Do my kids have the smallest feet in history?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Minette, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    They are 14 months -- one is a size 2, the other a size 3. I have trouble finding shoes for them! Everyone complains about their kids outgrowing shoes so fast, and I can't wait for mine to grow a size or two. Anyone else have toddlers with tiny feet?
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    They are 14 months -- one is a size 2, the other a size 3. I have trouble finding shoes for them! Everyone complains about their kids outgrowing shoes so fast, and I can't wait for mine to grow a size or two. Anyone else have toddlers with tiny feet?
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Size 2 and 3? Yes, I think they do have the smallest feet in history! Bea is in a size 7 (she's got big feet!) and Ainsley's in a 5. At least I do get some extra wear out of Bea's shoes, I started handing them down to Ainsley.
  4. shelbyolivia

    shelbyolivia Well-Known Member

    My girls have small feet too, Shelby is a 4 1/2 & Olivia is a 5 wide. I wear a size 4, so I guess they will follow along. Good things come in small packages! [​IMG]
  5. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    All of my kids have been a size 4 when they start walking (thats when they get their first pair of shoes) around their first birthday. So I dont think your girls have abnormally small feet... they are just petite!
  6. ads3046

    ads3046 Well-Known Member

    I don't think that's too bad either. We are just in 4 1/2 and 5 1/2 right now. They've only gone up a half size since 12 months. Maybe your kiddos just haven't hit a good "foot" growth spurt. [​IMG]

  7. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Andrew wore a size 3 at 14 months too. Stride Rite had a few pairs to fit him. Even now at over 2 he only wears a size 6 and Catherine a 6.5.
  8. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Mine are 19 months and Morgan is getting ready to move to a 6 and Reagan is just cozy in her 5's. HOwever, that being said, I wear a 10-11 shoe and DH wears a they are giong to have big feet too.
  9. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    Right now my twins are in a size 4, but Mikayla's feet are getting longer and she needs to go to a 5 soon. (she has long thin feet)

    Michael on the other hand is not getting long, but WIDER!! I think he still can wear a 4, but his feet are so FAT!! Where in the world do you get WIDE shoes??? [​IMG] [​IMG]

  10. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Where in the world do you get WIDE shoes???

    Stride Rite! They have W and extra wide. HTH [​IMG]
  11. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    Don't feel bad. Mine were like that for awhile. It's kind of neat I've come to appreciate...the smaller twin inherits the clothes from the bigger twin. This includes shoes. Amber has gotten Emily's tennis shoes and a pair of black dress shoes and just wait til Amber gets to inherit those light up, black Dora shoes that Emily just got.
  12. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Ours have large feet as well. Ryan wears an 8 and Sofia is in a 7. It seems like I have to buy new shoes every couple of months.
  13. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    Mine are 15 months and still in their size 4's with socks(walking shoes) and size 3's with nylons(dress shoes). A friend has a 13 month old who still is wearing the girls' size 1 shoes but is almost ready for the 2's-thought this baby is very petite and just now fits the girls' size 6-9 months clothes with some being a bit big.

  14. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I had one in 2 until 15 month and now she is in 3s...the other was in 2 until she was 13 months and now jumped to a 4/5!! BUt she started walking so maybe that made them grow quick! [​IMG]

    I can't imagine they will have small feet....DH and I are big footed people!
  15. frain2005

    frain2005 Well-Known Member

    We are 15 months here....size threes for both, and still have room to grow. I think they were in a size one until about 9 months or so. We went to 2's before they turned one, and just went to 3 about 2 weeks ago. They still have room, so if we don't get a growth spurt, we will be in these a little while. HTH!
  16. twinsmom2005

    twinsmom2005 Member

    Mine were in size 2 at 15-16 months, I think. They are 22 months and still wear a size 4. Small feet? Depends on the child. I have really small children, so their feet fit. I'll bet you're in the same boat. Actually, it's been nice for them not to outgrown clothes/shoes so fast. I don't want to slow their growth, but I'm glad they are taking their time.
  17. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    OH my, P and P were in a size 4.5 at 12 months. Now at 20 months, they are in a size 8!!!! We have gone up 4 shoe sizes in 8 months. Do you know how any shoes we have laying around here???
    Enjoy the small feet!
  18. tracyob

    tracyob Well-Known Member

    My sweet DD who is 21 mths is just growing out of size 4, she has very tiny feet also! I also have small feet, I can still wear kids shoes myself.
  19. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    We didn't get officially sized until they were walking and we bought some Stride Rites; before that they only wore Robeez, which are just sized on ages. Anyway, at 16mos when they started walking, Rita was only a 3.5 and Natalie was a 4. It was actually a pain because the Stride Rite BabyStages shoes for walkers (stage 3) start in size 4! We ended up waiting a few weeks until their feet grew a littl emore. Now they will be turning 2 in a month and they are only in a 4.5 and a 5. I think they will be outgrowing those soon; they are starting to get a little snug.
  20. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    My girls are 16 months adjusted, 19 months actual and barely fit in a size 3- size 2 is too small and 3's are too big! Gotta love it! I have a size 9 and Dh a size 11 and we are tall. Right now our girls are short, too skinny (barely 3rd%ile) and have really really small feet- but their feet are soo cute! I love love love baby feet!!! With their cute little cheeks followed in at a close second!
  21. abbymarie

    abbymarie Well-Known Member

    My girls sound about average with this board...their first pair of Stride Rite walking shoes (at 12 months) were a 3 1/2...though that summer they wore size 3 sandals. They change a sizes slowly, it seems. Now at nearly age 4 they are wearing anything from a 7 dress shoe to a 9 snow boot. Stride Rite Outlets are the BEST. My Aunt is always picking up shoes for my girls!!

    My feet are small at 6 1/2. That's why I figure the girls have little feet.
  22. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine have tiny feet too. At 21 mos old Kenna just got into a 4!!! Mitchell is just about a 5. Kenna wore a size 2 for forever!!! But they get a lot of wear out of their shoes!!! I have small feet too so I guess they get that from me?
  23. sami & madi's mom

    sami & madi's mom Well-Known Member

    My girls are 13 months and still in a size 2. They are very small they only weigh 18lbs and are only 27 inches long. They are below the 25% on the charts even the premie twin charts my pedi has.
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