
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sistersbeall, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    The girls are 18 months old, and at this point not too bad. However, I can see it coming already. They are starting to push the envelope, and I know this is all part of learning and growing up, but some of their behaviors I am gonna have to nip in the bud.

    I was just wondering what techniques others use, and how effective they are. I was also wondering how hard it is to get the grandparents or other people that help with the kids on the same page. Last but not least, are there any good books on discipline that you would reccomend??
  2. ronee75

    ronee75 Well-Known Member

    my girls are almost 20mo and have been pushing the envelope for some time now...they are nasty with each other (biting, hitting, scratching, pushing, etc) when i'm around and then are bff's and into everything they shouldn't be when i'm not watching! i use time outs in what i call "the naughty box" (ie the pack and play) when they're not listening or hurting each other...i also have a time out timer that i use to go with that so that we both know when the 2min are up (i round up)...as for other behaviors like throwing food from their trays, i tell them it's not nice to do that, then just pick up the item and take it away...i tried ignoring the bad behavior but i feel like i gotta say it's not nice first and then i try and ignore it...i know it's usually a frustration thing so i try and not make a big deal about it...

    as for others abiding by your limits and discipline methods, i would just let any family/babysitters know that this is what you're doing right now in order to correct their naughty behaviors and that you'd appreciate their following your lead with it...i'm lucky enough to have family that do just that (no outside babysitters), but if i didn't i would definitely call them out on it and really stress the importance of continuity...good luck!
  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    1-2-3 Magic work wonders around here! :good: Good Luck!
  4. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Right now, we redirect them on to behaviors that are more acceptable or end whatever is causing the behavior to occur. Around 18-20 months, I will move on to time outs with them (when I believe they can understand it). I find that when you tell babies what not to do, they often don't know what to do so redirecting/giving them better choices is my first line of discipline. It still works with my 6 year old, most days.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Another recommendation for 1-2-3 Magic here. I would say at 18 months, my kids didn't quite get it but as they got closer to 2, they started to understand it a lot better. I have found being consistent in my discipline and letting any caretakers know about how we discipline and what we discipline for, helps to keep it consistent. Time outs work really well for my two. I either have them go to their room for 2 minutes or I sit them on a blanket in the kitchen for 2 minutes.
  6. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    There is a 1-2-3 Magic Workshop near my house coming up soon and I was thinking about attending. For those who are familiar with this, do you think i'd be worthwhile for me to go alone (my husband can't attend because he'll be working)?
  7. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    My guys are over 2, and I have to say redirection still works best with them. ITA with the above; my guys respond a lot better to "put your trains down nicely" than "don't throw trains". I can tell you that yelling *never* works; they just laugh at me. ;)
  8. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    Mine haven't started laughing at me yet, but they will definitely look at me like I am crazy for telling them "No". Sanders will put her hands on her hips, bend at her waist, give me this look that could throw flames, and then she will scream and walk away. Or they will shake their head no at me when I tell them no. And my favorite so far was when DH was repremanding Callahan for something and he popped her hand and she turned around and popped his hand back. I think I am on the road to dealing with two defiant lil girls. But from what I understand, I am getting everything back that I gave out as a child.......just two fold. :FIFblush:
  9. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    We have used and still are using 1-2-3 Magic with my DD and it is great. We haven't done it with the boys yet since I don't they will get it at this point, but we plan on using it in few months ;-)
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