Do twins run in your family?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Danibell, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Or did you have to do fertility treatments?

    I hope no-one is offended and please don't feel you HAVE to answer this!! :D

    I'm just curious is all, we have to do fertility treatments to get pregnant so we knew twins were a possibility because of the meds we have to use!
  2. glpkkg

    glpkkg Well-Known Member

    I think this thread will be fun! Our case was family history of twins and no fertility. You should have seen the look on my face when I found out!!!
  3. jordyn25

    jordyn25 Well-Known Member

    No fertility drugs and my mom is adopted so it may run in her family-
  4. rebecca_lynn78

    rebecca_lynn78 Well-Known Member

    My girls are monochorinic and everything I have read says that identical twins aren't hereditary. But my grandma is a twin. Both my grandma and my great aunt say they are fraternal, but everyone else thinks they are identical They turn 80 in January. They were born in a snowstorm and I think had some sort to TTTS or IUGR. My grandma was 5 lbs and pink and my great aunt was 3 lbs and not pink when they were born. It just amazes me that they both survived. I guess my great grandma's sister also had a set of boy-boy twins also.

    We didn't use fertility drugs at all.
  5. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    Twins don't run in my family.
    I have PCOS so my doctor put me on Clomid (50 mg CD5-9) from my very first cycle of ttc. Got pregnant our second cycle. (Clomid supposedly gives you an 8% chance of multiples; the overall occurence is 3% of live births are twin births so it's a definite increase but not a HUGE increase.)
  6. kryscline

    kryscline Well-Known Member

    I'm 25, my third pregnancy and our twins were natural (no fertility treatments). On my Dad's side I have identical Great Aunts, and my 1st cousin had fraternal twins last year. On my Mom's side I have identical Great Great Aunts. On Daddy's side he has a cousin with identical twins. There are twins on all sides here. I did read that the father's sperm may have a gene that causes the mother's egg to split, so if it's true, then it runs on his side since his cousin has identical twins. :blink: But, I know the jury is still out on that theory. If it isn't hereditary, then how do you explain it when families have multiple identicals. There has to be some reason, it can't just be a theory can it? <_< I'm kind of leaning toward the "Super Sperm" theory! :umm:
  7. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    My twins were birth control babies! But yes, twins do run in my family. My brothers are identical twins.
  8. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    Our twins were a total shock. We haven't heard of any in our family and were using no fertility drugs!
  9. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(SC_Amy @ Dec 1 2008, 10:17 PM) [snapback]1093128[/snapback]
    Twins don't run in my family.
    I have PCOS so my doctor put me on Clomid (50 mg CD5-9) from my very first cycle of ttc. Got pregnant our second cycle. (Clomid supposedly gives you an 8% chance of multiples; the overall occurence is 3% of live births are twin births so it's a definite increase but not a HUGE increase.)

    I have pcos too, and we were up to using an IVF drug regimen but with IUI...called a super ovulation IUI, so our chances of twins was quite high, probably upwards of 25% or so :)

    Like I said I hope no-one gets offended, I guess because we had to do fertility treatments I get curious about how others were blessed with their babies! ;)
  10. happybearsfan

    happybearsfan Well-Known Member

    We have no twins in my family, and I didn't do any treatments. Biggest (and best) shock of my life.
  11. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Twins do run in my family ( my aunty and uncle are twins and my mums cousins too) though i didnt think for 1 sec that i could be pregnant with twins!! Should have seen my partners face when we were told!! X
  12. Joanna416

    Joanna416 Well-Known Member

    My Grandmother on my Dad's side had fraternal boy/girl twins just like me..... :D No fertility drugs and a very unexpected pregnancy for me at that. The poor tech who told me about the twins had to repeat herself about 5 times.....
  13. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    My mom claims there are 32 sets of twins in her family (though Lord knows how many generations back she is going!). Her cousin has 3 sets of fraternal boys. My mom and her mother (my gma) both miscarried with twins, so I knew it was a huge possibility. I was constantly asking at every appointment, "Can you please try to listen for another heartbeat??" The reply for 4 visits (all w/ different midwives) was "Oh honey, you're too small for multiples!". I couldn't wait to go in there after my 3 hour u/s to tell them how wrong they were and that I was going to another clinic!
  14. travellingmum

    travellingmum Well-Known Member

    My mom's sister has identical twins. My dad's sister has identical triplets. Mine are apparantly not identical. We didn't have fertility treatment and were totally shocked when we found out. I actually hyperventalated on the way back to the car!
  15. chrystalvaughn

    chrystalvaughn Well-Known Member

    We have twins ID's in my family and I conceived mine naturally. They are also ID.
  16. scorpion509

    scorpion509 Well-Known Member

    our twins is from IVF we put back 3 embies ( I insist because before none was implanted wehad a lot of failed) and we end up with fraternal twins, In our First u/s My re saw only one and was looing for 2 more she was sure that all 3 would implant. I saw one and told myself that I was right to put back 3 :) on our 3 u/s my RE finally found another sac hiding behind the first one and sent us to better machine u/s and they confirmed that we do have twins. we don't have twins running in our families.
  17. HandsFull

    HandsFull Member

    My twins are from IVF...but they actually run on my mother and fathers side!!! At the first sonogram the doctor actually thought we had a set of fraternal, plus an identical!!! But its just my little boy and girl. Alot of my extended family doesnt know that I went through infertility treatments, so they just think I am one of the lucky family members to be blessed with twins. It doesnt matter how they were conceived, they are just as special !!!
  18. kitkat72783

    kitkat72783 Well-Known Member

    Hi, Twins kinda run in my family my great grandmother was a twin and so was her brother, but I was always told it skips a generation so it should have hit my mom not me=). I was also on clomid however I was on it when trying to concieve with my son also and it never did a thing for me back then I needed to use it for about 6 months this time the first month I was preggo. So could have been either/or :D
  19. Em&Ry

    Em&Ry Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(glpkkg @ Dec 1 2008, 09:50 PM) [snapback]1093094[/snapback]
    I think this thread will be fun! Our case was family history of twins and no fertility. You should have seen the look on my face when I found out!!!

