Did anyone ignore bedrest orders?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by twinmommy2B2008, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. twinmommy2B2008

    twinmommy2B2008 Well-Known Member

    Hello all! I have posted here before, but it had been a while. I will go back to see my OB just before I am 29 weeks. At every appointment I have had, he says that he will put me on bedrest at 32 weeks. But, unless he can show me some medical evidence on why I would have to be on bedrest, why should I follow his instructions. They will be doing a u/s at my next visit to check cervix and babies.

    Here is a little bit about my pregnancy: for the most part, it has been picture perfect. My blood pressure is doing great, I am not retaining fluid at all, and I have only gained 12 pounds. At my 22w u/s, my cervix was excellent length with no signs of funneling or anything. I do not mean to sound like I am bragging. I would just like to understand where my OB is coming from.

    I would like to go on bedrest at some point, to get off of my feet, but I think 32 weeks is way too early! The main problem is that my hubby is between jobs right now and I my place of employer might work with me, but FMLA only covers 12 weeks. I do not have enough time in my sick or paid-time-off bank to take off that amount he is suggesting.

    I was going to talk with him at my next visit, but I just wanted to get everone else's view on this before talking to him!

    Thanks everyone!
  2. sv2001302

    sv2001302 Well-Known Member

    Although i know every job is different whereas the rules are different, but when i turned 24 weeks my doctor put me on disability which allowed me to stay home until i delivered at 37 weeks. Did your doctor say anything about disability at all? If not, i would definitely find out all the information you can and talk to him about it. Good luck.
  3. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    I would want to know if the 32 weeks thing was specifically about your preganancy or if he does that routinely with all multiples. GL!
  4. melstofko

    melstofko Well-Known Member

    I have had a trouble free mono/di pregnancy so far. My OB wants me to take it easy but has no plans on putting me on bedrest unless there is a medical necessity. I would ask him why. Maybe if you promise to put your feet up so many times a day etc. he will allow that instead?
  5. twinmommy2B2008

    twinmommy2B2008 Well-Known Member

  6. twoPR

    twoPR New Member

    Hello all! I am also having twins which are Monochorionic Diamniotic. This mean is one placenta and two different sacks (identical twins). My OB told me when I am week 24 I can't go to work no more. Finelly he told me the reason today. He want me to take bedrest to void having any chance of having premature babies. So if your OB is telling you take rest then I would take rest. But I believe you can call EI and get sick leave pay. B/C that's what they told me i'll be getting sick leave pay till the due date. I hope this helped.
    But I have another question I sit on my desk most of the day so what difference it make to stay at home? I am not sure.

    Thanks everyone!

  7. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    My dr did not do bedrest for twins except as medically indicated. It doesn't sound like you have any medical indications so far. He told me I could not work if it meant standing on my feet for long periods, but otherwise no restrictions. I went 37 +1, and they had to schedule as c/s, because I'm short and ran out of room, but I was in no danger of labor. (As it happened, my job did involve standing, so I had to quit, but I don't know what your job is.) If you have a normal, healthy pregnancy and a desk job, and you are monitored appropriately, bedrest at 32 weeks is not a given.
  8. twinmommy2B2008

    twinmommy2B2008 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(TwinPR @ Aug 5 2008, 12:43 PM) [snapback]914707[/snapback]
    Hello all! I am also having twins which are Monochorionic Diamniotic. This mean is one placenta and two different sacks (identical twins). My OB told me when I am week 24 I can't go to work no more. Finelly he told me the reason today. He want me to take bedrest to void having any chance of having premature babies. So if your OB is telling you take rest then I would take rest. But I believe you can call EI and get sick leave pay. B/C that's what they told me i'll be getting sick leave pay till the due date. I hope this helped.
    But I have another question I sit on my desk most of the day so what difference it make to stay at home? I am not sure.

    Thanks everyone!


