Did Anyone NOT Swaddle?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cat mommy, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    I see so many posts here about swaddling and I'm wondering if anyone else didn't swaddle?

    The NICU told us not to swaddle their arms, so we didn't. We tried swaddling their legs for a couple of weeks, but they slept just as well in sleepsacks as with the swaddle, so we stopped doing even that very quickly. They did have some arm twitches, but those were gone by about 40-42 weeks gestation. And they both sleep comfortably on their backs in their sleepsacks (at night) and just in their clothes (for naps). The only issue we have had was DS rolling on his side scrunched up in pain when he had reflux. But, now that has resolved and he too is comfy on his back.
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We swaddled the boys for SIX months for naps! :laughing: At four months, we let them loose for bedtime! :rotflmbo:

    But I don't think swaddling works for everyone! It seems like yours do fine without it. For others, it sometimes mimics the womb of being nice and tight-so it helps them sleep, and helps soothes as well.

    Annabella-she wasn't swaddled. I think maybe once or twice we swaddled her. She was a pest. LOL! She ended up sleeping on her stomach from very early on-and slept so well-that we didn't swaddle her(since she was on her stomach).
  3. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :wavey: Me! I never swaddled any of my kids. :pardon: Never even really thought of it or knew that so many people did swaddle until I became active on here.
  4. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    We tried swaddling once or twice but Sam hated it and Alex didn't care. They both were happy with sleep sacks.
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I didnt swaddle my older DD. She came home from the hospital and then went back for jaundice and couldnt be swaddled under the lights. So, we never continued when she came home. I did with the boys, but only because they were so little and used to it from the NICU. But once they were about 4 months old and squirmy, we stopped.
  6. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I never did. They could break free the day they were born, literally so I never even tried again. We used sleep sacks and that was it.
  7. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    If your kids are sleeping fine, then don't worry about it!
  8. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    Ditto! Swaddling is definitely not necessary. It either works for your kids or it doesn't! I would only recommend starting it if your babies are having difficulty falling/staying asleep.
  9. Miss Conception

    Miss Conception Well-Known Member

    We tried to swaddle, but our twins wouldn't have it. They struggled so much to get out of the swaddle that they would completely break out in a sweat and wake themselves up. So, no...no swaddling here.
  10. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My twins were only happy when they were swaddled!! BUT... my youngest was only swaddled a few times. He was fine with not being wrapped up tight. Every baby is different.
  11. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Who said I was worried? I was just curious about what other parents are doing.

    I find it very interesting how practices vary--in my culture, swaddling really isn't done--in fact, I've never ever seen any baby in my family swaddled, so the whole concept is really foreign to me. My brothers and I were all placed on our stomachs with blankets covering us! :gah:

    Since 4 weeks adjusted, DD has slept 11 hours with ZERO wakings and DS only wakes once :woo: , so I think I may have the best sleepers here--now where's that "fingers crossed" smiley because THAT is not something I'm willing to risk messing with!
  12. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I never swaddled my ds because he didn't need it and slept just fine without being swaddled. :good: Do what works for you guys!
  13. amymarie3

    amymarie3 Well-Known Member

    Nope no swaddling here. We did it for the first two weeks then quit. They sleep just fine in their pajamas and some times sleep sacks or with a blanket over them.
  14. timba09

    timba09 Well-Known Member

    We swaddled for about three weeks, then stopped because the babies became tummy sleepers. They just slept better on their tummies (reflux) so we covered their lower bodies with a light flannel and called it good. I know that flies directly in the face of modern practices, but we had our pedi's blessing, and it worked for us.
  15. shelbaz

    shelbaz Well-Known Member

    We didn't swaddle either. We tried it, the babies seemed more annoyed by it than anything. So, we stopped. Just used warm pj's. My twins were reflux babies too, could never sleep on their backs w/o tons of reflux. I now have two belly sleepers who are great sleepers, with no swaddle. It is funny, so many people at my showers and before they were born told me how invaluable the swaddle was. Maybe for some folks, but not in our house.
  16. cec02c

    cec02c Well-Known Member

    No swaddling here. Mine hated it. I think they had so little room in the room, there was no way ther were going to loose their freedom in the real world!
  17. Caroline Warren

    Caroline Warren New Member

    Hi, We have never swaddled - tried once or twice but my girls love kicking their legs about too much! we love sleeping bags instead as they cant kick the covers off!

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