    That is exactly how it is in our case too! We were floored! I wish we would have video taped our faces b/c I bet we looked SO funny!
  20. nana2three

    nana2three Well-Known Member

    Twins do run in our family. My grandma was a twin, and I have twin cousins, but I never even imagined that the twin string would continue in my line (my daughter is pregnant with twin boys). All the twins in our family are girls, so I guess we're starting a new trend with the boys. Great thread by the way!
  21. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    My signature says it all, though identicals aren't linked to hereditary (but I wonder) :) I have a great aunt who had 2 sets of identical twins and I have a 1st cousin who's pg now with b/g twins.
  22. sfried93

    sfried93 Well-Known Member

    We did IVF but it was actually a Frozed Transfer Cycle. We put 3 back embies but 2 were top grade and perfect and the third was below average. I thought it was twins after my first beta but was certain after my second beta quadrupled. Our RE said it was a 5-8% chance of twins but obviously it was alot biggert than that
  23. boog9902

    boog9902 Well-Known Member

    Twins run in my family however i am the first one in 40yrs to have another set i thought that was wild !!
  24. ihartjelli

    ihartjelli Member

    My MIL is a fraternal twin and was adopted at the age of 2, so we dont know how many others there could have been. There are no sets of twins on my side of the family. As for our ID boys, I have been taking birth control pills religiously since I was 15. So i conceived on Yasmin. My OB and peri both think its hilarious to hear. They joke that after I get my tubes tied and my DH gets a vasectomy we will still use condoms and will get pregnant with triplets. :)
  25. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    I have twins and so does my brother and his wife.
    But that is because we both needed to do IVF.
    Plus, my brother and I are adopted (not biologically related to each other) so even if it were possible that twins ran in the family that still wouldn't be the reason for us!! :p
  26. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Nope, we were just lucky. :) Our girls are identical so it was just a random split of the egg.
  27. beckylynn

    beckylynn Well-Known Member

    Twins do not run in our family - well, I just found out that my great-great grandmother was a fraternal twin but otherwise nothing.

    No fertility treatments and the doctors think right now that our twins are probably identical. I'm 13 weeks.
  28. Carols3boysplus2

    Carols3boysplus2 Well-Known Member

    Yes, twins do run in my family.... my mom lost twins and my grandfather´s sisters both had twins. Even though I knew this, finding out was still a shock because I wanted my fourth and last child!!! You should´ve seen dh´s face!
    Oh, and this was the third time I was pg with twins, but the first two reabsorbed very early.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    my dad is a twin, and i am the only one to have twins in my family
  30. biglittle8

    biglittle8 Active Member

    Twins do not run in our family and we did not use fertility treatments.

    Surprise!!! It sure was one to us.
  31. tundrababy

    tundrababy Well-Known Member

    My dad is a fraternal twin, thats the only set we know of. I remember being told by this quacky doc I saw when I was thirteen having menstrual issues I had a 50% chance of twins....we all blew him off as being crazy. My boys are mostly likely fraternal because I had my IUD pulled and probably ovulated from both sides.
  32. kaylies mama

    kaylies mama Well-Known Member

    My Dad has 2 sets on his side.. His 2 older brothers & his older sister and brother.. Yeah, I know Back to back twins!! My Mom's sister had twins and so did my Mom's cousin.
  33. tashatank24

    tashatank24 Well-Known Member

    No twins at all in my family, BUT DH's family is riddled with them. Weirdest thing...
    No fertility treatment either, but here's my theory:

    #1. This is my 4th pregnancy (had a m/c with 1st pregnancy at 11 weeks) the more you get pregnant, the higher your chances of twins. Kinda like a slot machine, you keep pulling that lever and eventually...
    #2. My mom went through menopause early and maybe I will too. The possibility of twins increases with age, and I wonder if my ovaries realize I was only 26.
    #3. I was 235lbs in January, went to a weight loss doc in Feb, TOTALLY changed my diet, exercise habits, and overall outlook on life and within 2 months lost 40 lbs. I was taking phentermine to kill appetite, celexa (antidepressant) and metformin (to keep my insulin levels low so my body would not store sugar) I have a friend who was taking metformin for PCOS to help her conceive. I am not diabetic, nor have I ever been told I have PCOS.
    #4. My side of the family is full of lefties and there is a theory that suggests that lefties are survivors of mirror image ID vanishing twins. (Not trying to start a debate at all, this is someone else's theory.) So maybe some pregnancies on my side of the family began as twins.
    #5. I was taking a yoga class which I recently read can help boost your fertility. Long shot I know, but it seems like I was doing all the right things at the right time to make this happen and THEY'RE ALMOST HERE!! OMG!! I'M GONNA BE A TWIN MOM!!!
  34. Kaelan

    Kaelan Well-Known Member

    Nope. But they do run on DH's side. And no, no IVF or fertility treatments.
  35. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    My twins are a result of the Plan B (morning after pill)!!! Still a little shocked!!!!

    There was rumor my grandmother may have been preggo with twins but she never birthed them, other then that, we don't have twins on my side....
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