different size in babies week 18

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by arkie, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    I had my 18 week ultra sound the other day and they saw that the sexes were the same and the dividing sacs were thin so they are sending me on another ultra sound on the 7th. My question is if they are identical which the tech said was possible how big of a difference in size of the babies do they allow before everyone gets worried. As of last week they were measuring a day apart, it doesn't seem like much and I haven't really thought about it, until I realized that the size difference may continue to grow, and I'm barely half way there.
  2. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    Mine got CLOSER together in size - Mine were measuring 5 days apart at 21wks, and now at 27wks they are only 1 day apart. So, yours at one day apart now, I would think, is totally fine! The tech who did my u/s said that it depends on when during their growth spurts you have the u/s done. So next week they could measure 3, 4 or 5 days (for example) apart if one is just starting a growth spurt. Just because they're identical DNA doesn't mean they'll growth spurt at the same time, kwim?
  3. *Mandy*

    *Mandy* Member

    I'm pregnant with identicals and at my 18 week ultrasound one baby was measuring 18 weeks 3 days and the other was measuring 18 weeks 4 days.The doc said everything looks great so far.I worry about the same thing,though!
  4. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(arkie @ Jun 21 2009, 11:34 AM) [snapback]1362768[/snapback]
    I had my 18 week ultra sound the other day and they saw that the sexes were the same and the dividing sacs were thin so they are sending me on another ultra sound on the 7th. My question is if they are identical which the tech said was possible how big of a difference in size of the babies do they allow before everyone gets worried. As of last week they were measuring a day apart, it doesn't seem like much and I haven't really thought about it, until I realized that the size difference may continue to grow, and I'm barely half way there.

    first CONGRATS and second DON'T STRESS! they won't start to "panic" or consider you a risk for TTTS until there is more than a 25% (or thereabouts) growth discepancy.

    now if a growth difference of that size does occur they will send you for another ultrasound in a day or two to make sure it wasn't just a false reading. it happened to me around week 25, i think (check my log in my signature it will tell you for sure). at any rate there was a major growth difference between baby a and baby b so they sent us back to the specialist for another ultrasound to confirm the difference. well everything checked out, either it was an ultrasound error or baby b caught up in weight because by that point it was only 5% difference. At my last appoitnment at 29 weeks they were 3.1 and 3.2lbs so the babies have caught up to eachother.

    really i wouldn't worry about it. my babies were always a little different in size and still are but they keep catching up to eachother as time progresses. basically if the doctors think everything is ok, trust in that and you will be fine!

    good luck and congrats again! :)
  5. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    TTTS is based more on fluid levels than size difference. If they are not concerned than you don't need to be.
  6. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    Thank you for all of your replies, it has made this day ahead of me a lot easier! I'm off to work, and if it were not for your wise words, I would be obssessing about it all day in my head. Thanks so much Julia
  7. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    You're very welcome! I'm glad that I'm at a point now where I can tell my experience to someone who's going thru exactly what I did - just a week ago!
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