Did you/are you having a baby shower?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by twinzmom2b, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Just curious as to who has had a baby shower or who is going to have one.

    My family is not big on 2nd baby showers...we are in an area that believes showers are for first babies. Well, when my SIL had her 2nd, I planned on having a shower for her (I did pamper mom and pamper baby where you bring stuff to pamper mom like robe, slippers, pjs, massage cert, lotions, etc...and bring "pampers" for the baby). I did it as a surprise and had it planned what I was going to do for her before I even knew that I was pregnant (so, it wasn't planned b/c I wanted someone to do it for me...lol..contrary to what DH teases me about). Anyway, I did it as a surprise and she knew NOTHING about it until she arrived. We had a ton of fun. It was small, about 10 people...just close family and friends. She was so excited and had a blast.

    My other SIL (Dh's sister) was going to plan a small shower for me and then I had a friend who I met in the NICU who wanted to do something too...so she contacted SIL and SIL didn't seem to interested anymore (she is more one to talk about things than actually do them), so NICU friend is planning it along with another of our NICU buddies. There are 3 other moms I met when our kids were all in the NICU (one of them used to be on this site alot - her screen name was Ohiomom)...she's the one planning the shower for me.

    I'm just really excited. If it weren't for these WONDERFUL ladies who I met and shared similar experiences with, no one would be doing anything special this time around. I'm just really excited! I feel like with being on bedrest and stuff, I didn't get to experience a lot of the things as I would've like (my shower with the twins was the day before going on bedrest, so I didn't get to go shopping afterward, etc.) and do things on my own time frame, not the babies...lol!

    Anyway, they are hosting a small shower for me (just friends and family...probably no more than 15 people) on February 3! I can't wait! I have no idea what the plans are, I'm just really excited about it!!!!
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I do not expect a shower. I doubt I'll have one, but I have been asked by my in-laws to make a registry so people know what we'll need/want that we don't have already.
  3. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    Around here second showers are rarely thrown unless there's a lot of time between pregnancies. But I did have a small surprise shower thrown for me when I had the twins. I was really surprised since there wasn't a lot we needed but it was fun...especially getting the new boy clothes. For my latest pg I didn't have a shower...but honestly if anyone gives me any more clothes for Julianna I might just scream... I have soooo many clothes for girls for the first year. I wish they'd give me clothes for my 4 year old!! LOL! Diapers are about all I need!! I really like that idea of pampering mom and baby shower!!
  4. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I think they are going to do some kind of something different like that rather than a traditional shower. There really isn't a bunch of stuff I need and lord knows I have enough girl clothes at home to dress an army of women. Seems like you always end up with WAY more clothes for girls b/c everyone thinks is SO fun to buy for little girls :)

    QUOTE(Susanna+3 @ Dec 28 2007, 02:49 PM) [snapback]548631[/snapback]
    Around here second showers are rarely thrown unless there's a lot of time between pregnancies. But I did have a small surprise shower thrown for me when I had the twins. I was really surprised since there wasn't a lot we needed but it was fun...especially getting the new boy clothes. For my latest pg I didn't have a shower...but honestly if anyone gives me any more clothes for Julianna I might just scream... I have soooo many clothes for girls for the first year. I wish they'd give me clothes for my 4 year old!! LOL! Diapers are about all I need!! I really like that idea of pampering mom and baby shower!!
  5. GirliesGalore

    GirliesGalore Well-Known Member

    Isn't it weird how there are these unwritten "rules" about baby showers? Well, I'm sure it's written somewhere by some etiquette guru, but whatever!

    I did have a shower with Jax. My work had a little one for me during lunch one day...which was really thoughful! Also, my mom and sister had one which was mainly family and close friends. It turns out that people don't seem to enjoy buying boy clothes as much, though.

    This time, our neighbors are going to throw us a diaper shower. This will be the 3rd one they've done. They've offered each time, and they always plan it on a weekend when there's some big game on t.v. It's mainly DH's friends and very informal. Each guest is asked to bring a package of diapers and food and drinks are provided. We got over 1,000 diapers from this when we were pregnant with the girls and close to 700 with Jax.
  6. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    I doubt I will have one, but it would be nice since this baby is a boy and everything that I have is girly. Fortunately most of my big things like car seats, strollers, cribs are all gender neitral, so really its just clothes that I am hurting on. I would love a diaper shower because it was great when the twins were born that I didn't have to worry about always running out to buy diapers.
  7. Joyful

    Joyful Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to have one. I have everything that I need for this new little guy, plus all my family is either out of state or out of country :)
  8. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I am all about the showers!! For all babies! :) I had three with my first, two with my second, one with the third and fourth. They were all fabulous! I always throw showers for my pregnant friends, I dont care what number kid it is!!
  9. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I was going to have a second since it was a girl this go around, but didn't. Things were too complicated at the time. However, when the baby came up everyone brought a little something so that helped. Plus Michelle L sent my enough clothes to have Katie clothed for an entire year nearly, she is so awesome :hug99:
  10. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    I hope not, I told my sister I didn't want one. I hate being the center of attention. Plus, there isn't much that I need (some boys clothes, but no biggie).
  11. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We don't do showers around here except for the first baby/ies. I didn't have anything for Liam, but didn't expect anything. We did throw one for one of my friends because she had about 10 years between babies.
  12. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    That's fantastic that they are doing that for you. :D I am a believer that every baby deserves a party of some kind but I can't say that is a common feeling.

