Do Dr Brown's bottles work?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by New Mom, Jan 29, 2007.

  1. New Mom

    New Mom Well-Known Member

    Do these bottles really work? They say they help with colic, gas, and spit-up. But they seem kind of expensive so I wanted some feedback before I buy any.
  2. New Mom

    New Mom Well-Known Member

    Do these bottles really work? They say they help with colic, gas, and spit-up. But they seem kind of expensive so I wanted some feedback before I buy any.
  3. gatormommy

    gatormommy Well-Known Member

    I personally wasn't crazy about them. There are a lot of little parts to clean, and they did not help with my DD's reflux and gas issues. I prefer the cheapy Evenflo Classic bottles. They work great and can't beat the price!! [​IMG]
  4. Natalie81

    Natalie81 Well-Known Member

    They work great for us we had alot of gas issues in the beginnig(up all night) and we switched to Dr.Browns and things got better no we mostly use Podee bottles and they seem to work the same. HTH
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    We use them, I do not, however, think that they do all that they claim to do!
  6. LeslieLu

    LeslieLu Well-Known Member

    Don't waste your money. Seriously, they are good bottles, but don't count on them getting rid of gas or air of any kind. I used our Dr. Browns to feed my girls their barium for their upper GI and we watched as they ate .. their little tummies immediately filled up with air. HTH!
  7. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    I wouldnt know what to do without them! My girls were extremely colicky. We changed formula 4 times before trying the Dr Brown bottles and within 24 hours, colic was gone! My friend also had a colicky baby and I told her about them and she had the same results. The only down fall is the cleaning of the tiny parts but we just put them in the dishwasher and it works out great for us. My girls are 10 months old and we still use them!
  8. Kellbell68

    Kellbell68 Well-Known Member

    Hi! We haven't had very good luck with them. Our new little guy, Logan, is using them now, and he is just as colicky and gassy as he was when we were using regular bottles. I was so bummed, because I was soooo hoping the 'fancy' bottles would help[​IMG]
    And having the 4 pieces per bottle to assemble is annoying... especially with twins.
    I wouldn't waste the $ either... my doc mentioned the drop-ins, but we haven't tried those yet.
    I hope that helps! Good luck! I know it is so hard when they are so colicky & gassy... it will get better... Our boy twin Aiden was the same way. His colic lasted about 3 months. I'm praying Logan will follow in his big brother's footsteps... we're going on 3 months now! LOL!
  9. Dragonfly76

    Dragonfly76 Well-Known Member

    Not for us. They were the first bottles. And they leak and such a pain to clean and put together! After trying everything, that is on market, we ended up with Playtex Drop-ins premium nurser - what a blessing! You just squeeze the plastic bag and all the air escapes through the hole in the nipple - that's it, and there's no air in the bottle for your baby to swallow. Besides that you just toss the bag after use and wash only the nipple and just rinse the holder. They are truly my favorites. Disposable bags are cheaper to buy Target brand - almost twice cheaper than the Playtex and they are just as good.
  10. greenslade7

    greenslade7 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't use anything else. They have beena godsend for us with all 3 babies. Also for a friend of mine with her two. We just use the dishwasher, so cleaning isn't that a big of a deal. Buy one and use it for a couple of days. See if it helps before you invest in them. Good luck. Colic is so hard!
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