    EI? Can you share what that means? Thanks!
  9. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twinmommy2B2008 @ Aug 5 2008, 01:45 PM) [snapback]914314[/snapback]
    The OB made it sound like that is what he does with all of his multiple pregnancies. My job is so silly with how they think of leave and all the different kinds. It is very discouraging! He didn't say that it would necessarily be bedrest, but he would want me off work. I wonder how that disability thing would work. I'll have to check into it. I thought that it would be nothing to work after 32w, but, based on how I feel now, it might be nice to have some time off!

    I wouldn't want to be put on bedrest unless there was medical necessity (which for me, there was much necessity). But I was put on disability at 24 weeks, delivered at 31. That 7 week period prior to delivery that I was off work (but on disability) did count towards my FMLA, so don't assume you'd get that disability time plus 12 weeks. I think it varies state to state.
  10. Sisrea

    Sisrea Well-Known Member

    I would also check with your employeer too, From what my old job had, bed rest was different then actual birth.. They classified it as a different kind of disability and so they would cover both.. but it may be different with each job..
  11. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    My Ob told me that at 32 weeks he just asks multiple Moms to take it easy. Not bedrest, but just nothing strenuous. Maybe that is really what he meant? I don't see a reason for you to be on bedrest just because you are carrying twins...
  12. kdoleva

    kdoleva Well-Known Member

    Our Ob has a mandatory policy of bedrest for multiples at 28 weeks. They say that on their research bedrest Moms of Mults go longer than non-bedrest moms. I went on bedrest even though I was having a very normal pregnancy with no complications. All of a sudden at 32 weeks, I was in and out of the hospital. Turns out I had HELLP syndrome and also had some PTL. I had other Moms of twns say there is no need for bedrest but I figured whatever was best for the babies I would do, and I trusted my OB.
  13. twinmommy2B2008

    twinmommy2B2008 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(trouble squared @ Aug 7 2008, 10:16 AM) [snapback]918533[/snapback]
    Our Ob has a mandatory policy of bedrest for multiples at 28 weeks. They say that on their research bedrest Moms of Mults go longer than non-bedrest moms. I went on bedrest even though I was having a very normal pregnancy with no complications. All of a sudden at 32 weeks, I was in and out of the hospital. Turns out I had HELLP syndrome and also had some PTL. I had other Moms of twns say there is no need for bedrest but I figured whatever was best for the babies I would do, and I trusted my OB.

    Thank you for your reply. What is HELLP syndrome?

    I agree with your last statement and trust me, if he can give me a reason, I will follow his orders. It's just that, right now, being off work at 32 weeks would not allow me to have much FMLA time after the babies are born. Also, my hubby is trying his hardest to find a job and I am the only person bringing in an income right now. I have about 12 weeks (maybe a little over) to get paid after I have the babies becasue I have worked at the same employer for over 5 years.

    We have been going through such a hard time lately with hubby trying to find a job. He had an interview last week and this one sounds very promising! They called and asked for references and after that they called and asked him to fill out an official application. Keep your fingers crossed for us-we need it!
  14. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    My DR. would have taken me out of work at 26 weeks. I was never put on bedrest because i am a stay at home mom. I drove up until 38 weeks. There was no medical need to put me on bedrest. I never had any problems. My Cervix was always long and closed, Blood pressure normal, not too many contractions, the only thing going against me was the gestational Diabetes.

    Unless there is a medical need for it, i dont think there are reasons for bedrest.
  15. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    I would find out his rationale and go from there. If it's more of a 'just because' I'd personally be less inclined to agree to it. If he's got some valid points and research to back it up, that's a different story.

    My OB didn't have a mandatory bedrest policy.

    However, regardless, if you decide not to follow bedrest even if they suggest it, it would be best that you let your provider know. Speaking as a health care professional, I'd rather know the details and be able to treat appropriately than not know and be caught unaware!

    Good luck to your husband and his job prospect!
  16. LaRae81

    LaRae81 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twinmommy2B2008 @ Aug 1 2008, 02:20 PM) [snapback]908266[/snapback]
    Hello all! I have posted here before, but it had been a while. I will go back to see my OB just before I am 29 weeks. At every appointment I have had, he says that he will put me on bedrest at 32 weeks. But, unless he can show me some medical evidence on why I would have to be on bedrest, why should I follow his instructions. They will be doing a u/s at my next visit to check cervix and babies.

