Do any of your 3 year olds sleep in full size beds instead of twin size?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by NancyO, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. NancyO

    NancyO Well-Known Member

    We are getting the girls "big girl beds" for their third birthday. Their tents are beginning to rip and I can barely hoist them over the side of the crib anymore so I guess we can't postpone it any longer, God help us!! The last time we tried them in their cribs converted to toddler beds, it was a nightmare and we switched back. That was about 6 months ago.

    Anyway.... My parents gave us a queen size mattress to replace the one we have in our guest room which is a full size. So we are going to put the full size in one of the girls rooms and get another for the other one. They are in seperate rooms.

    I'm just wondering if any other tots are in full size beds and how they do?? It's going to save us some money doing it this way, so we're pretty set on it, but just hope they aren't weirded out in such a big bed!

  2. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    I was put into a full size bed not a twin bed when I got my big girl bed. I don't remember anything except that it was pretty awesome to have a big large big girl bed. I loved it.
  3. 3Girlsand1Boyforme

    3Girlsand1Boyforme Well-Known Member

    All 3 of my girls are each in a queen size bed. They went right from toddler beds to the queen size beds, and they had no problem with the transition. They tend to toss all over the place when they sleep so we put up rails on each side of the bed, but they liked having all the extra room to sleep which ever way they wanted to.

    HTH a little! Good luck with the transition.
  4. lv2bmommy

    lv2bmommy Well-Known Member

    Hi! I just moved my singleton who is 2 1/2 to a full size bed and she did great too. The first 2 weeks were an adjustment period, but now she goes right to bed (AND nap!!!) all by herself!! [​IMG] Good luck with your transition!!

    Kim [​IMG]
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My oldest DD did and still does. When she first came out of a crib at 2 years old we just put a twin mattress on the floor. Then we got her a bedroom set and got her a queen bed that can also has closes slats to be used as a full bed. Her room is the biggest of the other bedrooms and thought that way if we ever had guests we also had a bed for them and her room is big enough. We got that for her when she was 2.5 years old and she has been in it ever since. We did put bedrails on both sides of it. She did great, no problems at all. And now it is nice when she has a friend spend the night. [​IMG]
  6. thompsontwinners

    thompsontwinners Well-Known Member

    Yes, we are in separate rooms and moved to full beds in December. They just turned 3 last month. They love love it! It is so cute seeing them sleep and snuggle in such a big bed. Plus we all fit in it to read and sing stories before bedtime. THey are going to have a blast!!
  7. K&B's Mom

    K&B's Mom Well-Known Member

    My two are in separate rooms. DS is still in a crib but DD moved to a full size bed a couple of months ago. She calls it "the big bed" and she really likes it. I moved her out of the crib because she was climbing out all the time and I was afraid she'd get hurt. We never put railings on the bed since she sleeps in the middle and has never had trouble with falling out. DD does look kind of small in the bed but it is nice that you can lay down beside her if need be (if she's sick, etc). I rearranged her room but left the crib in there. She goes through phases where she won't stay in the bed and if she does that, I put her in the crib after a warning or two. With the furniture rearrangement she can no longer climb out of the crib (wish I would have figured that out in the first placde but oh well!) and really doesn't want to go back to the crib so it motivates her to stay in bed.
  8. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    I just posted on this the other day. My 2 year old is sleeping in a full size bed. He skipped the toddler bed altogether. He deos great on the full. He moves around quite a bit so the bigger bed probably helps over a twin. We put one side up to the wall and he prefers to sleep on that side, he has never fallen out of bed. When we transition dd, it will be in a full size bed.
  9. abbymarie

    abbymarie Well-Known Member

    My twins moved to a full size bed at 2 1/2. It went well and I think I prefer that to smaller beds. The worst is changing the sheets when one throws up and not having another place to put them except my bed...and pray that they don't throw up there too!!!
  10. mmhzmom

    mmhzmom Well-Known Member

    My oldest is in a full bed - he is 5 and we moved him to the full bed when he was 3 and he does just fine. Zach - who is 22 months - is also in a full size bed and he does fine with it as well. The girl's have a smaller room and so are in twin size beds.
  11. Whoa Mama

    Whoa Mama Well-Known Member

    My 4yo has slept in a double bed since he turned 2. For the first year or so we had it pushed into the corner of his room so the head and side were against the wall, and put a safety rail on the open side. He did great! We only use the box spring and mattress though - no bed frame. It just makes it lower and easier to get into/out of.

    We plan to put the twins into double beds too, once they're out of cribs.
  12. mom of one plus two

    mom of one plus two Well-Known Member

    We got my 6 year old a queen size bed that way we can sleep with her if we want to snuggle or wake up together. Nanny can sleep with her when she sleeps over and someday I hope the twins will share sleep with her sometimes too.
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