did you start them on the baby potty

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, Jan 9, 2008.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I have the 3 in 1 potty. It's a baby potty, and then then top part fits on the big potty (the toilet we use) and then the base becomes a step to get up to the potty. I'm wondering what I should start with. Do you think the big potty would be just too overwhelming for them even if it has the little Dora potty attatched? How did you do it?
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Audrey chose to start out on the big toilet. She has used the potty chair once recently. She is by far not potty trained and we're going at her rate, not pushing her... but she seems to prefer the big potty. Clayton isn't ready, but when I've put him up on the big toilet, he seems to be scared.
  3. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We had a 3-in-1 potty as well. Hannah used the whole baby potty for quite awhile. She just preferred it and I didn't push. BUT she also knew how to use a regular potty which I think is key because it makes outings easier. Anyways, I finally took the bottom and hid it in the garage and so she just used the detachable top seat on the regular toilet for a week or two before transitioning to the toilet alone.

    Ben never used the baby potty, but he did use the detachable top seat. He is still using that, as he has no desire to learn how to stand up to pee. He knows how to use a regular toilet, but at home prefers his little blue baby seat. I think that I will have to hide it in the garage as well!!!

    We tried to get them to use the toilet backwards like a pp suggested, but it TOTALLY freaked them out. They were going to have NOTHING to do with that! It took them a couple tries to get the hang of it, but they are both totally proficient now at climbing on and off the big potty by themselves.
  4. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We only had the potty ring for the toilet. Once Katelyn kind of trained herself she wanted nothing to do with it and is able to sit on the potty and balance and go. Pretty much from about 3 days into training she has done this. Blake on the other hand likes to sit on the potty ring. For now we will follow his lead. Funny, though when we are out at public restrooms he does fine on just the toilet, so I would imagine eventually the ring will go bye-bye. But we never had a little potty-- my thought was lets just use the big one and skip the step of having to transition, plus I didn't want to deal with the clean up. Now if both would have resisted the big potty I would have tried it, but mine were fine with the potty ring on the big toilet.

    We never tried the backwards thing. I think my two would have freaked as the pp mentioned.
  5. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    We also had the 3 in 1 and put it on the toilet once we were serious about training. We have two and keep them on the two toilets they use my often. It's worked out well for us.
  6. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    we have the 3 in 1 now and are introducing it - I'm not sure about putting it on the big potty - DD's feet don't even touch the ground on the little one!
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