diet/food suggestions ... meal plan

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by allywise225, Sep 29, 2007.

  1. allywise225

    allywise225 Well-Known Member

    Hi, all,

    I've had a horrible time eating healthy this week. I'm just sick of cottage cheese and fruit ... and chicken. Anyone have any suggestions of healthy and quick meals to make?

    I've love to see an example of someone's daily food consumption.

    I'm starving all the time, but I've already gained WAY more weight than I thought I would (22 lbs :blink: ), and I'm only 15w3d along. It's just so hard to eat healthy some days.

    Thanks for any suggestions,

    ?/? due March 18, '08
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Hi Allison! Welcome to TS! Congratulations on your twin pregnancy!

    With the twins, I craved turkey/cheese sandwiches, salads, and yogurt, and pasta. I ate a ton of all of those!
  3. Doubleornuthin

    Doubleornuthin Active Member

    Hi and congratulations. Eating has been not as much fun as I hoped. I have gained alot of weight in my pregnancy 58 pounds (almost done)! But I usually do eat healthy, but I used to be sooo active and I had to cut most activities out per doctor. Now Im on bedrest so that doesn't help. Here are some suggestions and maby some no-no's too. I always keep hard boiled eggs on hand, cuz when you havn't eaten enough and you start getting weak, it's so easy to stuff an egg down and it's good protein which you need alot of. I also keep "Boost or Ensures on hand in case you don't have time or an appetite. Fruit has been my biggest craving so I always have it around. Cereal is the best when you need to eat a meal but just can't imagine getting anything down and keeping it down. I love pasta, but beware, the red sauce really hurts when you have heartburn. Peanut butter is also a saviour. So if you like these things keep them handy. A good quick meal can consist of an Egg salad sandwich or Peanut butter and Jelly with some fruit, it's fast, easy to keep down and fairly nutricous. And lots of Juice and Milk. Good luck. Oh, don't make a pan of brownies unless you are sure someone else in the house will eat them with!
  4. Joanna Smolko

    Joanna Smolko Well-Known Member

    One thing that I really like, especially when I don't feel like cooking, are some of those light frozen meals--not light to skimp on calories, but the ones that have less sodium and/or lots of protein and veggies, like South Beach and some of the Lean Cuisine meals. It's easy, nutritious, and I don't have to think...

    And milk and whole grain cereal has become probably my #1 snack since I got pregnant, sometimes with a handful of blueberries thrown on top.
  5. Doubleornuthin

    Doubleornuthin Active Member

    Yes, I agree, I love those ez little lean cuisines too, specially the pizza ones. I forgot to add a healthy meal I have quite often. Tuna Mac Salad. You can make a big bowl and have it around for a few days. Tuna fish, whole grain elbow pasta, green peas, light mayo, mix it up and it almost makes a well rounded meal.
  6. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    -mixed berries with vanilla yogurt and some granola on top.

    -carrot sticks with hummus

    -tortilla with hummus

    -fruit with a mini bagel with peanut butter on it.

    -I like to add cinnamon and sugar to my cottage cheese:)

    -I just made some yummy pumpkin bread and some apple/pumpkin bread

    -oatmeal with mixed berries or raisins added

    -string cheese with a piece of fruit or raw veggies
  7. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    My staples when pregnant:

    milk, milk, milk (and more milk)
    nuts (almonds, peanuts and/or cashews)
    string cheese
    cottage cheese
    peanut butter

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