Did you use a walker?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by rajeshris, Jan 30, 2010.

  1. rajeshris

    rajeshris Well-Known Member

    So, was just thinking about investing in a walker and wondering what you all thought. One of my DS is pulling himself up and we bought one of those cheap walkers--where he pushes it from behind. But obviously not ready for that. Just wondering whether a walker that we put him in is worth it? I know our parents swear by them. If you did have one, which one? I know they have those fancy car shaped ones, but think we're just looking at getting a basic small one.
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    We never got a walker that you put them into but mine LOVED the push walk ones. We decided to invest in a couple of the really sturdy push-walkers rather then one they sit in.
  3. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    My pediatrician things that it impedes development since they can't see their feet. I think that like anything else, its fine in moderation. I won't be using one, but we live in a split level so there isn't a whole lot of room for that.
  4. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    We didn't use them but used the exersaucers for quite a while longer than I thought. My boys were able to start using their push toys about 3 weeks after they could stand up. They still use them now. I'd rather spend the $$ on something they can use for a longer period of time.

    Maybe you could find a used one on Craigslist or in the paper.
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Our Ped discouraged walkers. We never used one with any of our children.
  6. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    i was always told that walkers were bad too. we didn't even have exersaucers. my girls chilled in jumpy seats and bounced up and down without going anywhere... lol.
  7. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Walkers are illegal here so we never used one. We did use the push type & they enjoyed those for quite awhile.
  8. jamiandkyle2002

    jamiandkyle2002 Well-Known Member

    Well everyone else seems to say no. I say YES!! All three of my children loooved to be in their walkers, and seriously all three walked by 10 months. and adjusted age for the babies would have been 8.5 months.
  9. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    We also used a push car. We had a cheap one that was not very sturdy but once they were find standing they LOVED pushing that thing around. They still do in fact. One thing that they love is that Leap frog musical table. Once they pull to standing they can use it to stand against and push all the buttons. I know it doesn't contain them though and when they are first pulling up you have to stand there in case they try and topple. We also loved the exersaucer and jumperoo. The walker gives them mobility though. Do you want to give mobility? Heh heh. That's why I personally liked the exersaucer. :)
  10. atinar

    atinar Well-Known Member

    One of my sons is fond of it. In moderation it's fine I guess. But I read somewhere that I should let my babies crawl instead of "walk" in their walkers because the more that they crawl and creep, the more their brain development will take place.
  11. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member


    our walkers! Our fav toys! They tied w/ the rainforest jumperoos around here. We have lots of wood floors they are GREAT! loved them! OMG it's soo cute to watch them zip around the house in them together! lOL. That was soo cute!
  12. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    I have two baby trend walkers that my girls love! (And so do I). They follow me around the house (totally funny and reminds me of having a cat). The baby trend walkers fold pretty flat and are only under $50 at Toys R Us. What is nice is that if they try to open a cupboard in th kitchen they can't because the walker is in the way. I think is helpping them figure out walking faster and it is nice because they usually want to both stand up at the same time and I can't balance both standing up safely.
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