did your breech babies turn? when?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by beckstar, Jan 21, 2011.

  1. beckstar

    beckstar Active Member

    my girls are breech...if not breech/transverse and i'd love to hear stories about late flipping babies...just about 34wks and starting to feel like my home birth plans may be thwarted should baby a decide to stay in her butt first/slouchy transverse position.

    also, any tips for being able to tell WHEN/IF they flip...how to tell the difference between a head and a butt...and what kicks or punches feel like, if different.

    i'd swear i'd never been pregnant before with all of these questions, but twins makes it a whole new ballgame!
  2. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    My breech baby (A) turned vertex at 35 weeks. Twin B was vertex and turned breech at 38 weeks. I didn't really tell that they had moved. I felt B moving differently than I had, but didn't know she had flipped until the did an u/s when they were starting my induction. I was floored that there was still room for both of the to be flipping that late in the game.
  3. twinnersmoms

    twinnersmoms Member

    My boys were breech last week at 34 weeks. I had my 35 week appt today and they are both head down. I have been feeling a lot of movements but I'm not sure exactly when they turned and I was really surprised. But so happy :) it's totally possible!
  4. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    My baby A was breech and baby B was transverse for a long time and I was scheduled for a c-section because A was breech. But between 37-38 weeks, baby A flipped head down. I did not feel him flip though. I figure he must have flipped while I was sleeping, how else would I not feel it? :lol:
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My Twin A was breech from about 28 weeks on and stayed that way. My Twin B (higher up) was either vertex or transverse during that time. I had to have a c-section.
  6. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    Hey Becky! I had the opposite, where my transverse baby turned breech during labor (baby B). But my baby A flipped around a lot and how I could tell the difference was that I felt a lot more pressure when she was head down. It would still sometimes feel like she was kicking my cervix when she was head down and I was puzzled until I watched her punching it on an ultrasound. I hope your babies turn! I delivered baby A head first and baby B feet first.
  7. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    My Twin B - Max flipped at 36 weeks. How? I have no idea, I didn't feel anything and it felt as if there was no room in there even before 36 weeks. Anyway, he flipped form Vertex to Breech and he didn't matter that much anyway because Vanessa was Breech the whole pregnancy so I had to have a C-Section. The one way I used to guess where their heads were - when they had the hick-ups you feel their little head moving - there's a specific move, if you ever felt them have the hick-ups you would know. Whenever I had an ultrasound I would tell the lady where I thought their head was and most times I was right. I hope your babies turn and you have the home birth you are hoping for, but either way, I hope you have healthy babies.
  8. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Like Jackie, my breech baby was not budging. My transverse baby was so stuck they used the vacuum extractor on him. I'm sorry it's not a terribly positive story- I, too, had to have a C-Section. :aggressive:
  9. TwinsItIs

    TwinsItIs Well-Known Member

    My baby B (Simlai) turned at 35 weeks.
  10. michelle_m

    michelle_m Well-Known Member

    Mine have both been vertex for a few weeks, but I just wanted to mention that I've found it impossible to tell the difference between a head and a butt. Supposedly a head is harder...but my tummy keeps "lumping" up and I become convinced they've flipped, only to find out they're still vertex. I think they're butts can be pretty darn hard.
  11. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Baby B never flipped. Not that I cared, I was having a c-section anyway.
  12. luvmytwins08

    luvmytwins08 Well-Known Member

    True that! I had two other pregnancies and the twins were totally different!My baby A was always head down then flipped and baby B was head down and then old baby A was feet first! Couldnt tell until anyone moved until the day I delievered! They gave me an ultra sound before going into labor room and asked what I wanted to do. I said "deliver vaginally!" and we did, feet first and all! You can do it!
  13. beckstar

    beckstar Active Member

    yah, i doubt my hospital would be so agreeable...

    thanks for all the replies. it turns out that baby A is not breech, really...more of an L shape where she's sitting and her legs are across my cervix...kind of a slouchy transverse...so maybe she'll slide down some more and either become frank breech or just do a weird flip...trying not to be too nervous about it. 34wks...2 to go before we start making alternate plans.
  14. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    My baby "b" was travsverse from early on, then by my 3rd PTL admittance baby "a" went transverse. I had no more room. that's the only way they fit in at the end. And my singletons were very big at 10-10 and 9-9. Twins ARE a whole new ball game! And congrats, you've already made it farther than me! :)
  15. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    My babies had been breech and transverse the entire pregnancy - Even at my 35 week appointment. At 36 weeks we were all shocked when they had both flipped to head down!!! Yay!!! Well then at my last appointment at 37 weeks, they were breech and transverse again. So yes they can flip!! I ended up having a c section after all!

