Do Mono/di twins come even earlier?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by linz, May 4, 2009.

  1. linz

    linz Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone,

    I am currently 30 weeks pregnant with identical boys. My doctor has already said she won't let me go past 37 weeks, but I guess reality is setting in that that is so close! I am now starting to freak out a little :D I was wondering if mono/di twins in general come even earlier than fraternal, since they share a placenta? I have had a really uneventful pregnancy but all of the sudden I feel like I need to start preparing myself for more like a 35 week arrival. Yikes :eek:
  2. babymOmmax2

    babymOmmax2 Well-Known Member

    I'm not certain if they come any earlier as opposed to frats, but my boys were mono/di & I delivered at 38 weeks if that gives you a little more hope! Hang in there mama, you're doing great!
  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I have heard that some Dr's are not comfortable going past 35-36 weeks with mono/twins. I had mono/di girls and my OB never said anything of the sort. You may want to ask your Dr about it and find out for sure what his/her policies on your situation. Good Luck!
  4. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    Sometimes they do, like if the placenta is getting old and not providing enough. My peri felt that at 34 weeks and 5 days the boys would be better off out than in.

    BTW my doc would not have let me go past 36 weeks, that's her policy with mono di
  5. Angelsamb

    Angelsamb Well-Known Member

    Good post. I've never heard of this. My sister had mono-di twins but they came on their own at almost 34 weeks.
  6. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Not a day past 36 weeks is the policy here with local Peris.

    We set up my c section for 35 weeks 2 days and all was well.

    I guess the risk of acute TTTS goes up significantly if you go past 36 weeks.
  7. mikeyswife1999

    mikeyswife1999 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for posting this. I just found out we're having mono/di twins this past Thurs and have been wondering the same thing.
  8. linz

    linz Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your replies, that is my other concern. I see some of you replied 36 weeks was the max, I have read some of those medical articles and plan on asking my OB about this tomorrow. I know her policy is 37 weeks although she said we will take them the second she thinks they would do better on the outside, but to tell you the truth I would be more comfortable at a 36 week limit based on some stuff I have read about unexplained sudden death of one twin after 34 weeks, even with close monitoring.
  9. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    My girls were mono/di and, unlike you, we did not have an uneventful pregnancy. However, my peri said from day 1 that we would shoot for 34 weeks and not go past 35. It is very controversial, but there is a recent study that shows the likelihood of TTTS and sudden fetal death go up after 35 weeks. There is no explination for the sudden death and no warning signs, so my drs thought it better to be out at 34 weeks than in at 35. I had a c-section on the evening of 33w6d, so basically 34 weeks and my girls did spend time in the NICU learning to eat and grow. Other than that, they are happy and healthy little girls. Aurora was an IUGR baby but BK has caught up on the growth chart and they are hitting their milestones wonderfully!

    Good luck with your delivery and here's to a continued uneventful pregnancy :Clap: :Clap:
  10. caperals

    caperals Member

    I talked with my doctor today about when he'd deliver if I was still on hospital bedrest and hadn't gone on my own and he said at 34wks. He said with TTTS twins there is no evidence that they're better on the inside past 34wks and very well could be better off on the outside so that's the route we'll take.
  11. Sisrea

    Sisrea Well-Known Member

    My peri said that there was some information about them taking mono/di twins earlier say 34-36wks but that there was some newer information that they shouldn't have been doing that. Believe me, i thought that 36wks was the max so i was really worried to go past that. But i was scheduled for 37wks, but since i was getting closley monitored, and i hadn't had any complications.

    As it happend tho At my dr apt at 35wks i had developed some High blood pressure suddenly and developed pre-E and delivered at a35w4d
  12. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Would someone mind posting a link to all the information you've been reading about twin deaths after 34 weeks?
  13. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

  14. cassier17

    cassier17 Well-Known Member

    Great question Linz. Now onto my next worry! haha.

    I am 23 weeks pregnant mono/di, I recently asked my OB about delivery, and she said we would wait and see how it goes, and I could still do a vaginal delivery. She said that since I had one successful vaginal delivery (with my first singleton), thats one possible complication out of the way.

    As long as Baby A was head down, we would "try" for vaginal birth. They think its the easier way out for me in the end (not having surgery...taking care of twins a a 2 year old YIKES). I agree (I think?)

    She has never mentioned a cut off time. To me, her saying I could have a vaginal birth, meant to me that we would let things go naturally, let the babes decide when its time.

    Can we have a cut off time, say 36 weeks, and still go for vaginal birth, and just be induced if things havent progressed? What if she doesnt think we need to have cut off time? Should I trust them? Maybe I will talk to the peri doctor AND my OB, and make a decision then? I know I have time, but I like to be prepared!

    Thanks ladies...great information, THANK GOD FOR THIS WEBSITE! :)
  15. linz

    linz Well-Known Member

    Well, I had an OB appt yesterday and asked her if identical twins come earlier than fraternal. She said no, that has not been what she has experienced. This woman delivers alot of twins too. Still, you hear so many stories you never know what to expect! Both of my boys are breech right now, but she said if they are both head down we will try for vaginal since that is what I want. Like cassier17 said it will be an easier and quicker recovery. But she said most of the twins make it to 37 weeks and then if they are both head down she will induce labor, if not we will have the c-section. She said she gets within a day or so of the 37 week mark. If I go into labor any time after 35 weeks she will not try to stop it.

    I also asked her opinion of the studies regarding the sudden fetal death in twins after 34 weeks. She said that there is always an increased risk of fetal death when carrying a baby past term, and what the medical community does not agree on is what is considered term for twins. She said that she goes by the recommendation of the peri, who says 37 weeks. I would be nervous if there was not a cut-off time personally, but there are certainly ladies on here who don't as well.

    I know it will all play out the way it should, but t is so agonizing not knowing exactly what is going to happen!! :nea:
  16. dvigneau

    dvigneau Active Member

    My girls were Mono/Di and my peri wouldnt let me carry them past 37 weeks. They said after that they have a higher chance of complications so it is just safer. They were born at 36w 3d because baby A's sack broke. They did fine, cried as soon as they came out and never had to go in the NICU. I never really had any problems while I was pregnant except for high blood pressure. They were 5lb 15oz and 6lb 5oz. So I would say that they come at pretty much the same time as other twins because most twins are born around 36 weeks on their own but I know a lot of doctors wont let them go full term.
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