do toddlers get backaches?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Just now I overheard DD saying "Back hurt. Back hurt." She doesn't seem upset or uncomfortable, but she kept repeating it. HUH??? :huh: I thought only mommies got the backaches! How can a toddler even get a backache?
  2. kirstenanch

    kirstenanch Well-Known Member

    How weird- my little girl said her back hurts today too! She also has a cold and cough though, so I'm assuming it's some achiness going along with all that.
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Could she be repeating something she heard? Does she know where her back is? (Sounds like a stupid question, but not really....) If it continues, you'll have to investigate!! :hug:
  4. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    i think all kids get "growing pains" and they can be anywhere. I would think back, legs, arms would occasionally ache from the fast growth they go through. I'm fairly liberal with tylenol, no i don't overdrug my kids. but if they are complaining of pain and can't sleep, then I give tylenol.
    also, i have a little trick. my kids love medicine... weird i know. so if 1 needs it and the other doesn't. I cheat and give the other gatorade in a syringe. they think they are getting meds, but not.

    also, she might just want you to rub her back. my kids will complain of pain to get kisses, bandaids (we have a "cut/bleeding" policy about that otherwise we'd go through hundreds of bandaids per month) and sometimes just to get extra touch/love/attention.
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