngest is the size of the older and even the drs say hes big.. they say hes off the curve.. and huge.. and it is anoying.
  3. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    I think some people associate the size of your children with their ability as a parent. "Competitive Mothering" It annoys me as well, but mine are taller than most kids their age so them we get the full spectrum of twin questions.
  4. rens

    rens Well-Known Member

    We get it quite often but between my size and they fact that the girls were preemies I guess I expect it. I am only 5 ft tall and the girls were 3.2 and 3.10 when they were born. I also do not come from a very tall family so again guessed they would be small. I just kind of let it go in one ear and out the other so to speak. Not much I can do as it is a fact they are small. Once they are older I am hoping they will come back with comments like I used to. In college I had a tall male friend who started and told me to say "I am Minnie but Mighty... and now his kids call me Minnie". I never had a problem being small aside from reaching things in stores. I am hopefulle they will have enough confidence to deal with it. They are tiny but tiny is better than huge or big and overweight. They are healthy and can talk well etc. There are different sizes and different colors etc.

  5. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    Try giving her the benefit of the doubt . . . maybe she's a mom or grandma of a little one who needs help and it was just an instinctual reaction to keep him from falling (even if he wasn't falling really...)

    I try to be generous (in my head) to people who do or say stupid things regarding my twins (although I don't seem to get nearly as much as some of you!) - I figure they do or say these things out of ignorance, not out of meanness. I like to think that most people mean well . . . even a comment like "better you than me" is probably meant as a compliment, even if it sounds idiotic to us, and "a boy and a girl - so they're not really twins" (which I got for the first time last weekend) is just said out silly stupidity, not trying to belittle the fact that I carried and delivered two babies at the same time.

    Just my thoughts . . .

  6. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    My girls are really tall, totally genetic nothing to do with my parenting skills. But it does bother me when people make comments like how they hope they don't get TOO tall. And make goofy faces, like nudge nudge Amazons! I mean, yes, me too, but SHUT UP!
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My kids are small since they were preemies, and today at 13 months Trevor is 19 lbs. 9 oz. and Emilie is 16 lbs. 13 oz., but they are only around 28 inches tall, so they are short. And I am always getting the "they are so small" when I say they are 1. I feel like I have to say "well they were born 3 months early". It does bother me a bit, so I feel for you.
  8. MTBx2

    MTBx2 Well-Known Member

    Your not alone...I'm right there with you, but it really bothers me when people comment on my girls being skinny.

    They are both tall, but very skinny. I have a lot of people comment about how skinny they are and jokingly say "doesn't your mommy feed you guys" (MIL does this sometimes). I also have people constantly trying to fatten them up with junk food (they get junk food, just not constantly). This really bothers me; because I don't want people thinking that I'm starving them to keep them skinny (both DH and I have weight issues). I feed them whenever they want, and pretty much whatever they want. They still drink mostly whole milk (they now get a little bit of juice after they finish their milk). They are just thin!!! I can't help it so stop blaming me!!!!

    Whew.....that helped. LOL

    I think a lot of times people mean it as a joke, but I just hear it so much that I start to think that they must really think that. I usually just try and brush it off, and tell them they eat like horses, but run like them too. [​IMG]
  9. Cheesecake

    Cheesecake Well-Known Member

    I've never gotten offended (my boy twins is very tall and girl twin is very petite) but my friend has. Her daughter is EXTREMELY small. They've done every test on earth and can't figure out whats wrong. I know someday they've got to find something. When she was born she was only 3lbs and now at 4yrs old she's about 18 lbs. I've stopped asking. Her little sister is now 2 and people used to think they were twins but now they think the little sister is much older than the big sister. With her I can't win for losing. She's so sensitive to it now that I just don't mention her size at all. I noticed a long time ago that she'd grown some and said Oh your getting bigger and her mom nearly bit my head off. So years of people saying oh she's so teeny really have worn her down. But in all honesty when I told her she was so tiny the first few time I met her I meant it in a nice way. Not like are you starving her?? So try and keep in mind that people are saying it innocently.
  10. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    mine were nearly term (36w) and were 3.5 and 4.5 at nearly 11 mos my son is 18 lb and my daughter is 15.8....

    last week at the store I had DS in the cart and a man stopped me and said "wow he sits really well for 6 mos old"...I grumpily informed him he was 10 mos old (of course his 8 mo old cherub was probably 25 lbs)...
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Im so sorry to hear that. My kids are about normal sizes, so I have never gotten those comments. I think sometimes people forget toddlers can be a little son is constantly tripping over himslef....Im sorry for all the comments your getting...hugs to you!
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