Diarrhea Help

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JessicaD, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. JessicaD

    JessicaD Well-Known Member

    Let me try and give a brief rundown of the last few days...sorry it's lengthy...

    -Very cranky mall goers, did NOT want to stay in stroller...lots of crying and back arching til finally fell asleep. Also pushed away most food and drink that usually satisfy (sippies, crackers, and treat of cheese quesadilla). Had some pizza crust, but have had before. Gave them thier evening bottle propped on pillow on my bed to watch a treat Teletubbies before bed. Donovan finished and rolled over to reveal a diarrhea blow out (light yellow) UP his back, all over my DH's pillow, sheets and bedspread (first time I've ever GAGGED at poop!). About an hour later, Tiana has a diarrhea blowout.
    -Kids were happy aside from the mall, as long as they were able to walk around and play.

    -Tiana had diarrhea (light yellow) in her diaper when I woke her up...neither had much of an appetite so I did bottles on the run (they drank while driving to sitter). For the bottle I poured in a little milk that was in refridgerated sippies from last night's dinner along with milk from the container.
    -Got to sitter's and took in gate and diaper bag...came back out to find Tiana had puked all over herself in her carseat. Looked and smelled like curdled milk. Cleaned her off and got her inside. Smelled what was left in Tiana's bottle and it smelled kinda sour (wondering if sippie milk from night before was bad?)
    -Sitter had 3 diarrhea blowouts (light yellow to white according to sitter) for EACH kid throughout the day, and not much appetite out of either, except for Pedialyte, bananas and string cheese (in the hopes of clogging them up). Gave them a 1/4 dosage of children's immodium...and no more dairy all day.
    -Kids in good spirits all day, no fever.

    -No dairy, just Pedialyte or water, and regular food.
    -No diarrhea (or any poop) all day, and in good spirits....except were a bit clingy at home in playroom.
    -Evening milk bottle because I assumed they were okay.

    -When I woke Tiana up she was SOAKED in green STINKY, watery diarrhea (gagged me again).
    -Gave Donnie his morning sippie with some milk, because he seemed okay...By the time we got to the sitter, he had diarrhea too (light yellow).
    -Gave them the 1/4 dose of children's immodium again, and no more poops all day. Only water, Pedialyte to drink....ate chicken nuggets, string cheese and quesadilla.
    -Tiana has a very swollen gum where it looks like a molar is about to erupt, and she's cranky and clingy.

    The milk smells okay from the gallon, and is good til 6/23, but I'm going to toss. Was from a local grocery store (in a pinch on Friday), instead of Costco, which is what they're used to, but should that make a difference? I know teething can cause diarrhea, but this is the worst diarrhea I've seen in either of them, even worse than the stomach flu in winter. Is it possible to develop lactose intolerance out of the blue, and both at the same time? I'm drawing the conclusion it's not something like tapeworm or something, because they'd not be able to tolerate ANYTHING...but the milk is my common thread.

    Any input? Ever happened to you? I will try reintroducing the Costco milk sparingly (got some tonight) once we're clear for 24 hours on the diarrhea (what pedi said when they had flu)....or should I call advice nurse first? They are happy and bubbly, so that's why I haven't been SUPER worried, but I'm so stumped!
  2. Alli Baby

    Alli Baby Well-Known Member

    I have heard that cutting molars can cause a child to get diarrhea. I don't know if that's just a myth. However, that would explain the on again, off again nature of what you're describing. Sorry you're having to deal with it...no fun.
  3. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    Just yesterday at Gymboree a twin mom of 13 month old boys was dealing with diarhhea that she suspected - and her doctor confirmed - was due to teething.
  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    In my experience, any time they have diarrhea I use only lactose free milk and no other dairy for several days after the last bought. I had a daycare child that needed lactose free for weeks after an upset stomach!
  5. twins0507

    twins0507 Active Member

    This has actually happened to me a few times. The Pedi told me to take both of my boys off of all dairy products for 48-72 hours and give them pretty bland foods during that time then slowly start them back on dairy. It has worked every time. One time I know we had the flu as my DH & I both had it too. Another it was just the diaherreah, they both seemed fine outside of that. I'd try it though-Dairy can be very hard on their tummies if they have a bug.
  6. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    when my kids get diahrea i give them rice cereal to help bing them up also lots of clear fluids and stop dairy until they are feeling better. it could be from teething. they say that they get excess saliva and could cause diahrea. i would call the ped and ask them.
  7. guestd

    guestd Well-Known Member

    Mine would have looser BMs when they were teething, but nothing like you are describing. It is probably a virus. And it can go away and come back the next day. Especially when adding dairy too soon.
  8. cwinslow7

    cwinslow7 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like rotavirus to me.

    Hate to be a downer but unless the dr told you to give them Immodium you shouldn't. It is made for kids 6 and over. Diarrhea is how babies' systems flush stuff out, you are probably better off letting it take its course and making sure they stay hydrated.
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