    And yes a twin pregnancy will teach you a thing or two!! My twin pregnancy was my 4th pregnancy so I thought I was an expert!! LOL!! WRONG !!!! I am pregnant again now after the twins and it is almost boring LOL!! thank goodness!!!!!!!

  16. Adding 2 more!

    Adding 2 more! Well-Known Member

    A was head down and turned breech at somewhere around 28 weeks...a has always been breech with her feet up by her head! I had a cs with my first daughter bc she was positioned like baby b the entire time, so i figured id have another this time unless both babies were head down...
  17. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    My Baby A was vertex pretty much my whole pregnancy but B flipped right up until the day I delivered...even the doctors were stunned she kept finding the room to move! I saw my OB at 38w1d and she was breech with her head on my right under my ribs. When I went into labour at 38w3d she was transverse with her butt on my right where her head had been 2 days before and her head under my ribs on my left. She ended up vertex after A was delivered and came out head first (and wrapped in her cord, surprise, surprise with all her somersaults!!).

    We called her the ninja baby because every time I had an exam or u/s she was in a different position. I honestly couldn't tell she was flip flopping so much...everyone kept asking what it felt like with her moving all over the place but I had no idea she was doing it. I was uncomfortable and had lots of movement but nothing to make me think she was moving as much as she was. Even if it seems like there's no room left they seem to find the space so there's still hope :). GL!!!
  18. tpowers

    tpowers Well-Known Member

    My baby B went from vertex to breech between 34 and 35 weeks. I didn't really feel him do it. I kept telling his dad to feel his butt and didn't know he had turned and it was his head :lol:
  19. mbj46

    mbj46 Member

    I am 34 weeks with b/g twins. Baby A and B were transverse for quite some time. I managed to maneuver Bab a into vertex position a week or so ago. Baby B has been stubborn and up under my right ribs. Finally, after some baby spinning maneuvers, last night she flipped. 16 years ago I did similar exercises to move my singleton. I had given away the book so this time I found a website that discusses the maneuvers - thought I'd share the link in case you want to try and it helps you - be sure to go to the twins section but also to the maneuvers/exercises section. Very interesting. Last night I did 2 exercises where you get up on the couch and lean over on the floor and relax your tummy - felt baby B move. Today by biophysical ultrasound they confirmed that baby A is fully engaged, baby B is head down and in perfect position as well!


    Best wishes!
  20. Janclamat

    Janclamat Well-Known Member

    For me, baby A was breech for a long time and she got squished into my pelvis. She didn't have a chance to turn. I had a c section and they had to get baby b out first.
  21. Henderson

    Henderson Well-Known Member

    thanks mbj46 I'll have to check that out mine are breech now at 23 weeks still plenty of time! But nice to know there are ways to coax them!
  22. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    My A was transverse forever - B flipped transverse, breech and back from 34 to 36 weeks. I felt it the first time, and was surprised at my ultrasound, but not the second. Did not matter for me, either, as I'd had two previous c-sections and was MORE than happy to have a third!
  23. mholmes07

    mholmes07 Well-Known Member

    Our baby A stayed vertex throughout the entire pregnancy. Baby B on the other hand flip flopped every appointment I went to..LOL Toward the end, one week he was vertex and the next week he was breech.

    I was admitted to the hospital the night before I gave birth and he was vertex. The next day I went through all those labor pains, had the epidural and was 5cm. The dr did a U/S and he was BREECH..uggggg!

    So needless to say, I had to have a c-section. And our baby B (Lorenzo) is STILL the wild child!! lol So you NEVER know.. the find room up to the last minute to flip flop if they want to.
  24. beckstar

    beckstar Active Member

    haha wow. im thinking they just dont WANT to...baby b is bigger than a (about a lb by estimate, but you can just TELL she's bigger) and she's pretty much laying right on top of baby a's head...i really try to picture them moving, but it seems like they are comfortable where they are...i know there is still time. im not showing any signs of labor and am still somewhat comfortable physically...haha.

    i'll keep doing inversions as i think of it and will hopefully find a pool to get into here soon so i can do some hand stands...
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