Do you believe in ghost?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by luvrkids, Mar 4, 2010.

  1. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    I was wondering if anyone else has a child that claims there is something there that you cant see? My dd has always done this since she could point and only did this now & then but lately she has been telling me to look and nothings there daily. She acts as if she is scared but gets over it pretty quickly. I'm talking things like not going into another room even if I will go with her. Over all she isnt scared in our home or to go to bed at night. The other day our dining room lights flicker off and on a couple of times during the day and then she points into the kitchen and screams scary monster. I'm not sure what I believe but perfer to leave it to the unknown. Just makes me wonder whats out there and if and what young kids can see. Or maybe its just a over active imagination but at 2 1/2 yrs seem kinda young for that. The only monster that she would know is cookie monster (that I know of). I'm sure we have all had something happen in our lives that we cant explain so does anyone have stories about yourself or children that you would like to share? Or maybe just a simple yes or no to the question do u believe in ghost(Maybe its just my imagination).

    I posted here because of dds age sorry if this shouldnt be here.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    To answer your question, I do believe in ghosts. However, in your DD's case, it may just be her imagination at play. Maybe she saw something on TV or heard something in one of her stories that is causing her to think about scary monsters. It might that she is contributing things she cannot explain to scary monsters (the lights flickering on and off, etc. ) :unsure:
    My father recently passed away and the one day my DD kind of spooked me when she pointed to steps and said, "Pop-Pop?" and I replied, "What?" She pointed again, waved and said "Hi Pop-Pop!" Now that could just be her imagination...I'm not sure, but I said hi to him just in case.
  3. eatcelery

    eatcelery Well-Known Member

    We totally believe over here. I always saw my grandfather (dead) as a kid and my husband and his sister used to see the "grandma lady" at his house. His parents questioned each kid age 3 and 5 about her and each had the same description which matched the neighbor's description of the woman who used to live in the house. She would visit them in their bed at night but it wasn't a scary thing. It could be imagination or maybe she really sees something. I also wonder sometimes that if kids have these issues because they really need glasses.
  4. two.heartbeats

    two.heartbeats Well-Known Member

    I am a pretty firm believer that children can see what we cannot (ie: ghosts, spirits, whatever). I KNOW my DS sees them. Sometimes he is scared, and sometimes he laughs and talks to 'it'. The first time this happened, he was scared. One night, he was screaming and he kept pointing to this one corner of his room and hiding his face. I couldn't see a thing...I tried to shut the door and stood there in the dark seeing if it was a shadow or something but it was nothing I could see. It went on for hours. Him crying and pointing there. All of the other instances are 'happy' ones. In fact, last night there was an incidence. From 1-2am, over the video monitor, it appeared as if he was playing peek-a-boo with 'someone'. This kid never wakes up in the middle of the night but he was laughing hysterically on and off for the whole hour looking away and looking back at 'something'. His twin sister was sound asleep so it wasn't her! It was funny. My husband and I were laughing right along watching him on the monitor. There were a few other times, but it is always in his room, usually before bed. Sometimes he talks to 'it', but it's usually just "hi!" or "bye!" and a bunch of laughs.

    So, yeah, I do believe and I'd say there is a good possibility your DD is seeing 'something'...Especially with the lights flickering at the same time, I'd say there's a good chance there IS something there!
  5. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    She did this to me again today pointing and saying look mommy see and I never seen anything. I told her to tell it to go away and she started screaming go away go away then turns to me and says not going away mommy. A fews seconds go by and she goes back to playing like nothing happen.
  6. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Okay, this thread gave me goosebumps totally. . .
  7. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    me to!

    Reading your post though - I just remember this one specific incident when I was a kid (don't remember how old, but it was before I started school) my dad used to always read us this Goofy book about the 3 ghosts. The tall skinny one(goofy) short fat one and the middle one... Anyways, one night, I KNOW I saw these 3 ghosts walking down our hallway!

