Differing Weight Gains - photos included

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by pamallhoney, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    So, I had the boys weighed today by the health nurse. Creed who was 6lbs 14oz at birth (lost some at the hospital) was 8lbs. Laud who was 7lbs 11oz. (lost some also at the hospital) was only 8lbs 2.5oz. I don't understand why he hasn't gained as much as his brother. I breastfeed both of them the same amount of feedings per day. Laud does have a problem with getting a lot of air bubbles. So I end up taking him off the breast a few times during his feedings to burp him. Anyone know why one would gain so much more? They are so close in size now.



  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Pam, they are adorable. :wub: I think each baby just gains weight differently. I know with my two, Trevor has always been about 3 lbs. bigger than Emilie.
  3. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    I know it is hard, but try not to compare them...they are both gaining within the relm of normal! If you only had one, you wouldn't bat an eye at their weights as they are right now! Congrats on BF'ing them both!


    and I just looked their pictures...and they are too cute for words!
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Ditto to the pp's. Try not to compare. And they are too cute!
  5. ferfischer

    ferfischer Well-Known Member

    Try not to compare!

    I have ID twins - one is "barely" following her <3rd percentile growth pattern. The other has consistently climbed the percentile chart and has gone from <3rd% to 40%! So, they just grow differently. They get the exact same milk! My smaller one has reflux though, and is on Zantac.

  6. Grandma2TwinBoys

    Grandma2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    Pam, your boys are just beautiful! Can I ask a nosey question ... how do you pronounce Laud? Is it Law-d or like loud? ... it's very unusual and I'm just curious!

    Thanks for sharing the pictures of your precious guys!
  7. jenniej

    jenniej Well-Known Member

    Super cute - Do they look at similar in person as they do in the pics?

    Our two were 1 pound different and now DS has a good 4 pounds on DD. It is so hard because you have both at once so you wonder why is one doing X and the other not. The reality is they will catch up. Try not to compare it will only make you crazy.

    If your doc is good with the weight gain then try try try to not waste time and energy worrying. Easier said than done but some babies just are little. I have a friend with a singleton that has always been below the 3rd %ile no matter how much she pushes food.

    As for the air - try to be sure you have a good latch so that they don't get bad habits. As they get bigger and better that should go away!

    Keep up the great work - before you know it they will be 8 months old (I laughed when people said this to me!)
  8. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    They are just so cute!
  9. Aprilisdisney

    Aprilisdisney Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=10pt]My two were half a pound difference at birth. Now at almost a year ::sniff, sniff:: DS is about 3 pounds bigger than DD. Although they both seem to eat about the same amount. They just gain weight differently. DD is a little more active than DS right now, so that might be part of it too.

    They are so cute!!

    April :)
  10. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    Thank you, thank you, thank you...all your messages were very encouraging! It's true if Laud was a single baby, I wouldn't worry about him cause he is gaining weight. After he fed and was happy this afternoon, I decided to see how much was left. So I pumped and got 3 oz. I tried feeding it to him by bottle and he spit it all up. But as I type this he is totally content on the floor for wake time.

    Laud Emmanuel and Creed Anthem got their names mostly from the song O Come, O Come Emmanuel.

    Laud is pronounced Law-d like laud in the word applaud! It means "to praise"

    Rejoice! rejoice! [SIZE=14pt]Emmanuel[/SIZE],
    Shall come to thee, o Israel

    What child is this, who laid to rest,
    On Mary's lap is sleeping?
    Whom angels greet with [SIZE=14pt]anthem[/SIZE]s sweet,
    While shepherds watch are keeping?

    This this is Christ the king
    Whom shepherds guard and angels sing
    Haste haste to bring Him [SIZE=14pt]laud[/SIZE]
    The babe the son of Mary

    Once we had the middle name Anthem, I opened the baby name book right to Creed which means "faith". And we knew that was his name.

    I'm not sure how you reply to a particular post. I see sometimes that when someone is replying to a particular post it's in a box. Could anyone tell me how to do that?

    Anyways, I can tell the boys apart. My parents who see them about once a week struggle to figure out who is who.
    Our oldest son knows and our 3 year old, but our 5 year old just can't seem to get them right. I can't wait to see if they are identical or not. My Dr. is back next week so I hope he'll have the results then.

    Thanks again girls!
  11. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to add to a fellow Canadian... that the growth charts are for their "corrected age" so no dots should be on their chart until they are at their corrected age. I actually wrote on their growth charts "corrected" where it says "age" because my doc and a health nurse had missplaced a dot and it looked like one of my girls was not growing at a good rate.

    Ok so those growth charts show several lines each one 3rd, 5th, 25 th ... percentiles. Each of the babies will follow a line. My one daughter is following the 5th % while the other is at the 25 % percentile. As long as they follow along A line that is good. Rarely will they JUMP from one line UP two lines. They may jump up one line. So you will start to see as the dots get placed on this growth chart graft how they are growing. Some babies can have better weight gain weeks.

    I have found community health nurses can get a bit panicky. I actually had one say that my doc might recommend "stopping bf" while it turned out she had charted the weight wrong. (I am a nurse too) So really trust your mommy instincts.

    All the best for bf it is a lot of work in the beginning but it gets so good when they nurse and it only takes 10 minutes ! There is a great thread on here for bf twins. I bf my twins for 4.5 months with formula top ups as well. Great Job on those birth weights you really took care of yourself when you were pregnant.


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