Did Anyone Potty Train Them At Different Times?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Stacy A., Apr 7, 2007.

  1. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    They aren't quite ready to train yet, but they have been showing a few readiness signs which have gotten me thinking about it. I want to try to potty train them in just a few days (I know a lot of people do this), but do I have to wait for them to be ready at the same time? Has anyone else done this? I'm just not sure how to adjust what I have read to twins.
  2. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    At that age, mine would have never come through with it... maybe yours can.

    I have no advice, because mine still aren't trained, and not because I haven't tried.
  3. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    Yep! Michael trained at 21 months and Matthew at 30 months. Michael is a "pleaser", follows directions well, and wants to be like mommy.

    Matthew is stubborn and independent, very self motivated but not a good listener. I knew I had to wait until Matthew told me he wanted no more diapers where as I knew Michael would listen to me if I told him it was time for no more diapers.

    Also I could tell Michael had control of his bladder at 21 months, he was dry for long periods of time and when he went he would soak through things. Matthew was consistently wet all day long. Go with your instincts...you'll know when they are ready and if it is different times then I say train them at different times.

    Oh...and I did do the 3 day method thing. I have directions that someone on twinstuff sent me and I used most of what the instructions said. It took Michael one week to be fully day trained. Matthew was pee trained in a week but it took him a month to consistently poop in the potty. However, he is night trained but Michael is not.
  4. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    Yes. I currently have one trained and one still "working" on it. Ben trained at 34months.
    While they both expressed interest in sitting on the potty at 2yrs old, it took over 9mons
    for Ben to "get" it and Luke is still not even there...a year later! I have to say...hats off
    to those who trained BOYS at age 2yrs. From the circle of friends that I have, that's certainly
    the minority. 90% of the little boys that I know trained closer to 3yrs (not to burst your bubble).
    Not to say your son will not, but it just seems to work that way...for whatever reason. I thought
    my boys would be different...but they weren't. Girls seem to get "with the program" sooner.

    I really liked training one at a time. I don't think I could have handled both....(but I'm sure I would
    have). If both express a strong interest...you gotta go with it. It just didn't work that way with my boys.
  5. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    we're training Ethan now, but not really focusing on Anthony's training. Anthony does potty well because of the 'monkey see, monkey do' phenomenon, but he never asks to go on his own and just isn't quite ready yet. I have no problem training them seperately, the thought of doing them both together sort of overwhelms me anyway :p
  6. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your insight, guys. Like I said, I don't think they are ready yet and I have no plans to start training anytime soon. However, I want to be prepared when the time comes so I thought I'd ask the question as it came to me.

    Thanks, again!
  7. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I just answered the other similar thread, K&K trained separately. Kayla was ready before Kyle so she trained, when Kyle was ready he trained. There was 4 months between those times. Just follow their cues, they will let you know when they are ready!
  8. twinmamma

    twinmamma Well-Known Member

    I finally had them trained at 4, although one still wont poop n the potty.......he had alot of tummy
    problems in the early years, and is afraid.....so I dont push him....when he is ready he will let us
    know! I learned early on not to push, it backfired, so it has been easier to let them go at their
    own pace!
  9. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    The first day I put them both in underwear and went from there. By day two I realized that Aiden was not even trying so I put him back in diapers and concentrated on Audrey who was doing GREAT! She had no accidents after day 2 until a diarreah ( sp) problem 2 wks later. Since then it has been so easy for her. Aiden finally decided he wanted underwear a few months later. He has also been fairly easy to train. So I say start doing both and see how it goes. Good Luck.......just imagine all the money you are going to save training them this early. :)
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