Do you ever just want to scream!?!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jennjenn770, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. jennjenn770

    jennjenn770 Well-Known Member

    Today was one of those days where the girls were super fussy. I'm not sure if it is the heat, teething, or from the shots they got last week, or maybe a combination of everything. If I was holding one, the other one would start crying. If I put them down on the floor to play they wanted to be picked up. If I picked them up they were squirming to get down. It didn't seem to matter what I did, they just weren't happy. They have started getting picky about what they eat too. My one DD will cry her head off if you put something on her tray that she doesn't want (it doesn't matter if she liked it before). My other DD will do what we call the windshield wiper and wipe all her food on the floor. It drives me crazy! It is also becoming impossible to change their diapers or get them dressed without a wrestling match which usually involves them spinning themselves around and crawling away. Today I was at my wit's end. DH was no help. I called him to tell him I needed help but he was on the golf course and still had 9 holes left. Gee, life is rough for some of us, huh?

    Thanks for letting me vent to moms who can understand.

  2. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Jennifer, :hug99: I totally understand. There are days I think I am totally losing it with my guys, nothing I do seems to make them happy and then some days they are thrilled (ok, well that is a little exaggeration :laughing:). Wouldn't it be great if our DHs understood exactly what is like to be the mother??? But then the human race would probably die off. :rolleyes:
  3. JakoBen

    JakoBen Well-Known Member

    I hear ya!!! It seems like since they turned 1, my sweet angels have turned into cranky monsters!! :eek: Boy, the 1yr. shots did a number on my guys about 7 days after the shots. They both had fevers for 72hrs. and were super cranky. :( Thank goodness the fevers are gone, but the crankies have hung around!!! I want my sweet boys back!!! :blink:
  4. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    Wow, I coould have written your message (except the DH part, mine was at work). I HATE "windsheild wiper" at mealtimes. It drives me nuts! Hang in there, we'll get through it!
  5. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    gee whiz Sarah, we've had ALOT in common this week. I too hate the windshield wiper move. Hadn't really named that one yet, but I think I'll adopt yours. Fits perfectly!
    Hang in there though, when the days are good, you get twice the laughs, kisses and hugs. That's the best part.
  6. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    I know just how you feel - must be something in the air this week - Thank god it's Friday!!!
  7. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    some things get better as they age a little more (windshield wiper technique), other things get worse (tantrums)

    I'm a single mommy, but it would put me in a foul mood if I had a DH tell me that his golf game was more important than coming home to help out!
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