    I say that, becuase, it could have been something she heard somewhere, something someone read to her, etc... that's just coming to fruition and she thinks it's real.

    I do believe though. When my twins were small (and my son for that matter) all their toys (swings, bouncy's, etc) would turn on by themselves. Like, we'd be in the room, and all of a sudden the swing would start going back and forth, or the bouncy would start vibrating. And, my girls KNEW who their Great grandpop was by name (he died the day they were conceived, how spooky is that?) when we'd point to his picture. This was without us having told them at any point WHO was in the picture. My son did the same thing. He's got a picture of his great grandfather hanging in his room (his namesake) and he knew who it was without us telling/prompting him.
  8. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    This gave me goosebumps too! I absolutely believe in a spirit world. I remember distinctly as a child (I want to say about 5) waking up scared from a thunderstorm and the big tree outside my window bumping into the house and I saw two angels standing at the corners at the foot of the bed. All of a sudden I was calm and went right back to sleep. Not the same as seeing a person, but I think that's possible too.
  9. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I totally believe in ghosts. and that kids can see them better than we can! I would not doubt if your dd sees something. I have had several incidences in my life that make me believe

    1. When I was a kid - we (my brother, dad and I) lived in a house that was haunted and really bad things must have happened there, Dad never saw a thing but my brother and I did. Chris remembers all of it to this day, same details as me, it is something that neither one of us like to talk about much. This is the one that makes me a believer.

    2. My grandfather (who was my favorite person in the world) died on 2-26-93. His birthday was August 16. I was due to have my oldest son on 2-15-94. 2-15-94 came and went - I did NOT want to have my baby on the anniversary of Papa's death. The thought really really bothered me. Tad was born the day before on 2-25 AT 8:16 (August 16). Also Tad would talk about Papa as a very young toddler - I had not even mentioned Papa to Tad.

    3. When my oldest son (Tad) was 4 and my middle boy (Jared) was 2. Tad broke his arm - we had just gotten back from the ER and poor Tad was in pain and very sleepy and dazed because of the pain med. He was laying on the couch moaning and groaning - I was in panic mode - Tad was really not acting right and I felt SO bad for him. My grandfather and I had this thing going on before he died "It takes a peanut to know a peanut" is what he would tell me everytime I saw him. I gave him a stuffed peanut for Christmas one year and he really got a kick out of it! When he died I wanted that peanut to be put in the casket but they had already sealed it so I took the peanut home. It was (is) my favorite thing in my entire house and both boys knew better than to mess with it. I kept it on a top shelf. As Tad was laying there with so much pain. Jared 2 (who could not even say mama he was in serious speech therapy) toddled up to my shelf, pointed to the peanut and grunted over and over - I finally handed him the peanut after he got very frustrated! He took the peanut, toddled over to Tad , placed the peanut on Tad and said "He be ok" !!!! at that point I also calmed down! pretty weird!
  10. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    My Mom passed away in 2006 and never got to meet her grandsons. When they were babies, & I would feed them in my room, both would look to the right of me and start laughing and smiling. Their eyes were "fixed" on something.

    I have a picture of her in a frame on top of a curio cabinet in the living room. About a month ago, my one son started pointing at it so I took it down and his entire face lit up. Every time we go to my Dad's, my other son with look at all her picutres with this look on his face.

    I really hope she visits them and one day they can tell me about it.
  11. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    My nephew definitely saw things as does one of my sons. I completely believe there are things around us that we, as adults, have closed our minds to but children with their still open eyes can see. I've watched my nephew track "something" from one room to the next and then look around the corner towards the front door and ask puzzled "where did he go?" We had a long conversation about it and he was so confused that I couldn't see this man.
  12. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    We went through about a 3 week phase where one of my sons was terrified of a certain area in our home and would not look there, walk there or anything. When he did look there it looked like he was actually seeing something where there was nothing there to see. It really freaked me out. He pointed there once and said 'man hurt'. It really freaked me out but then one day he stoppped...
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