Do girls "talk" more than boys? coeing..etc

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Gimena, Jan 23, 2009.

  1. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    My dd starts talking as soon as she wakes up (to the birds on her mobile) until she goes to sleep...she talks (makes all kinds of sounds, bubbles, cries, get mad...etc. all day long..even when she has her pacifier!)
    DS on the other hand says "ayyyyy..."and mmmmmm sounds but that' about it..he does smile a lot, speacially when I talk to him, but
    he makes so many less baby talk than dd... not much coeing from him :huh:
    is that normal in boys? he is much more physical than her and expresses his emotions by movement rathen that vocal...
  2. aandja79

    aandja79 Well-Known Member

    My son talks less than his sister for sure. He started babbling more freqently a few weeks after her too. Actually, I think he probably knows he won't get a word in:)
  3. mrsriney00

    mrsriney00 Well-Known Member

    My daughter def. talks more than her bro. In my experience girls normally talk a little earlier but that may just be at my house. But now that my older two DC are older I can't get my DS to shut up at times. :)
  4. lschiff

    lschiff New Member

    QUOTE(sassypants2+2 @ Jan 23 2009, 07:42 PM) [snapback]1159649[/snapback]
    My daughter def. talks more than her bro. In my experience girls normally talk a little earlier but that may just be at my house. But now that my older two DC are older I can't get my DS to shut up at times. :)

    I'm soooo glad someone asked this... I'm finding the same thing! DD is way chattier than DS. My older DD was a chatterbug too.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I can tell you that my DD is way more chattier then my DS and always has been.
  6. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    Same here so far...DD is a chatterbox. DS is catching up, but he definitely took longer and still doesn't talk quite as much as his sister...although he laughs more!
  7. EOMommy

    EOMommy Well-Known Member

    Yep same here, DD does a lot more babbling...she is "bababamamamamdaddadad" type sounds once in awhile and he is more of a grunter/screamer.
  8. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I am trying so hard not to compare either but find it virtually impossible with two babies the same age! My DD is chattier than my DS...she says, "DADADADA" and babbles more...but he IS babbling more and more everyday too!
  9. zndsmom

    zndsmom Well-Known Member

    So far, ours are actually opposite! DS coos and shrieks all day long. DD does it in bursts and when playing, but DS is definately the talker right now. :)
  10. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    Mine is the reverse.... DS talks constantly & DD is more quiet. He was the first one to smile, laugh, talk, all that stuff. She is much more serious & she's ahead of him in other areas.
  11. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(EOMommy @ Jan 24 2009, 08:33 AM) [snapback]1160199[/snapback]
    Yep same here, DD does a lot more babbling...she is "bababamamamamdaddadad" type sounds once in awhile and he is more of a grunter/screamer.

    THat is exactly what I mean.. what my ds does..grunter/screamer doesn't really "cry"

    It's funny how they say all babies are different and here we find babies that are soooooooo much alike :D It kinds you puts you at
    ease... that way we are not comparing only to one baby...we get more of a general census ;)
  12. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I only have boys - but all 3 (the twins and my 4-year-old) are the chattiest boys I know. From the moment they wake up until they fall asleep - they talk, talk, talk and talk some more! :)
  13. nyckie024

    nyckie024 Member

    my son talks more than my daughter. they are 3 months but adjusted age they are 1month and half.
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