Did not take childbirth classes... am I really stupid?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by desolation_anonymous, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    Did not take childbirh classes- still not sure about vagial or c-section (talk to new peri on Tuesday). I never signed up- Kaiser has lots of great classes but when I was still working I was just simply too exhausted to go to a class after work, and usually just wanted to rush home towards the end, and I told myself I would sign up for childbirth (and oher classes) once I got pulled off work...

    Well, that didn't happen. My last day of work I had lots of painful contractions which only stopped after lots of sleep, and I've been exhausted, and I can't get my knee to bend far enough to pu on support hose anymore :0... so anyway, 3 tired and excused filled weeks later, I still haven't done it!

    These are our first kids, and I have no idea what I missed, or what to expect from a vaginal birth- pains, breathing, what is normal, what isn't.... does anyone have recommendations- a book or something- or can fill me in on what I missed? Is it awful that I didn't take the class?

    Also, anyone have any ideas where to look to sign up for an infant CPR class? I don't even know regular CPR- but this is very important to me...
  2. melissa1

    melissa1 Well-Known Member

    I did not take any classes either and everything went so fast I am sure they would not have helped me at all...I do not think you are stupid it is very painful and exhausting to carry twins your rest is most important. The hospital provided us with a video on infant CPR Dh seemed to remember it all; I was to excited to pay attention, but it was very helpful I would ask the hospital if they have anything.
  3. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(firsttimetwinzymommy @ Oct 4 2008, 10:30 PM) [snapback]1012093[/snapback]
    I did not take any classes either and everything went so fast I am sure they would not have helped me at all...I do not think you are stupid it is very painful and exhausting to carry twins your rest is most important. The hospital provided us with a video on infant CPR Dh seemed to remember it all; I was to excited to pay attention, but it was very helpful I would ask the hospital if they have anything.

  4. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    We did the cpr class at the hospital that I delivered at. Then after the boys turned one, I wanted to take another class and found one at our local hospital.

    As far as the childbirth class, we did not get much out of ours.
  5. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    I would tell anyone CPR is a MUST!!!!!! I had taken it for a job a few years ago and THANK GOD I did. When I still only had my first child it saved her life! I had her in the play pin and walked out of the room. That "mommy voice" said something wasnt right so I went to check on her. She looked up at me, no expression on her face, a pool syliva running out of her mouth, and blue lips. I picked her up and she was a still as a rock. Becuase of the class and ONLY because of the class I knew what to do. I was able to do the CPR, she was choking on a cracker and was not breathing at all. I haved talked to lots of other moms that have the same story. I know it might sound scary but little things like crackers happen every day. The classes are so easy to find. The hospital, fire dept., child service... I would say do it.
  6. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    We didn't take a childbirth class either, but managed OK ;)
    I am going to be taking a CPR class at our local fire dept., they hold the infant CPR class once a month on a Saturday for 4 hours :)
  7. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I didnt take one either. If you need help the nurses know it all! ;) They will talk you thru everything..

    I never took a CPR class either. My Mom was a licenced day care person... and she knows everything! She has taught me everything. I was thinking about taking one anyhow.
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I didn't take classes either because I was way too busy. I had a full-time job and by the time the day was over, so was I. If this is your first pregnancy, I definitely think you should try to take a birthing class if you can find one, it really is very helpful. My twin pregnancy was my second, so I pretty much knew what to expect. The child birthing class will take you through a natural labor and a c-section and touch on breastfeeding and it is quite beneficial for new mothers. Call your local hospital to see if one is offered, I know the hospital close to me offers several each month.