    Here is a little bit about my pregnancy: for the most part, it has been picture perfect. My blood pressure is doing great, I am not retaining fluid at all, and I have only gained 12 pounds. At my 22w u/s, my cervix was excellent length with no signs of funneling or anything. I do not mean to sound like I am bragging. I would just like to understand where my OB is coming from.

    I would like to go on bedrest at some point, to get off of my feet, but I think 32 weeks is way too early! The main problem is that my hubby is between jobs right now and I my place of employer might work with me, but FMLA only covers 12 weeks. I do not have enough time in my sick or paid-time-off bank to take off that amount he is suggesting.

    I was going to talk with him at my next visit, but I just wanted to get everone else's view on this before talking to him!

    Thanks everyone!

    I never went on Bedrest. I delivered at nearly 39 weeks. i did leave work around 30 weeks though. But still did what I could. I was never told to go on Bedrest.
  17. Dominique

    Dominique Well-Known Member

    Feel free to ignore me if I'm totally off base, but it sounds like there are several issues at hand here and bed rest is ONLY one of them.
    1. Financial Need
    2. Communication between doctor and patient
    3. Benefits of Bed Rest

    While I totally understand both 1 and 3, it sounds like 2 is the real issue you need to confront. If my OB told me to stand on my head in the corner and drink nothing but milk for a full week, I'd do it. He, in fact, gave me that example last appointment because he knows how determined I am and how much I trust him. But when another doctor from his office is the one on call, I always second guess them, even if it is something as simple as "drink more water". It is the relationship and trust that I have with my OB that made it no big deal for me when he put me on bedrest at 18 weeks with my last pregnancy and then told me it was hospital time on Christmas Eve. I didn't squawk. I did question why, and he told me. And I totally trusted his answer. If your OB can't be trusted or if you feel he's not being straight with you, or that he is treating general ideas and not your specific needs, then it's time to consult with a different one. You need to be able to trust what the doctor says. And you need to know that what he says is because it's best for YOU, not because it's the easiest or least likely to get him sued. There are FAR too many complications and medical issues that CAN be made WORSE by stress and worry. Plus, your babies and family deserve a woman and mother who is full of happy hormones, not eaten up by worry.

    Just my two cents.... ignore if I'm totally off base.

    16 weeks pregnant with twin boys
    Mother of Claire Abbegail, forever 17 days old.
  18. msamoyedny

    msamoyedny Well-Known Member

    I switched doctors at 20 weeks in my pregnancy, but both doctors had the policy of putting twin moms on bedrest at 28 weeks. I was told that the reduced stress is best for avoiding PTL. I also had no complications at all so even though I stopped work at 28 weeks, I was still over doing it getting ready for the boys at home. I was probably more active than had I been working. I felt great at 28 weeks, so I figured it was okay. Well, that all changed this week and now my boys have a large size difference (I have mono/di twins) and I have started getting a few contractions this week. My monitoring by my doctor has increased to twice a week now and there is no way I could imagine working now.

    Now for the financial aspect. My DH is a SAHD so we totally depend on my salary. My company only allows 12 weeks under FMLA for birth also, but bedrest and giving birth does qualify for short term disability (assuming you have that benefit at your company). As long as I am still under the care of my doctor (which would be until 8 weeks after their birth with a c-section and 6 weeks if you have a vaginal birth), I can collect disability. The way my disability works is that I have to use all my sick time from my company first (9weeks) and then I'll receive disability from MetLife. My disability is only 60% of my salary, but you are never taxed on disability, so I'll really only be getting a few hundred less a month. 8 weeks after their birth I plan to use my 3 weeks and 3 days of vacation time. So, even though my company legally only has to keep my job for me for 12 weeks of FMLA time, I can take more time and be paid with disability and vacation time. I just had to discuss with my manager the fact that they would keep my job for me. Since you have been with your company for so long, I'd assume that they would work with you and if you do have a disability plan, then you'd be okay financially also. Definitely look into that. Oh, by the way, at my old company you weren't even allowed to use any sick time for giving birth. Your disability started right away and it was paid at 100% for x amount of weeks and then 60% for x amount of weeks. So, every company's policy is different.

