Discipline methods

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nicolepag, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member


    What discpline methods/tactics have you been using with your 18 month olds? I just went to a discipline seminar and going to another one tomorrow. It has been helpful but most don't focus around 18 month olds. Really hard not to say "No" or "Don't" all the time and phrasing it with their limited vocabulary (Ex. not more than 2/3 words). Also very hard to ignore your child when he/she is having a tantrum in a public place.

  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Time outs just started working for us. At that age, I started teaching 1,2,3 but they were pretty non-responsive to most everything. We just kept working at it and I'd redirect, redirect, redirect. I did something I call "heavy redirection" also where I'd completely remove them from the situation/area where they were being naughty so they just plain couldn't continue. I relied heavily on taking them outside which isn't so simple for you with it being Winter but that's what I did.
  3. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    I have been staying consistent with my 15 months old twins by doing a time out in their high chair facing to the wall. They both hate it especially when I say, Count 1-2-3, then it is time out for them. I have a timer for 10 minutes time out. I do it because it is in my opinion that I stay consistent during toddlers years.

    I have not yet experienced public tantrums yet. But I'll be brave and put them in the stroller and out the door to go home (drop all my plans). Or I could talk to them by telling them in their face and say, if you stop what you are doing we can stay here longer but if you continue to tantrum we are going home. But this only happens when they truly know what it mean. I have a friend who has twins and it work for her.

    I would like to see what other have to say too.

    Diana w/Rianna and Justin
  4. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I have just been doing a lot of redirecting. My boys laugh when I say no. Even when I say it in the most stern practically yelling voice. They giggle and continue to do it. So I just redirect. I am a believer in time out but they are not ready for it yet.

    As far as tantrums in public...that has been happening way to often with one of my sons. I try not to go out for longer then I need to. One of my sons screams when he does not get his way (usually wants to get down). So I am just hoping this phase ends shortly!
  5. Monika2006Twins

    Monika2006Twins Well-Known Member

    So far I've noticed most tantrums occur when they are hungry and/or tired, so I try to keep them well fed & well rested at all times. I do distract/redirect as much as possible, and I talk them through their tantrum "you're angry because you want to do x" "you're frustrated because.." etc. In public, I just leave ASAP and get them in the car & go home. So far it's only happened at the library (fun) & at the park and both times they were tired & hungry. Once I did a mini version of a time out where I picked up the offender and put her at the other side of the house where she had to crawl back to re-join us in the livingroom. That took her all of 20 seconds but it worked as a redirect/distract as I took care of the victim (her sister, who she had been bugging).
  6. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Mine laugh in my face 90% of the time. 10% of the time I get a tantrum. 100% of the time they get redirection. 75% of the time that redirection is fruitless. :rolleyes:

    Thanks for the post...I hope you don't mind I made a spin-off poll b/c I'm curious how/when time outs became effective for most folks.
  7. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    Right now we redirect. I tried a 1 minute time out but that ended in screaming and a worse tantrum than how it started and honestly I don't think she knew what was happening. Interested in seeing what others think.
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