    ANGELA SHAW Well-Known Member

    we didnt take one with our first 2 and we arnt with these 2.
    we dont know what to expect just do what ever makes t more comfortable
    listen to your nurse, and ask your ob about cpr class's
  10. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Usually your nearby hospital will offer infant CPR classes. I think you would be okay without the c-birth classes. I had a c-section, so I have no "childbirth" experience to speak of.
  11. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    I liked the childbirth section in the Dr Sears pregnancy book. I think it did a good job of explaining what was happening, and what caused the pain. I took a infant CPR class through the red cross years ago. I would like to take another refresher course.
  12. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I never took a class. If you have never been to the hospital before, then it might benefit your husband so he will know where everything is as you will be laying down.
    As for the cpr, def take that!! If not, go to the red cross site or just google infant cpr checklist, print it out and put a copy on each level of your house. Speaking from a mom who has done cpr on her child 3 times, its worth it.
    You can also ask the hospital if they have any video's about childbirth or anything like that.
  13. Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem Ipsum Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(4jsinPA @ Oct 6 2008, 07:34 PM) [snapback]1014887[/snapback]
    it might benefit your husband so he will know where everything is

    On the down side... any classes would probably be at the local hospital and not at the one we are delivering at... on the up side we took a tour of the Labor and Delivery department of the hospital where we will deliver, so I've already seen where everything is once :)
  14. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I'm a reader so the regular childbirth class didn't really tell me much I didn't already know. DH and I didn't even go to the 2nd session. Our Hypnobabies class with my singleton pregnancy was worth every hour though. So, the worth of a class really depends on how much you already know about childbirth and what you are expecting to get out of your birth.

    If you want a vaginal birth, I would recommend a class because they can teach you some labor management techniques. Doulas are also great because they are experts at taking care of laboring women and they do not get in the way of the husband.

    One thing I do not recommend is getting your childbirth education on TV. Even shows like A Baby Story dramatize birth to the point that so many women nowadays think they're going to be in never-ending horrible pain and that isn't really true. If you are scared of birth and tense up at the thought of it, yes, it's probably going to hurt more than is you were relaxed.

    My c-section recovery was lightyears more painful than my twin pregnancy labor (which I slept through most of). I was also in labor with my singleton for 48 hours and that was just fine until they broke my water and the contractions started irritating my c-section scar. If you're looking for some nice peaceful labors, Ricki Lake's childbirth movie that came out last year is good.

    ETA: We just signed up for the Infant CPR class through our hospital. We were at Lucile Packard Children's on the other side of the bay.
  15. boingerhead

    boingerhead Active Member

    If I had to recommend one book for you, it would be Pam England's Birthing From Within

    You can do a lot of the activities yourself and as a doula, I found Pam's philosophy to be the most versatile, healthy, and loving of the others I have studied.

    QUOTE(desolation_anonymous @ Oct 4 2008, 10:01 PM) [snapback]1012055[/snapback]
    Did not take childbirh classes- still not sure about vagial or c-section (talk to new peri on Tuesday). I never signed up- Kaiser has lots of great classes but when I was still working I was just simply too exhausted to go to a class after work, and usually just wanted to rush home towards the end, and I told myself I would sign up for childbirth (and oher classes) once I got pulled off work...

    Well, that didn't happen. My last day of work I had lots of painful contractions which only stopped after lots of sleep, and I've been exhausted, and I can't get my knee to bend far enough to pu on support hose anymore :0... so anyway, 3 tired and excused filled weeks later, I still haven't done it!

    These are our first kids, and I have no idea what I missed, or what to expect from a vaginal birth- pains, breathing, what is normal, what isn't.... does anyone have recommendations- a book or something- or can fill me in on what I missed? Is it awful that I didn't take the class?

    Also, anyone have any ideas where to look to sign up for an infant CPR class? I don't even know regular CPR- but this is very important to me...
  16. boingerhead

    boingerhead Active Member

    QUOTE(Ali M @ Oct 7 2008, 02:47 PM) [snapback]1016107[/snapback]
    One thing I do not recommend is getting your childbirth education on TV.

    Oh but you know what show I am loving? House of Babies! It records at 5 am every morning for me. It centers around one birthing center in Miami and the midwives who run it. I love her. I want to move to Miami and take her midwifery program.
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