    Bottom line is that I would get in touch with your HR department and talk with you manager immediately. Get the facts and then go on "bedrest" at 32 weeks. You will totally want to at that point anyway.
  19. Things1an2

    Things1an2 Member

    I went oo bedrest at 20 weeks, due to cervical funneling. however, if ALL were well, and my OB suggested i go on bedrest at any point during my pregnancy, then i would. for us, having healthy, viable babies is most important to us. even more important then any job.

    i would talk to my employer about the possibility of disability if i were you. good luck!
  20. ErickaK

    ErickaK Well-Known Member

    With my son I HAD to be on bedrest due to funneling and dialating. I was on it for 16 weeks, fortunate that I was a SAH anyway. With my twins I had a cerclage placed at 13 weeks and in recovery the doctor said I would possibly be on bedrest later on in the pregnancy. I was watched closely and never had any funneling or dialation happen so when I when my water broke at 35w 5d, I had never been on bedrest at all, which was good since I had a baby that was just 13 months old that needed me for everything.

    Just wait and see what happens as you get closer, if things are going great still, just take it easy whenever you are not at work.
  21. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    My Dr. never mentioned bedrest once. I was a stay at home mom, but I think running after 4 other kids was pretty crazy. I had quite a few contractions starting at 24 weeks, but my cervix never changed. So, I just took it easy when I could. I made it to my scheduled c-section (due to positions of babies) at 37w3d or 38w according to my u/s. No labor in sight. So, if it isn't medically necessary, I think you should be able to continue doing what you are doing...cause it's working.
  22. twinmommy2B2008

    twinmommy2B2008 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(marisa55 @ Aug 16 2008, 06:46 PM) [snapback]933523[/snapback]
    I switched doctors at 20 weeks in my pregnancy, but both doctors had the policy of putting twin moms on bedrest at 28 weeks. I was told that the reduced stress is best for avoiding PTL. I also had no complications at all so even though I stopped work at 28 weeks, I was still over doing it getting ready for the boys at home. I was probably more active than had I been working. I felt great at 28 weeks, so I figured it was okay. Well, that all changed this week and now my boys have a large size difference (I have mono/di twins) and I have started getting a few contractions this week. My monitoring by my doctor has increased to twice a week now and there is no way I could imagine working now.

    Now for the financial aspect. My DH is a SAHD so we totally depend on my salary. My company only allows 12 weeks under FMLA for birth also, but bedrest and giving birth does qualify for short term disability (assuming you have that benefit at your company). As long as I am still under the care of my doctor (which would be until 8 weeks after their birth with a c-section and 6 weeks if you have a vaginal birth), I can collect disability. The way my disability works is that I have to use all my sick time from my company first (9weeks) and then I'll receive disability from MetLife. My disability is only 60% of my salary, but you are never taxed on disability, so I'll really only be getting a few hundred less a month. 8 weeks after their birth I plan to use my 3 weeks and 3 days of vacation time. So, even though my company legally only has to keep my job for me for 12 weeks of FMLA time, I can take more time and be paid with disability and vacation time. I just had to discuss with my manager the fact that they would keep my job for me. Since you have been with your company for so long, I'd assume that they would work with you and if you do have a disability plan, then you'd be okay financially also. Definitely look into that. Oh, by the way, at my old company you weren't even allowed to use any sick time for giving birth. Your disability started right away and it was paid at 100% for x amount of weeks and then 60% for x amount of weeks. So, every company's policy is different.

    Bottom line is that I would get in touch with your HR department and talk with you manager immediately. Get the facts and then go on "bedrest" at 32 weeks. You will totally want to at that point anyway.

