
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sbailey, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. sbailey

    sbailey Well-Known Member

    Okay, I love my girls BUT, when we go out in public (esp. the grocery store) they are horrible. They throw everything, scream (that high pitch hurt your ears scream), run away (if given the opportunity--storytime at the library) you name it, they do it. What do you do to discipline your twins AND how do you know if they know better? My girls are 16 months old and I'm thinking they know more than I give them credit, but I don't want to discipline them for something they don't understand. I hope this makes sense? TIA! :)
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I know my girls know better most of the time, and for the most part they listen very well. However when they don't I started using 1-2-3 Magic and it has worked wonders around here.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I know what you mean. Mine are usually pretty good out in public and little terrors at home, no they are not that bad, but if they are going to misbehave it's usually going to happen at home vs. outside. What we do right now is to be consistent, do time outs and redirection. I am going to have to check out that 1-2-3 Magic book too.
  4. sbailey

    sbailey Well-Known Member

    Oh! It's a book.okay!! I'm going to get it! I need something, anything! My son (who is 7) is (no kidding) the most mature and well-behaved kid I ever known. If he needed discipline, all I had to do was give him "the look" and he changed his path! Very different from the girls who laugh when they are in time-out (they think it's a game). lol...
  5. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I bought 1-2-3 Magic but I noticed the age started at 2; my boys are 17 months.

    My boys don't talk yet (still babbling) so I was not sure if I should even start reading the book until they are a little older and could talk and understand what I am telling them.
  6. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We do time-outs. Mine are a little bit older than yours. However, my DS just thinks it's a game, too. He laughs, gets up and I am constantly having to take him back to the spot. We have been doing it since they were at least 18 months I know and he still doesn't get it. Maybe I need to look into the 123 Magic, also
  7. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    We started 1-2-3 Magic a couple of months ago, but I think my boys would have understood it around 18 months or so. It has worked well for us in most situations.

    In public, I will count the warnings, then I take the stroller to a corner and give them a Time-Out. It's not for 2 minutes (like TO's are at home), but I give the non-offender a toy or something small to play with while the offender doesn't get one. They always seem to chill out after I do this.

    Between 18-23 months, we had a lot of difficult moments in public. :hug: Hope it gets better soon!
  8. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    I'm going to keep this book in my 'favorites' and go to it later. I have a feeling we might need it for ours sometimes too :blush:
  9. sbailey

    sbailey Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twinboys07 @ Jun 19 2009, 03:05 PM) [snapback]1361074[/snapback]
    We started 1-2-3 Magic a couple of months ago, but I think my boys would have understood it around 18 months or so. It has worked well for us in most situations.

    In public, I will count the warnings, then I take the stroller to a corner and give them a Time-Out. It's not for 2 minutes (like TO's are at home), but I give the non-offender a toy or something small to play with while the offender doesn't get one. They always seem to chill out after I do this.

    Between 18-23 months, we had a lot of difficult moments in public. :hug: Hope it gets better soon!

    Good idea!
  10. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Now that Im thinking about it, I dont think we ever really discipline.
    We just think ahead, redirect and pack lots of snacks. When we go to the grocery store I always go straight to the deli and get about 6 jo-jos (potatoe wedges) and give those throughout the trip.

    I take cups, toys etc for distraction. At home if they are doing something I dont like I sqaut down to their level and talk to them in a calm voice.
    Occasionally when *I* need a break, I put them in their crib for 5 minutes. Everyone is usually much calmer after that.
    I think 16 month olds can understand ALOT. You just have to ge them to hear you, not just listen. Does that make sense?
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