Do I need a triplet stroller??

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Kristy_Michigan, Dec 5, 2006.

    Hoping to get some advice. We just found out we are expecting baby #3. Our twins will be 28 months when the baby arrives in July. Wondering if I should get a triplet stroller. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of the house if I don't, but don't want to spend the money if it won't really be necessary. Anyone have advice or experience?

  1. Hoping to get some advice. We just found out we are expecting baby #3. Our twins will be 28 months when the baby arrives in July. Wondering if I should get a triplet stroller. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of the house if I don't, but don't want to spend the money if it won't really be necessary. Anyone have advice or experience?

  2. stinabina

    stinabina Well-Known Member

    I thought i would need one, but only would have bought one if i had found one cheap at a resale or something. they are REALLY expensive...

    i put 2 in the stroller and carried the smaller of the two babies... that's always worked for us. it just dpeends on how much you use the stroller. i'm a runner and we take daily walks, so a triple jogger would have been awesome, because i can't run when i'm alone wiht all three kids, but just for general use i put 2 in and carry 1. even though my daughter was older and can walk she still likes to ride.

    i also find that carrying one is great exercise. especially now that they are 20 plus pounds and cna ride in the backpack.
  3. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine are going to be 30 months when the new baby is born. I'm NOT getting a triple stroller. I don't think I would use it very much. My plan is to put the baby in the bjorn and the twins in the stroller/cart or put the baby carrier in the cart also. Mine will be going to preschool two mornings a week and I'm planning to run most of my errands during that time. They are also getting better at walking with me, so I think they could take turns with one walking and one in the stroller.
  4. Tracy623

    Tracy623 Well-Known Member

    My friend was in the same situation and she ended up buying a Sit and Stand Stroller. That way the baby was in the front and one of the twins could sit/stand in the back while the other walked and they took turns riding and walking. The one you can buy at Target offers a cup holder tray too. Also, My twins like to walk but I also take along the stroller to the zoo, etc. Since two kids hanging onto the stroller is awkward, I bought the wrist "leashes" and attached them to the stoller. There is one on each side and they hold the handles or as my daughter calls it her braclet and walk while I push the stoller. That has worked wonders! They get some exercise but are still safe!

    Good luck!
  5. Life has been a bit crazy lately and I just got around to reading all of the responses. I appreciate everyone's time. Seems like everyone had pretty much the same response! Thanks.
  6. morgan

    morgan Well-Known Member

    my eldest was 25 months when I had the twins and I decided not to go with the triple stroller. so glad I didn't bother! by the time the twins were born, he mostly refused to ride in a stroller at all, he preferred to walk. if he did need to ride and I was alone, one of the twins went into a baby bjorn. actually, even when dh was with me, we mostly used 2 baby bjorns and our eldets walked (or rode in a cart, if we were at target or similar).

    I would say skip it. you can always go get one if you find you really need it.
  7. tulip1981

    tulip1981 Well-Known Member

    Mine will be 20 months when the baby is born. I'm planning on keeping the double stoller and then using a sling to carry the baby!
  8. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    You could buy a sit or stand attachment (I saw one at One Step Aheads website) and attach that to your double stroller.
  9. mbcrox

    mbcrox Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Kristy, I have a triplette stroller and I love it! I'm sure I would be unable to go anywhere without it! My babies are 10 months apart! My twin boys were born 10/06 and my daughter came 8/07. So, my duo stroller is in storage! Good Luck with your little one. Personally, I like to have a place they can ride. I guess it just depends how often and where you would be taking a stroller.
  10. mbcrox

    mbcrox Well-Known Member

    ooops! I goofed up the date of my kids births! Make that twins 10/05 and infant 8/06! It's too late! I'm heading to bed! ZZzzzzz

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