Did Anyone have Low Platelets?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jpgeyer, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. jpgeyer

    jpgeyer Well-Known Member

    I'm 34w 2 days and am in the hospital on bedrest (have been here for 7 weeks due to a shortened cervix and footling breech babies). When my doctor saw my platelet count today he said they were dropping (slowly). Last time they were about 140 and now they are 109. I'm freaking out because one of my nurses told me that if they are too low they'll have to PUT ME UNDER for my c-section! YIKES! That sounds *awful*!!! Did anyone have this experience with the birth of their twins or have low platelets?

  2. sweetypies

    sweetypies Well-Known Member


    Mine were around 87 right before the c-section. They scared me a little because the anesthesiologist said that they might have to put me to sleep if the count goes down, but they didn't preferred to do that for some reason that I don't remember. Also they said I might bleed in my spine if they do the epidural. So, after redoing my blood test a couple of times they've decided to do the epidural since the platelet count wasn't going down. Everything went great and I recovered very well.
    I hope everything goes well for you too. GL!
  3. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I developed HELLP Syndrome at the end of my twin pregnancy. (I discovered this at just over 37 weeks). My platelet count was very low and my elecrolytes in my liver were high. I had gone into L&D with stomach pains and was going to be sent home, I had no BP issues, the babies were moving fine and the doctor thought that all was well. The nurse asked what the blood test said (the doctor hadn't ordered one) and sure enough it came back with those indications. I had to have two platelet transfusions. My platelet count was 40,000 when I went in and had to be 90,000 for them to do the c/s. (So 40 and 90 in comparison to the counts that you got). Normal is about 150, I think. They did one, and then tested me to see how high my counts had come up and then did another before my emergency c/s. I had to go under for the c/s and they kept me in the birthing unit overnight to monitor my blood. They drew blood every couple of hours to ensure that my platelets were going up.

    I'm sure the doctors are watching to ensure that your counts don't drop more.
  4. raysNkids

    raysNkids Active Member

    I had low platelet count, Protein S Deficiency, Factor V Leiden and had to take daily Lovenox injections to reduce the risk of clotting. To make a long story short, I couldn't have an epidural because my blood was too thin at time of delivery. Believe me, 23 hours of labor with no epidural was not fun!! I had the first baby vaginally and the second baby via emergency C-section (because of cord prolapse). And yes, I had to be put under for the C-section. Being "asleep, knocked out, whatever" is not as bad as it sounds and if you do have to be put under, you and the baby will be fine so try not to stress about it so much. I know, easier said than done, right? :)
  5. ajg18

    ajg18 Well-Known Member

    Yup. I too had low platelets. They went from 140K at the beginning of the pregnancy to a low of 70Kish, which is when they just decided to give me the c-section before they went too low. I was at 36 weeks, 5 days. I had a spinal and spoke with 2 anesthesiologists who were very comfortable with doing it to a low of 65K. A hematologist looked at the counts and said that the clotting elements of my existing platelets was great and that often in pregnancy when platelets drop, the existing platelets are almost enhanced (like super platelets) to account for the decline. I was freaking out that I was going to bleed out during the surgery, but was reassured by everyone that it was fairly common and I would be fine. I was totally fine and had very little bleeding. Good luck to you.
  6. ohjojo

    ohjojo Well-Known Member

    i also developed HELPP syndrome at the end of my pregnancy they decided to deliver the twins at 35 weeks because my platelets had stabilized but then started dropping again quickly. they were going to let me have a spinal, but after 4 (yes, i said 4) attempts to get it in and working i still had all my sensation so they decided to knock me out. i was a little frightened but once they hit you with the gas or whatever they do to you, you just go to sleep. i did feel pretty rough when i came out of it but i think a lot of it had to do with my sky high blood pressure and the mag sulfate...

    i wouldn't be too worried about it if i were you, it will be fine, it sounds like your doc is taking great care of you.
  7. danabd

    danabd Well-Known Member

    yes...I had protein in urine and high bp moving towards preeclampsia at 35 weeks and 5 days gestation. Sent to hospital for monitoring. At 5pm that day doc and high risk specialist came in and told me the same thing(my level was 108)and the risk of myself and the babies getting very sick if it went much lower and that vaginal birth would probably lower it(i was hoping to do vb b/c both were hear down). They did csection at 11pm that night to keep all of us healthy. I would just ask to schedule it soon to be on the safe side. Good Luck
  8. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    Yes. I did. I had been diagnosed with pre-eclampsia about a week before they told me mine were too low. Mine dropped rather quickly, though.

    I never developed HELP syndrome but make sure they monitor your urine, often. And test your platelets, often. Push push push.... they might want to take the babies if it gets too low because they should be OK outside you now, with NICU stay, but too low platets can have blood clotting problems and then C-sections can be dicey if you need one.

    It can happen sometimes unrelated to pre-eclampsia too, but it can still be a big deal. They told me c-sections not possible if platets get really, really low (like 50) that is why 90 was the cut-off for Kaiser.

    My perinatologist said if mine were consistantly under 90 they would have to take the babies out. Didn't come to that- baby B decided to wrap his cord around his neck, twice, tight.
  9. jpgeyer

    jpgeyer Well-Known Member

    Thank you for all of your helpful words of wisdom! So glad to know I'm not alone. Apparently my platelets were about 108 today so no drop and my dr said they have been fluctuating from about 108-140 since I've been in the hospital so he's not worried.

    Again, thanks for making me feel better...it worked!
  10. kristinpa

    kristinpa Well-Known Member

    My platelets dropped prior to delivering at 34 weeks. however, they hovered around 105 so I was still able to have an epidural for my vaginal delivery!

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