Difference in baby's weights

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kesterl, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. kesterl

    kesterl Member

    Well we went for our latest growth scans yesterday. We're at 33W4D. Baby A has had some minor issues with positioning for a few months. Basically her head has been in pelvic area for quite some time, making my wife's movements painful. The issue that came up yesterday at our growth scan was that baby A's abdomen hasn't grown much in the last 4 weeks. She gained weight because 2 weeks ago she was 2.8lbs and yesterday she was 3.5lbs. But they said her abdomen measurement was practically the same. Baby B is 4.25lbs. Now it seems that's the only issue at this point. We go back in 2 weeks for another growth scan and if A's abdomen doesn't hit a growth spurt the doctor is going to schedule her for delivery! 2 Weeks before our little girls could be here. We're so excited but can't help but worry about baby A a little. The doctor said it could be something with where the umbilical chord is attached to the placenta, but at the same time the blood flow looked good. Anybody else experience these types of weights this late in the pregnancy?
  2. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    Sorry I have no advice but just wanted to give :hug: good luck with your baby, she may catch up for the next scan. Babies are tricky like that. ;)
  3. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    My girls were almost a pound apart that far along in my pregnancy. By the end, they were only a few ounces different. This happens a lot and sometimes the babies can be completely different weights when are born.
  4. TennesseeMomma

    TennesseeMomma Well-Known Member

    When I was 30 weeks pregnant the u/s tech noticed our little girl had very little amniotic fluid and was measuring much smaller than her brother....I was hospitalized to bring the fluid up and had a specialist look at the u/s. That doctor said that there could be something with how the umbilical cord was attached to the placenta (like at an angle, I guess?) But my doctor said that usually you do not need to worry about that.

    My u/s at 32 weeks Baby A (girl) had not grown much at all...but we waited for the 34 week u/s...and by that time I had preeclampsia, so we had to deliver anyways...

    BUT - when the babies were born there were VERY CLOSE in weights! Baby A was 5 lb 5 oz and Baby B was 5 lb 15 oz. I was shocked and so was the doctor! We thought she was barely over 4 lbs!! I guess it was difficult to tell her weight because her brother was directly in front of her, and the u/s tech had a hard time measuring her (because she always had to go through Baby B to get measurements). I think once you get so far along, it is more difficult to measure!

    The doctor always said if there was good blood flow in the cord, everything was fine.

    Hope that helps!
  5. Angelsamb

    Angelsamb Well-Known Member

    My peri told me at 37 weeks that Baby A would be 5 lbs 5 oz so that night I delivered... a 6lb 8 oz Baby A
  6. kesterl

    kesterl Member

    Thanks for the encouraging stories. It really does help to know that other people have gone through the same thing. It's probably why I'm addicted to twinstuff!
  7. LaurieBE

    LaurieBE New Member

    I am 29 1/2 weeks pregnant with fraternal twins. The growth until now between the two has been equal (both weight -and- amniotic fluid levels). However, when I had a sonogram yesterday, the scan showed a gap between the amniotic fluid levels between the 2 babies. In addition, my cervix shortened to 2.5cm which my doctor thinks is a result of the excess fluid of the baby with more fluid pushing on my abdomen. She is refering me to a perinatologist. Has anyone had a similar experience?
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