Did you have vomiting issues w/ textured foods

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by rajeshris, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. rajeshris

    rajeshris Well-Known Member

    So--have been really upset and frustrated and not sure what to do. The boys have been taking pureed food for a long time now--I'd say 3-4 months--and have done fine on it. We are on stage 2 and i put a lot of rice or oatmeal in it to make it super thick and no problem. Then started gerber puffs and are doing okay w/ those. however, any other solids--finger foods-- like smashed bananas, real rice that's cooked really soft, scrambled eggs (that my GI said was ok to start) just don't work. Alsoany texture in their purees makes them gag and one of my DS will throw up everything. They are 8 months adjusted--and 11 months actual. I tried about a month ago and it happened, so waited a while. But still not there. Is it just b/c it may be too early for them? Did any of you deal with it? Not sure if I should be concerned yet or just give it more time. One of my DS has two teeth now and the other definitely makes the chewing motions.

    Would love to hear from any of you who have dealt with this. I have read about it and it's not a swallowing problem, but the gag reflex. As soon as the piece gets into their mouth or near the back of the tongue--they start gagging. And like I said sometimes everything comes up at the same time....

  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Both of my girls used to gag at any solid food. Not to the point to make themselves throw up, but it took a very very long time before they accepted different textures. If I were you I would offer them texture food on a regular basis, but once you see them start to gag stop offering it to them. Just repeating it every day will help them to eventually accept it.

    The first food that my girls accepted was Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and the only way we got them to eat it was DH made a bowl for himself and they were very interested and wanted some of what dad was eating.
  3. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    I have the same problem! My one some pukes everything up if it makes him gag. We are still struggling to find food that he will eat but I am going to talk to the pedi again. He used to gag on textured purees so they told us to try finger foods. He did well with those for a while but now he is gaging ang puking on them so we are back to purees because that is all he will keep down. I am pretty much at my witts end! I started giving him some nutritional suppliment drinks after he barfs so I know he still gets some calories but I need something else. He basically lives on a liquid diet! If I find anything out from our pedi I will let you know.
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Yes, I had a gagger at that age. Super frustrating. I found he did better on "regular" foods instead of purees. I think the thick texture of the puree catches them off guard and they just arent sure how to process it, so they gag and then barf. :rolleyes: He did outgrow it.
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