    Thank you so much for your reply. I will be sure to check with my employer about disability. I talked to the benefits guy and he never mentioned it so I wonder if it is even a possibility! I am pretty sure that my employer would "hold" my job, but I haven't had the courage to even ask yet. I asked my boss if I could do a work at home day on Mondays because that would work well and I was told no. :angry:

    My husband just found out today that he got the job that we were hoping for!!! A huge weight has been lifted and I hope that their benefits are good. He goes to a benefits meeting on Thursday, so I cannot wait to read about their health and converage plans!

    I am a little over 29 weeks and still feel pretty good. My feet swell, but other than that, I am doing very well! I saw my OB last Thursday and he didn't even mention taking me off work. I will just listen to what my body is telling me and hope for the best!

    Thank you again, your advice has been really helpful! :D
  23. luvmama08

    luvmama08 Well-Known Member

    Aww I feel your pain! I was ordered to be put on bed rest at 24 weeks, due to a funneling a shortening of my cervix. I am a single, (though I am with the dad, just not married) self employeed, in debt woman. I am a hairdresser who stands on her feet 8+hours a day. I ignored the advice and worked until I was 34 weeks along. Then I started having contractions at exactly 34, when (my doc had said before that they wouldnt stop my labor), I went to the hospital, had all the monitors 3 in all, for one excrutiating nite. No sleep, damn montiors going off, heart burn, etc. NO BABIES! Sent home next day even though I was 1.5 cm. and one of the umblicle cords was down there. Was told to be on bed rest, actually did it for 2 freaking weeks, though xmas. Had amino schedualed for lung dev. at 36 weeks and doc said the cord wasn't in danger of prolapsing, so no amino, and NO BABIES! at 36and 4 days back to the hospital in intense pain, cyst and babies on a nerve! was given5 shots of morphine and 3 percasets, finally killed the pain. NO MOre contractions and NO Babies! FINALLY at 39 weeks I got the go ahead to be induced!YEA babies! My boys are healthy and beautiful at 6.1 and 7.3! Good luck with your decision. hope this helped! :D By the way selfemployeed women don't qualify for any state assistace in Ca. so I did what I had to do.
  24. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twinmommy2B2008 @ Aug 7 2008, 09:45 AM) [snapback]918598[/snapback]
    Thank you for your reply. What is HELLP syndrome?

    I don't think anyone has answered your HELLP question. I just learned about it this week due to my high blood pressure. It's a hypertensive discorder that is a sever form of preeclampsia. It stands for Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes and Low Platelets. it is characterized by elevated liver enzymes and lower platelet counts (the blood clotting factors in your body) and may present with persistent rigt upper abdominal pain.

    ANGELA SHAW Well-Known Member

    i would ask him why he feels that way,
    i was on bedrest, at 30 weeks i said i feel fine i wanted to do some things like wash my own laundry. clean my house nothign big just simple stuff, well i did and ended up in the hospital for untill i was induced @ 36weeks .
    if your doc says to do it ask why , they have to tell you.
    but weather you like his answer or not you still need to think what is best for you & your babies
  26. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(twinmommy2B2008 @ Aug 5 2008, 11:47 AM) [snapback]914842[/snapback]
    EI? Can you share what that means? Thanks!

    EI stands for employment insurance. in Canada it's the governmental department that takes care of paying out employment insurance benefits (if you're laid off or out of work), sickness benefits (if you're ordered off work for a non-work related illness or injury), and maternity/parental benefits (for, well, after giving birth :D). they also do a bunch of other things but those are the main ones.
  27. twinmommy2B2008

    twinmommy2B2008 Well-Known Member

    It is so funny (not ha ha, but still funny) I was put on bedrest at 29 weeks due to contractions and dilation. I spent the whole Labor Day weekend in the hospital again. I got the whole nine- mag sulfate and everything- it was HELL, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

    They sent me back home on strict bedrest and on Terbutaline. So far I have been okay and only have sporadic contractions.

    I'm just trying to follow the bed rest orders as much as I can. My only trips out are my weekly visits with the doctor!

    Thanks everyone for your input!

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