    I did have a small baby shower for Dax with family and got a few little things, especially boy clothing. I enjoyed it so much and really appreciated it.
  13. ihavesevensons

    ihavesevensons Well-Known Member

    I only had a shower for my first born (I actually missed it, and hubby had to go, because the baby came 4 weeks early, and I was in the hospital having given birth the day before).

    I have never had a second shower and I am on baby #8 here (they are all boys and so is this new one)...My problem is that YES, they have all been boys, but my SIL had a shower for her 5th child and hers were all girls (and not an farther apart than my own children have been)......I do not really NEED anything, but stuff does get worn out using it almost non-stop for 15 years....let me clarify by saying that I do not want/need/expect a shower, but just showing that shower rules do seem to change from person to person.
  14. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    My Bf threw me a shower and NOONE came to it. It was so depressing. I am hoping that I get a shower this time.Its been 5 years since we had a baby and I lent alot of our baby stuff out and never got it back. I like the idea of a "pamper" party. We dont plan on finding out what the baby is so I doubt anyone is going to give me one.
  15. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    I would love another shower, but not for the gifts. I really don't need anything. I just think every baby ought to be celebrated! I plan on making her baptism a relatively big "to do". (shhh...don't tell DH) :)
  16. Tracy623

    Tracy623 Well-Known Member

    Two of my close friends with twins had a little playdate shower for me. It was a nice surprise especially because I feel like this baby is being negelected. When I was PG with Emma and Alex we must have recieved 100 congratulations cards. This baby..........2 cards. The grandparents didn't even do anything to celebrate yet. Oh well, I've learned that I will be more sensitive when other people have their 2nd or subsequent pregnancies.

  17. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Tracy623 @ Dec 31 2007, 03:51 PM) [snapback]551912[/snapback]
    Two of my close friends with twins had a little playdate shower for me. It was a nice surprise especially because I feel like this baby is being negelected. When I was PG with Emma and Alex we must have recieved 100 congratulations cards. This baby..........2 cards. The grandparents didn't even do anything to celebrate yet. Oh well, I've learned that I will be more sensitive when other people have their 2nd or subsequent pregnancies.


    Oh, I know what you mean...since this is a second pregnancy, no one really else seems to care. It's just as important to me! With the twins, like you did, I received over 100 cards during the time I was on bedrest and when they were born. When I found out I was pregnant with them, I got probably 20 congrats cards. This time around, I didn't receive ANY cards...not even from my family. Crazy!
  18. candctwinfactory

    candctwinfactory Well-Known Member

    My mother planned one for me, a suprise one (i've never had a suprise anything), but I missed it because we were all sick and I didn't want to take sick babies out of town. So I cancelled our weekend trip. I didn't know about the shower until 2 weeks later. I was so bummed! But, we really didn't need anything because we saved everything from Chloe and Cole, it still would have been nice though.
  19. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    I'm not having one. People were really generous with the twins and since I'm having this baby so close in time to them , I just wouldn't feel right about it. Truthfully I don't need much so anything else we can come up with on our own. But I wouldn't be offended if I was invited to a second baby shower.
  20. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    In our area, they typically don't give a second shower. There are sometimes exceptions. If I'm invited to a shower of a second child, I go. I don't have a problem with it. In our case, however, even if someone suggests a shower I believe my daughter will decline. The boys have just turned 10 months old and she has all the necessities and they will come out of their cribs into toddler beds after the birth of the new baby. They will be almost 17 months old when the new baby(s) born. She's still getting in baby gifts for the twins from relatives that didn't get to the first showers, etc. I came home a week ago to find a baby gift on my front porch from one of my cousins for the boys, so I really don't think she would want another shower. We're pretty much set. We still have the gender neutral baby outfits and if it's a girl, she knows her dad and I are going to want to buy little girl clothes.
  21. ittybittyme

    ittybittyme Banned

    My in-law's were going to do one combined with the girls 2nd birthday party....but we didn't need anything as we kept most of our girl's stuff....but things have changed.
  22. KaseyS2104

    KaseyS2104 Well-Known Member

    It will be over 6 years since my last shower, so I am really hoping for one! :icon_biggrin: I know of a few people who already are talking about it but I am not going to FORCE someone to throw me one. For my first, I was in England, thousands of miles from family and I only had acquaintances with very few friends before my twins were born. My shower was fun (jack and jill shower) but I didn't get to have a family shower and it was a bummer. My mother threw one for me in my home state and videotaped everyone saying hello..But she is the one who got to open all of the presents...

    This time around I would love to have a shower with family and close friends now that I am back in the states. I also pray to God for a boy so that the shower can be interesting! I got rid of EVERYTHING I had for the girls because we are military and I just didn't have the space for everything. I regret it to an extent (especially if I have another girl!).
  23. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    Kasey after six years and being back in the states, I sincerely hope that someone offers to give you a shower. You deserve one, and if no one offers, drop some hints to your mom - that should get the ball rolling.


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