Difference in cramps?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by jenpoe, Mar 1, 2010.

  1. jenpoe

    jenpoe Well-Known Member

    Kind of curious how to differentiate between cramps that could be problematic, and cramps that occur due to growth and are completely normal.

    I have a friend, pregnant with a singleton, and she went through contractions from lifting and moving things around in the theatre she works for, and that was around 15 weeks or so.

    I work a pretty strenuous job, where I lift boxes anywhere from 15-30 lbs and I am on my feet for an entire 6-7 hour shift running around like crazy. Yesterday at the end of my 7 hour shift I was feeling some cramps.

    Now, I've been feeling really minor cramps that will be just quick and almost painless, more like discomfort for a second, and most people tell me it's from growth in the area, but the cramps I felt yesterday after work were slightly painful (not excruciating, but way more uncomfortable that they had been) and lasted for around half an hour, maybe a little longer.

    I'm just not sure if I should concern myself and go in to see if things are ok, or if I should just let it slide since I wasn't doubled over in pain or anything. I've never been past 8 or 9 weeks of pregnancy before, so I don't know all the feelings and cramps and what contractions feel like or anything like that! lol

    I would hate to find that my job is causing early contractions and that I had no idea that was what it was... I'm just not sure. Not to mention, my doctor doesn't ever have appointments earlier than 2 weeks out it seems, so if it was serious I'd probably be running to the hospital for it.
  2. Kathlene

    Kathlene Well-Known Member

    Hi, I am just popping in here but wanted to take a moment to reply to your post. I would definitely say there is a difference. Painful cramps are not a good sign. It can also just feel like a wave of tighting. Twin pregnancy in itself is a high risk pregnancy. Your body may be trying to tell you you are over doing it if you are having cramping. I would talk to your Dr. and ask about being put on light duty. (IE no heavy lifting.) Good luck, HTH.

    I just wanted to add that it is best(if possible) to see a DR. who is experienced in a twin pregnancy as it is very differentpregnancy than a singleton pregnancy. Imo yuo are very early to be having cramping and contractions. You need to keep your Dr. informed and be careful.
  3. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    I have been wondering much the same thing. I have had 2 singleton pregnancies but did not have the chance to go into natural labour with either of them. (1st was induced then epidural then emergency c/section & 2nd was planned c/section.)

    Therefore I don't really know what the onset of labour and/or contractions really feel like! I have been having a tightening uncomfortable feeling in my belly occasionally lately and am not sure if thats normal braxton hicks or ssomething I should be concerned about.

    Advice from those who've been there?
  4. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    I went into PTL at 20 weeks and it felt exactly like menstrual cramps. If someone had asked me to describe my pain scale, I would have said 2 or 3. So not necessarily painful, but different than what I had felt before. I felt more pressure, the cramping was down low and I also felt lower back pain. I am one that says when in doubt, go check, because I really wish I had gone in sooner.
    Is there any way to change your job situation? I worked for Fed-ex ground my first trimester and I really don't feel like the lifting of boxes and running around was helpful for me at all. I don't want to say it caused my PTL but it certainly put additional stress on my body.
    Hoping for the best for you...
  5. Rose Wright

    Rose Wright Well-Known Member

    I felt a lot like lovelylily just described, menstrual type cramps just down low, not over my whole belly. I was on hospital bedrest at the time and even when they put the contraction monitor on me they never found anything. Day two the "cramps" were in the same area only getting more frequent and really painful. They finally gave me something for it, even though they still couldn't find it on the monitors... Apparently that was too late, though, because my babies were born the next morning at 29 wks 1 day. I guess the moral of the story is, if it's painful at all, MAKE them give you anti-contraction meds, or something to make it stop.
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