Discipline Question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by maurahursh, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. maurahursh

    maurahursh Well-Known Member

    I know my guys are a bit young but we are starting to have a problem w/ hitting. The other issues I can distract or remove the toy etc, but the hitting has me at a loss. When I say "NO" they smile and do it again. So my plan is to put them in the PNP for a time out when they hit. Thoughts?
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Thats what we did starting around 16 months. We would say "No hitting" in a stern but not mean, upset voice and put them in the pnp. You don't want to give them more attention for the behavior so we never yelled or showed a lot of emotion. GL.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh yes, the hitting phase. One of those phases that made DH and I :crazy:
    We did the same as Leighann, said "no hitting" and the offender would get timeout on our laps for one minute. I would say it has gotten better but they still have their moments.
  4. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    When the hitting first started in our house, I would give their hands a squeeze and say "no hit" sternly. Once I thought they would understand TO's ~18 months, then I would place them in a PNP or their cribs.
  5. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I agree wtih the time out. We tried pnp and they did better sitting on our lap with arms folded. We also started making them say sorry and give hugs about 14/15 mo and I think that did more good. They got to see the other one sad because of their action.
  6. bekkiz

    bekkiz Well-Known Member

    Another thing to try is to redirect the energy. For example:

    Hands are not for hitting, they're for hugging (or clapping or patting or whatever).

    At this age, it's good to give them something else to replace their behavior, vs. just telling them no.

    It may take a few tries, but I've had it work with little toddlers!
  7. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    We started time outs in the PNP when they were 18 months. Our ped told us that it won't really be effective until they are about this age.

    But in retrospect, time outs for 1 year olds (and sometimes 2 year olds) really are for the benefit of parents, and is not a teaching tool for kids. It's a way for you to cool off, a way to separate the children from hurting each other, and a way to prevent you from using harsh disciplinary methods in a moment of rage. If your kids are very mature and can learn self-control at an early age, that's wonderful. But most kids don't really learn self-control until much older, so don't get frustrated if they keep forgetting the "no hitting" rule for the next couple of years.
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